In any case, Kakashi would not let Zabuzhan fight against Sasuke and Naruto, so he immediately opened Sharingan, facing Shiro with a serious face and said: "Sorry, I'm not going to hit you What a waste of time..."

"Yes, I'm afraid I can't do what you wish..."

The chakra on Shiro's body suddenly erupted, and a chakra that did not belong to Kakashi erupted from him.

Not only that, under the mask, lines suddenly appeared on his face.

It seems that I am not surprised anymore, and said in my heart: "Kakashi, if you underestimate Shiro, you will suffer a big loss. I have personally experienced it. With that model and his blood succession limit, Shiro's strength It's far above you!"

There was pain on Bai's face, but he wasn't over yet. There was a pair of curse seals around his neck. After the first curse seal was activated, Bai activated another curse seal again.


Bai suddenly yelled, and then the whole person was surrounded, and a wave of white chakra appeared from them.

At this moment, Bai's originally fair skin became more transparent, and it seemed that the wrinkles inside could be seen.

"That's the power of Orochimaru's curse seal. Could it be this boy?"

After Kakashi saw Shiro's transformation, especially the familiar curse seal, Kakashi's heart continued to sink, and he even began to be vigilant around him.

"Mr. Kakashi, you don't need to look around, that one didn't come, I'm the only one today, but if you can't defeat me in a short time, your students will be in danger..."

When Bai was speaking, his body had disappeared, and he had already come behind Kakashi under the instant body technique.

Kakashi was startled.

"It's so fast, this speed is no less than that of Jonin..."


However, Kakashi didn't react too slowly, he turned around immediately, pulled out Kunai from the ninja props, and slashed towards Shiro's vitals.


Shiro blocked Kakashi's Kunai with a long needle.

"How could it be that you blocked my attack with just one hand..."

Kakashi was surprised.

"How come, this person is so powerful that he can block Kakashi-sensei's Kunai with just one hand?"

Sasuke and Naruto were also taken aback at the same time. Although Mr. Kakashi said that this ninja world is like this, it is likely that he is younger than him, but his strength is not as high as him.

It's just that, Sasuke and Naruto were dubious, but they didn't expect to see it with their own eyes today.


Shiro and Kakashi quickly separated, and the two collided again, when Shiro suddenly formed a seal with one hand.

This was once again beyond Kakashi's expectations.

"Even with Sharingan, there are some ninjutsu that cannot be replicated!"

Bai shouted: "Secret technique! Qiansha Shuixiang!"

The surrounding water all condensed and turned into thin needles and rushed towards Kakashi.

"This ninjutsu, how come, he is actually a member of that clan, doesn't it mean that clan has been exterminated?"

Kakashi quickly jumped away with a serious expression on his face.

At this moment on the bridge, the atmosphere was tense, and the corner of Baizui smiled slightly and said to Zabuzhan: "Mr. Zabuzhan, I won't be in this state for long, please complete the task..."

"Don't worry!"

Bu Zhan narrowed his eyes, his murderous aura locked on Naruto and Sasuke...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kakashi was surprised to find the murderous look in Zabuzhan's eyes.

As a Jonin, he could feel the seriousness in the opponent's eyes, and he really wanted to deal with Naruto and Sasuke.


Kakashi rushed over in an instant.

"The current Naruto and Sasuke are no longer opponents of this level, only I can..."

Kakashi was about to rush over to protect his two students, when Shiro appeared in front of Kakashi again.

"Maybe I didn't make it clear, Mr. Kakashi, your opponent is me!"

Shiro calmly stopped Kakashi.


Kakashi rushed over in an instant.

At the same time, the figure said in Bai's hands: "Don't provoke are not my opponent!"

"Is it the illusion of Sharingan? Mr. Kakashi, do you think it is too simple..."

Bai's voice came out at the same time.


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