The ninja in front of him who he had always underestimated repeatedly exceeded his expectations.

Not only that, Zabuzhan noticed that the wound that Naruto was slashed by his own machete had also healed.

"It's terrible resilience. This kid is not a simple person. No wonder Bai wants to test him. Could it be that he is also a character with blood succession limits just like Bai..."

No longer cut his body in the air, but issued a Kunai in his hand hoping to stop Naruto, but when Kunai approached Naruto, he was directly blown away by Naruto's roar.


Even if the powerful ghost didn't kill him again, his eyes widened in surprise.


Naruto seized the gap of Zabuza, filled his fist with chakra, and punched Zabuza with a punch.


Even if Zabuzhan thinks that his ability to withstand is very strong, it is hard to imagine that Naruto's punch is so powerful.

"This, this power has surpassed the level of the ninja, right? What kind of blood succession limit is this?"

No longer enduring the pain, he dodged backwards in the air, but there was no one in front of him, instead there was a beast-like panting sound from behind...



Zabuzhan's reaction was quick, and he immediately swung the beheading sword and hit Naruto hard-on-hand behind him.


The two were bounced away by the opponent's powerful force at the same time, the difference was that after being bounced off by this force, Zabuzhan kept backing away, unable to control his figure.

But Naruto grabbed the ground with both hands at the next moment, scratching the ground abruptly, relying on this force to stop the force of retreating.

"This this??????"

If he didn't cut his eyes, he already appeared panicked, he had been injured by Naruto just now due to carelessness.

Now his chakra has begun to drop, but Naruto on the opposite side has no tendency to drop at all. If this continues, he will lose.

At this time, there was a shocking collision between Kakashi and Shiro, and the magic mirror, which was extremely hard at first, began to shatter under Kakashi's Chidori.

"Bastard, don't disturb the battle between them!"

Bai didn't expect Kakashi to be able to keep up with his movements completely. Could it be that the Sharingan is the key to defeating their blood clan as they said back then?

"However, my magic mirror is not as simple as that. What's really scary is that even in the broken magic mirror, my body, arms, and weapons can appear around me. I don't believe that I will lose to you!"

Bai's face became even more ferocious.

"What, you actually used Bing Dun's Blood Inheritance limit to such an extent?"

Kakashi was really stunned, he seemed to think of someone.

"Yes, if it weren't for your Fourth Hokage back then, how could the patriarch of our clan be killed, and I am his grandson!"

The curse marks on Bai's face became dense again, and then the fragments of the magic mirror shattered around appeared in various places, more powerful than before.

"I didn't expect you to be his descendant?"

Kakashi was really surprised. At that time, the fourth generation of Yellow Flash was trapped in the magic mirror and fought with one of the strong men of the Snow Clan for a day and a night. Both sides also achieved teleportation.

That is also someone who can avoid the fourth generation's first Flying Thunder God Art, which brings him the same death pressure as the fourth generation.

It wasn't until the last person was killed by the fourth generation that he took the space coordinates, and the frightening thing was that he was only a short distance away from the fourth generation.

Kakashi heard this from his teacher Leng Tian.

At that time, Teacher Leng Tian's expression was full of regret.

"It's a pity that such a strong man, I can't fight him personally, and witness the last glory of the Snow Clan..."

At that time, Kakashi didn't understand why the teacher said that. Now that I think about it, it seems that the teacher had already expected that Mizukage of Mist Ninja Village would launch a cleaning plan.

"go to hell!"

Even if Kakashi's Sharingan can copy ninjutsu and hypnotize the other party, but facing Shiro who doesn't know who the real body is in all directions, he can't do it at this moment.

"No, I want to calm down. The teacher said that the more dangerous the time, the more calm down. Think about where he will attack me. Since Sharingan claims to be the only eye that can see through all ninjutsu and body skills, it will definitely not be the only eye that can see through all ninjutsu and body skills. With such power, you must calm down!"

Kakashi hasn't been in such a dangerous situation for a long time. It seems that the last time was during World War Three, when Obito was captured and they faced four or five Jonin...

Surrounded by fragments of the magic mirror, floating in the air, Kakashi's eyes suddenly lit up and he understood a little.

"No matter how fast he is, he has to rely on the fragments of these magic mirrors. As long as my Sharingan can observe all the fragments, I will definitely be able to catch his trace..."

At this moment, Kakashi's Sharingan turned faster and faster, and even made his whole eyes start to hurt.

But Kakashi didn't mean to stop at all, at this moment all the fragments of the magic mirror in the air began to stop.

"I see!"

At this moment, Kakashi finally found Shiro's trace in his eyes, saw his trace, Chidori in his hand suddenly chased after him.

And Bai was even more horrified.

"Why did he discover my body, how is it possible, damn it!"

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