"Bang! Bang!"

If you don't cut off the important acupuncture points of the whole body, the limbs are inserted into Kunai.

This is Kakashi learning from teacher Leng Tian's trick, a few acupuncture points that can make people lose their ability to resist.

Although Leng Tian didn't teach Kakashi's first class long enough, and Kakashi didn't get Leng Tian's inheritance like Minghu Saori and others, but even if it was only a little bit, it was enough for Kakashi and others to benefit a lot.

What's more, Kakashi's talent is not bad. When Bai Fang was still alive, he often visited in cold weather.

After Kakashi got Sharingan, he got the guidance of Shinnosuke, so Kakashi learned no less than Saori and others.

After Zai Bu Zhan was hit, he was immediately injured and pinned to a tree.

At this moment, a few silver needles suddenly appeared in the air, instantly piercing the neck that was no longer cut.



Kakashi was startled, when this person appeared, it was so silent, so silent, that he didn't notice at all.

But when he noticed the mask on the opponent's head, he was relieved, and Wu Ninja chased and killed the troops.

Unlike other Jinin villages, Konoha only releases some reward missions, and will not set up a special hunting team for rebellious ninja, but Mistnin is different.

Since the Three Wars, many famous ninjas among the Mist Ninja have rebelled one after another.

Because Mist Ninja is almost isolated from the outside world, other countries are not very clear about their country's affairs.

But several times of cleanups have shaken the ninja world, especially Shigumai Bloodline and Xuedun, the two most important clans in the land of water have been pulled out by the fourth generation of Mizukage, and there is also the rebellion of the Kirin Seven Swords , causing the kingdom of water to fall into endless internal friction.

At the same time, in view of this, Mist Ninja set up a special hunting team, which has zero tolerance for Mist Ninja's rebellion.

Will definitely keep hunting down the traitors.

So Kakashi already understood the identity of the other party in his heart.

But Naruto had an angry look on his face.

Seeing that Kakashi, who was finally defeated by the three of them just now, was defeated by a kid who was about the same age as him in front of him, this kind of mentality, this kind of mentality is simply unbearable.

"Hey, you, who do you seem to be?"

Naruto pointed at the person standing on the tree and shouted loudly.

His expression was full of dissatisfaction and disbelief, especially when he saw that he would fall to the ground like that if he didn't cut him off.

He and Sasuke have hidden so much strength, but they can only deal with a clone technique that is not cut, but the person in front of them is a powerful enemy that even Kakashi-sensei has to do his best to win, but he is wiped out by the opponent with just one move up.

So what is he?

What does he and Sasuke think that they should have reached the so-called Chunin strength?

Kakashi could finally know what Naruto was thinking from the ferocious look on his face.

He patted Naruto on the shoulder and said softly: "Naruto don't cause trouble, he is not an enemy, he is a member of the killing team who hunted down Wu Nin and Ren Nin..."

"I know, of course I know, but what I don't understand is..."

Naruto didn't go on.

"I know, you find it unacceptable, but this is the ninja world, there are many people who are as old as you, but far superior to me in strength!"

When Kakashi said this, he thought of Sasuke's father, the legendary figure in the ninja world.

When he was a ninja just like himself, he already had the ability to make Konoha emit S-level danger.

Later, it changed the danger three times, reaching Konoha's most dangerous rebellion.

Even Kakashi suspected that even his teacher Leng Tian was not as strong as Naoki when he was the same age as Natoki.

Sasuke noticed the way Kakashi looked at him, and his heart was filled.

"Did Kakashi-sensei mean the older brother?"

Sasuke knew what a genius his brother was, and he opened Sharingan as soon as he was born. This is almost something that never happened to the Uchiha clan.

So Uchiha Itachi has always been his and Naruto's idol.

At this time, the member of the Wunin hunting team who was pointed at by Naruto said in a flat tone: "Since you know my identity, you should understand my reason for coming. Thank you Konoha for your help. I have been Looking for a chance to kill him, now I have to deal with the dead body, after all, he has too many secrets..."

Even if the ninja is dead, he can get a lot of information from his body, which is naturally meaningless for Kakashi.

Just before the Kirito's chasing ninja disappeared, he looked at Naruto and Sasuke with a mysterious smile under his mask.

"Huh, it's finally over..."

Seeing the battle ended smoothly, Dazna and Sakura finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sakura even said with admiration: "Ms. Kakashi is so amazing..."

"Hehe, this is not due to me alone. If it weren't for you this time, I might not be able to win this time."

Kakashi said with a compliment.

"No, it's all thanks to Sasuke and Naruto, I've been standing by Mr. Dazna's side and I haven't done anything..."

Sakura waved her hands again and again.

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