"This kid's analytical ability is too powerful, it's on par with Naruto and Sasuke, wait, isn't it?"

Kakashi seemed to think of something unbelievable, but he turned his head in an instant, throwing the unbelievable thought out of his mind.

"Mr. Kakashi, you seem to be starting to hesitate now. Then you just need to stay in my magic mirror and watch the next battle quietly. If you must rush out, then I want to watch it too." See if your Sharingan can keep up with my speed in the sunglasses..."

Kakashi, who was in the ice mirror, could feel that Shiro was not talking big this time, and that all around him were Shiro's reflections. This was because even his Sharingan couldn't see which one was Shiro's real body.

"Hehe, Shiro has already tripped your Kakashi-sensei, now it's our turn..."

Zabuzhan narrowed his eyes and looked at Sasuke and Naruto.


Naruto and Sasuke immediately took a fighting pose.

Seeing the postures of Naruto and Sasuke, Zabuza smiled slightly and made a mudra with his hands. A thicker fog appeared on the bridge than before, and soon enveloped everyone...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The fog on the bridge was getting thicker and thicker, and even Naruto and Sasuke couldn't see each other's figure clearly when they were facing each other.

"Strange, such a thick fog, even if you don't cut it, you can't see it?"

Kakashi thought to himself.

"Does Mr. Kakashi think the fog is too thick?"

Bai's voice came out from the sunglasses.


When Kakashi heard Shiro's voice, he immediately threw Kunai over.

"It's amazing, Sharingan can reach this level?"

Shiro looked at the gap on the sleeve, he just stayed in one of the mirrors for a while, Kakashi was able to capture his position after speaking.

"Sharingan is really scary..."

Shiro stared at Kakashi with a serious face, but continued to say: "Although the thick fog can block our sight, Mr. Nobuzachi is a famous expert who can assassinate only by sound in the fog ninja. I don’t know how powerful Konoha Kamiyaku is, Mr. Zabuzhan is the scariest assassination ninja I’ve ever seen!”

Hearing Shiro's words, Kakashi's Sharingan has been observing quickly.

He understands the frightening aspect of this ninjutsu, that is, it can move quickly between mirrors, and its speed is the biggest advantage.

"But do you think the fog can stop me by sealing my Sharingan?"

Kakashi said with a serious face.

"Of course not. I know that Mr. Kakashi can perform well even if he doesn't rely on Sharingan, but your students probably don't have this ability, right?"

Bai's voice came from all directions in the sunglasses.

Shiro learned the lesson from last time, and said each word from a different position, so even if Kakashi's hearing is extremely strong, he couldn't find his real body in the first place.

Seeing Shiro so cautious, Kakashi fell into a difficult situation, but now he must rush out of the magic mirror made by Shiro to save Naruto and Sasuke.

As if he knew what Kakashi was thinking, Shiro continued his psychological warfare and said to Kakashi: "This is the tactic I discussed with Mr. Zabuza. Using the thickness of the fog, Mr. Zabuza and I can make contact without eyes. Kakashi, your Sharingan, Mr. Zabuza, can attack Naruto and Sasuke with experience and his discrimination of voices, but I can trap you, Mr. Kakashi, in the magic mirror only by speed , I believe that Naruto and Sasuke should not have your experience and good sense of hearing, right?"

Hearing Shiro's words, instead of panicking, Kakashi showed a calm smile.

"As expected of Orochimaru's people, but I want to tell you one thing, don't underestimate the two of them, one of them is the best ninja in Konoha, and the other is also the most unexpected ninja, more importantly, they are both Your hearing is no less than mine, and on this point, both you and Zabu Zhan have miscalculated!"

Hearing Kakashi's confident words, Shiro hesitated in his heart.

"Could it be that they can still master the kind of technique Master Orochimaru said?"

Shiro seemed to think of something, he didn't care about targeting Kakashi in the mirror, and immediately shouted to Zabuza: "Zabuza-sama be careful!"

"Be careful?"

In the dense fog, the worry of not cutting the dialogue is very annoying.

"Hehehe, it seems that if I don't make some achievements as soon as possible, even Bai will start to worry about my strength?"

Zabuzhan's tone was full of self-deprecating color, but it was more of a kind of anger.

"Boys, you should complain about Konoha's training for you. It is Konoha's gentle training that put you in such a situation. In my eyes, your strength is full of flaws. Think about where I will attack you first. No, it's the throat, or the back, or the legs..."

If it is not cut, it will spread from far to near, and from near to surrounding, it seems that his voice can be heard in all directions.

"Hey? Boys, what are you looking for? Are you looking for me?"

The figure of Zabuzhan suddenly appeared behind Naruto.

"No more cuts!"

Naruto's eyes suddenly widened.

And Naruto never thought that his hearing would slow down a beat.

Even Kakashi in the magic mirror was equally surprised.

"How come? Hasn't Naruto fully mastered the skill of listening to the wind?"

"It seems that Mr. Zabuza won the final victory. Kakashi, your student doesn't seem to be as good as you said?"

Bai's words appeared in the magic mirror again.

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