Sure enough, after telling the secret of the operation and distribution of Chakra that can imitate the opponent's body, Mr. Kakashi's eyes began to blur.

Seeming to be greatly shocked, Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, and at the same time understood that Naruto can imitate the operation of Chakra in the other's body, which is definitely related to his father.

When Kakashi lost his mind, Naruto asked in a tone of indifference, and he got the answer he wanted, but it was only half of the answer.

"how about you?"

Kakashi asked Sasuke with a serious face, if he could find out this, he didn't believe that even his child was incapable.

"Teacher can find out slowly in the future, now we have to practice..."

Sasuke and Naruto immediately started practicing, leaving Kakashi and Sakura behind.

"It seems that they must inquire about their father's information from me..."

Kakashi suddenly felt more and more surprised by Sasuke and Naruto at the same time that they were getting closer to knowing who their father was.

It's just that the truth of twelve years has not been solved until now, and there is no answer for a day. The later this mystery is revealed, the safer they will be...

In a secret base of the Kingdom of Waves.

Cardo listened carefully to his subordinate's report.

"You mean you won't be able to kill again?"

"Yes, Boss Cardo, I'm sure he not only failed, but was seriously injured..."

Said one of the wanderers.

"Okay, prepare manpower for me immediately, I want to clean up the portal!"

A trace of viciousness flashed in Kado's eyes.

Although he has helped him complete many tasks in the past few years, the rewards are very high, and some are even anti-client. Some financial support even makes Kaduo feel distressed.

He couldn't bear it anymore, but he was also afraid of the strength of not being able to kill again. If he couldn't kill him and didn't kill again, then he would be in danger. He knew the strength of these ninjas.

But at this opportunity, Kaduo finally couldn't help but want to do it.

Seeing Kado giving the order, one of the butler-like characters couldn't help but said, "But boss, what about the Wave Kingdom Bridge? If it is built, it will be a blow to our control of Wave Kingdom?"

Hearing what the butler said, Kado said indifferently: "Let's put it aside, since Dazna is protected by Konoha ninjas, then we will wait for a while, I don't want to have any conflicts with Konoha's ninjas..."

Speaking of this, Kado snorted coldly: "Isn't it just to build a bridge, so what if I let you build it? Destruction and destruction are what Kado is best at. I don't believe that Konoha's ninjas will stay in Nami country!"

At the place where Zai Bu Zhan was cultivating, Kado and a group of warriors rushed in, and found that Za Bu Zhan was lying on the bed, and Kado was relieved.

Then Kado showed his true face and said mockingly: "He said he could wipe his ass for his subordinates, but he ended up in such a miserable state. If I come back, I won't have the face to come back. If I don't kill you, it's like a piece of paper now." Useless dead dog!"

Hearing Kado's words, Zabu Zhan didn't say a word, but just glanced at Bai.

Bai silently pushed aside, and said lightly: "I've almost found out the password, as long as I have his head..."

"Well, I like to hear that..."

Hearing Bai's words, Zabuzhan stood up.

However, he still couldn't raise his hands. Seeing that he couldn't chop again, Kado waved his hands: "Don't let useless waste stay here and waste my money..."


All the samurai that Kado had already arranged drew out their swords.

"Give me nothing but suffering..."

With a murderous look on his face, he rushed over with Kunai in his mouth.


The screams kept ringing out one after another. When Kado saw that all the [-] elite men he had brought were dead, he was finally petrified.

"You said that as long as the head is enough..."

Don't ask again.

"Yes, his vault still needs a retina collection, as long as his head is intact..."

Bai said indifferently.

"Wh, what, you guys dare to play with my treasury..."

Kado backed away in surprise, his face full of shock.


Following the words of not beheading again, Kado's head flew up.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Sasuke and Naruto finished climbing trees, Kakashi began to train them to tread water again.

This time is even more difficult than before. After all, it was only necessary to control Chakra to a certain extent before, but this time it is necessary to continuously release Chakra and maintain a balance...

Sasuke and Sakura failed several times, but Naruto was free to keep moving after he touched Kakashi's body and felt it for a while.

This powerful talent stunned Kakashi, and he didn't know whether Naruto was a talent, or it came from Leng Tian's teacher's blood succession limit.

After all, the teacher's blood succession boundary belongs to Baiyan, and he never knew that the Hyuga clan had such a powerful ability.

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