After Bai found out, he immediately wanted to hide in another magic mirror, but what made him feel terrible was that the other party seemed to have locked him firmly.


Shiro activated all the chakra in his body, and fought Kakashi hard.


Bai was sent flying far away...

"But, damn..."

Shiro had a painful face, and Kakashi also had a surprised face, he didn't expect the other party to be able to catch his Chidori.

"That defensive chakra mode seems to be exactly the same as when Naruto and Sasuke were practicing. Does this boy have anything to do with the teacher?"

It was precisely because of this doubt in his heart that Kakashi did not pursue, but looked towards the side that would never cut...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Kakashi looked over, Zabuzhan was already at a disadvantage, and Kakashi never thought that Naruto could explode with such high strength.

"good chance!"

Kakashi would not let go of such an opportunity, and released the Chidori in his hand again.

However, this also made Kakashi's body ache. After all, Chidori's ninjutsu is not only extremely complicated, it needs the support of Sharingan, and it also requires a high level of physical endurance.

"If you don't cut it again, you are too dangerous. You have planned changes many times and tried to overthrow Mizukage. A ninja with ideals like you has violated the taboo of ninjas. You must not be left behind!"

There is a consensus in the ninja world that ninjas cannot have feelings and ideals. Once a ninja possesses these two things, it will lead to a rebellion in the ninja.

So no matter which ninja village's requirements for ninjas are tools, even Konoha is no exception.

Especially for those ninjas who dare to launch reforms and have ideals in their hearts, they are the enemies of the whole ninja world.

These enemies will become a factor of uneasiness, and their village will destroy the rules of the ninja world, not only his original ninja village will not let such people go, even other ninja villages will chase and kill such people.

In addition, they will also be rewarded with great names from various countries.

When Kakashi thought about not cutting again, suddenly the teacher's shadow appeared in his heart...

For Kakashi, the strength of the teacher is like an unseen bottom. He has never seen the full strength of the teacher. It is said that only one person has seen it, and that is the senior brother Nawaki Senju, because he has that strength.

But the two of them are so powerful, didn't they also have ideals in their hearts, and that happened in the end.

So ninjas cannot exist ideally.

Such ninjas are deviant and cannot exist in this world.

"If you don't cut it, your future will only be death!"

Seeing the flaws revealed by Zabuzhan, Kakashi's Chidori did not have the help of the spirit dogs in the original book, but still relied on Sharingan to predict Zabuzhan's movements.

With the powerful Chidori, coupled with Kakashi's speed beyond the instant body art, it is no longer possible to dodge without chopping.


At this time, Naruto has begun to fade from the explosive state, and he has begun to be tired, but as long as he is given time, he can immediately restore his body's chakra and physical strength again.

"Great! Kakashi-sensei!"

Seeing that Kakashi-sensei had fully grasped the movement of Zabu-slash, Naruto couldn't help shouting, the teacher's blow of Zabu-slash is absolutely impossible to dodge.

Even Zabuzhan and Kakashi think so.

"Could it be that my uncle is going to die here today?"

No longer cut off, his eyes widened, looking at Chidori who was about to fall down in front of him.

"No, my uncle can't die yet. I haven't fulfilled the promise of my comrades-in-arms. I haven't succeeded in reforming. I can't die. I can't die here..."

It was the first time that Zai Buzhan felt fear in his heart, not because he was afraid of losing his life, but because he felt desperate that his ideals were about to be shattered.

From the day he entered the ninja school, his teacher began to teach them to have a heart of benevolence and to help each other with their peers.

This made him who was withdrawn slowly begin to be influenced, especially when he knew that the partner he assigned was the girl he had admired for a long time. Although he was a little dull, he knew that he was actually happy in his heart.

Just like everyone else, their grades in the class are the best. The common competition and common life give them more visions for the future.

"I am willing to be your weapon for you!"

That was Zabuza's most courageous words.

Weapons are the best helpers for ninjas.

When he was about to graduate, Zabuza said sincerely to his companions.

"If you don't kill me again, I don't want you to become a weapon, I hope our dream can continue..."

During the graduation assessment, the girl lying in Zai Buzhan's arms said sincerely to Zai Buzhan.

With the girl's death, the hope in Zai Bu Zhan's heart began to dim, replaced by a wave of indifference, ignoring all life.

"Why, why didn't I even give me the chance to become a tool..."

Zai Bu Zhan not only killed his companion, but also killed all the participating candidates.

Unexpectedly, this made Mist Ninja start the first reform.

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