Then Naruto's eyes lit up and he said, "Understood!"

Sasuke nodded with a smile: "Do you need to continue to feel it?"

"Haha, you look down on me too much, I just need to remember this feeling and repeat it in my body a few more times..."

Then, under the surprised eyes of Kakashi and Sakura, Naruto ran to the tree at the speed of flying, and then made various actions.

"Cheat, cheat, right?"

Sakura's entire scalp exploded.

Didn't this Naruto fail all the time just now, even Sasuke failed several times, and only climbed higher and higher from a little bit, but Naruto surpassed Sasuke all at once.

"I must be the reason why I didn't sleep well last night..."

Sakura couldn't believe what she saw.

The same is true for Kakashi, such a huge contrast is simply too outrageous.

At this moment, Sasuke shouted loudly: "Naruto, don't imitate, you have to learn to control yourself accurately, try to control yourself, we don't master this skill to climb trees, you need this skill more than me..."

Hearing Sasuke's words, Naruto's eyes flashed with solemnity, and he nodded, and then Naruto seemed to be unable to climb trees, and almost fell down a few times...

Fortunately, Sasuke was on the side to catch him.

At this time, Kakashi had some guesses in his mind, walked up to Naruto and Sasuke and asked with a serious face: "Should you tell me something..."

Thanks to the wind blowing, my face is full of sand and I once again revealed this month's monthly pass! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing Mr. Kakashi's words, Sasuke and Naruto smiled slightly.

At this moment, Naruto shouted again, and a wave of light blue chakra appeared outside his body.

"This, this is the Chakra mode, how come?"

Kakashi couldn't believe it. He had seen Naruto and Sasuke use it just now. Logically speaking, Naruto's body should not have so many chakras using this mode.

After Naruto couldn't hold on any longer and retracted the Chakra mode, Naruto closed his eyes like this.

At this moment, Kakashi could feel how much chakra was consumed in Naruto's body. If he didn't take a good rest, he might be injured.

But Kakashi knew that since Naruto dared to do this, it must be the reason, as Sasuke didn't stop him at all just now.

Soon, about the time when Sasuke climbed the tree three times just now, Naruto opened his eyes again, shouted again, and the chakra mode was released again.

"How, how?"

Kakashi directly took off the blindfold, revealing another Sharingan, waiting for Naruto with an incredulous expression.

"This is my special ability. As long as the Chakra in the body is exhausted, the recovery speed will be very fast..."

Naruto said with a flat face, as if he didn't know how possible his ability was.

"This recovery speed is Jonin, no, even Kage-level can't achieve it, is it the ability of Kyuubi?"

Kakashi was horrified in his heart. Although he knew that Kyuubi's chakra seemed to be infinite, could Naruto be able to borrow Kyuubi's ability now?

"However, my recovery speed can only be recovered after the Chakra in my body is reduced to a certain level, but there is one thing that I can send my Chakra to Sasuke..."

Naruto said this, with a smile on his face.

"That's right, with Naruto here, I almost don't have to worry about getting dry..."

When Sasuke said this, he showed great confidence.

"Yes, sooner or later we will be the strongest partner!"

Hearing what Naruto and Sasuke said, Kakashi couldn't help being surprised.

Is this the child of Hyuga Lengtian and Senju Nawaki? Sure enough, it is different, this is almost the limit of Blood Successor.

"But Naruto, why did you learn to climb trees so easily just now?"

Sakura was also very surprised, envious of Naruto's ability, but she was still more concerned about Naruto's contrast just now.

Why was Naruto obviously unable to succeed just now, but after Sasuke succeeded, Naruto did it with ease.

Hearing this, Naruto rubbed his nose, and said embarrassedly: "I don't know this very well, anyway, because my chakra recovers too quickly, I can't slowly and gradually explore like you, but as long as I When I touch Sasuke, I can imitate the distribution of chakra in his body, I don't know why I can have this ability..."

Hearing Naruto's words, Kakashi was so shocked that he had only one thought in his mind.

"Has Master Leng Tian's talent been inherited from Naruto?"

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, and suddenly Naruto asked, "Sensei, is my situation similar to that of my father..."

"Yes, it's just!"

Kakashi shut up suddenly when he said this, he almost said the name of Mr. Leng Tian just now.

Seeing Mr. Kakashi regain his expression, Naruto and Sasuke showed disappointment at the same time.

The reason why so much was exposed just now is because Naruto understands the horror of these things, and the only possibility for him to have them is the power of blood.

Chakra recovered. He saw that Mr. Kakashi was surprised, but he didn't react much, which made Naruto very puzzled.

At this time, Sasuke once again signaled Naruto to reveal another secret.

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