Kakashi was startled, and for the first time there was a trace of panic in the Sharingan.

"Perhaps Mr. Kakashi, you have never understood that your opponent is me?

Or if you want to use the psychological observation technique that deals with Mr. Zabuzhan, plus the ninjutsu copying and hypnosis of Sharingan to deal with me, I am afraid it will not have a good effect..."

The white in front of Kakashi suddenly disappeared with a bang, it was a clone technique.

Shiro appeared behind Kakashi again, which surprised Kakashi and immediately jumped away.

"Huh, huh!"

Zabuzhan said proudly on the other side: "Kakashi, Shiro is as good as me in ninjutsu, and his ability is even more outstanding. When you were fighting with me, Shiro has been observing your fighting methods , your so-called sharingan theory that sees through the future is nothing more than a blindfold in Baiyan's eyes..."

Hearing Zabuzhan's words, Kakashi looked at the masked boy in surprise.

"How could it be? Did this young man discover something that he didn't even discover?"

"Mr. Kakashi, in fact, when you fought with Mr. Zabuza, especially when you copied Mr. Zabuza's ninjutsu, I saw a lot of different things from another aspect..."

Speaking of this, Shiro pointed to Kakashi's Sharingan and said: "As the famous Konoha's Blood Succession Limit, Sharingan may be a big secret for other villages, but as the one who fought against Wunin Village that year. As far as the main force is concerned, our family has personally experienced countless times..."

"I have personally experienced countless times, is it possible that you are?"

Kakashi suddenly thought of the time when the Uchiha clan dispatched together with the Hyuga clan and fought against the two big clans of the Mist Ninja. It was also this battle that made the other four countries finally know that there are two other clans in the Mist Ninja that can compete with the two Kinoha clans. Comparable to the blood succession limit.

One is the bone vein, and the other is the ice escape.

"Are you?"

Kakashi has already thought of the identity of the boy in front of him, not to mention he has been doubting it since just now.

"That's right, Kakashi, what an irony. Back then, the Uchiha clan and the Ice Dun clan were sworn enemies. The three wars were regarded as water margins. Now that you represent both sides again, what a wonderful coincidence!"

If you don't cut your face, you will be full of sarcasm.

Kakashi ignored Zabuzhan's words.

"If it is really that family, it will be really troublesome..."

Kakashi understood in his heart, but he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. After all, even if they were members of the Snow Clan, not everyone in their Blood Succession Boundary could master the Ice Escape Secret Art.

"Are you wondering if I will be the blood successor limit of our ice escape clan?"

Bai asked suddenly.

"Hey, this kid actually knows what I'm thinking?"

Kakashi was taken aback.

"Actually, it's not difficult. It's just like when you were fighting against Mr. Zabuzhan. You first used Sharingan to copy Mr. Zabuzhan's movements, which made Mr. Zabuzhan feel shaken. When you realized it, you used you again My Sharingan hypnotizes Mr. Buzhan..."

Having said this, a cold air suddenly appeared on Bai's body, and then the surrounding water quickly rose.

Turned into ice cubes, and finally became a mirror.

"Sure enough, this kid knows the ice escape secret technique!"

Kakashi saw the magic mirror that surrounded him, and he had already confirmed the identity of the boy in front of him.

"I really didn't expect that when the Yuki clan in the Kirinin rebelled, the whole clan was wiped out, and no one was spared. I didn't expect that there were still people who survived!"

Kakashi revealed Shiro's identity in one go.

"Hehe, rebellion?"

Suddenly Bai's mouth was no longer calm.

"Is this the accusation given to me by Wunin Village, the country of water? No, it should be said that the five major countries are all like this, not only our blood clan in Wuyin Village, but you, Konoha, are also doing the same thing. the same thing?"

Having said this, Shiro suddenly looked in the direction of Naruto and Sasuke.

"What, does he even know about this?"

Of course, Kakashi understood what the other party was talking about, and that was the rebellion of Sasuke's Uchiha clan.

It's just that this matter should be Konoha's top secret, and it shouldn't be known at all.

Thinking of the wrinkles on Shiro's body, Kakashi's face became more dignified.

"It seems that you are not as simple as betraying Ninja, are you a member of Orochimaru?"

Kakashi showed a cautious look on Kunai's face.

"Yes, Mr. Kakashi, your reaction is really fast..."

At this time, Bai's body had already rushed into the magic mirror.

"When you were fighting with Mr. Zabuzhan, I have already observed that Mr. Zabuzhan obviously completed the Yinjutsu of the Great Waterfall first, but he didn't use it immediately...

Afterwards, I asked Mr. Zabuzhan, and he told me that he saw himself exactly like him in his eyes, and Mr. Kakashi’s seal was not only exactly the same as his own, but the seal was also completed at the same time, so it was caused by Zabuzhan. An illusion, I am fighting with myself...

That's why Mr. Zabuzhan didn't release that ninjutsu, because he has been hypnotized by your Sharingan, thinking that he is fighting with himself. If he releases the big waterfall, the opposite self will also use it. On the contrary, if you don’t release it, you don’t need to fight with yourself…”

Kakashi looked at the sunglasses all around, everyone here was a white figure.

"So this is Mr. Kakashi, the psychological hypnosis effect you exerted on Mr. Zabuzhan, which made him relax his vigilance. As a result, you took the first step, and then Mr. Buzhan fell into the back, and there was what you called later. At the moment of the writing wheel, you can see the words of the future, am I right?"

Looking at the white surroundings, Kakashi was vigilant, but also secretly frightened.

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