
Naruto looked at the tortoise in front of him in shock, pointed at it and said, "The tortoise can talk?"

Xiao Li, on the other hand, looked respectful, and immediately ran to the front, very nervous.

"Are we a little confused, is that tortoise his teacher?"

Rao Naruto is very smart, but at this moment he is also very confused.

At this moment, a teacher with more watermelon hair and bushy eyebrows stood on the turtle.

"Hi? My disciple was rude just now!"


"Bigger eyebrows!"

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura took a step back in shock at the same time.

what's going on.

A Kai didn't respond to the Naruto trio immediately, but punched Xiao Li flying away. Not only did Xiao Li not get angry, but he burst into tears with excitement.

"This is the power of youth!"

Akai and Xiao Li hugged tightly.

"I know you must prove that a genius who works hard can beat a genius who is gifted, but before that, you must be patient, you must work harder, and you must not be complacent!"

"Yes! Teacher Akai, I know I was wrong..."


Seeing the two watermelon heads and thick eyebrows hugging the ground crying and making noise, the three Naruto's heads went numb at the same time.

At this moment, Akai glanced at the Naruto trio.

Noticing Akai's gaze, Naruto and Sasuke's hearts tightened at the same time.


"Scared? People disappeared?"

Akai's voice suddenly came from behind Naruto and Sasuke.

"Kakashi said that you will surpass my students soon, why do I think he is talking big?"


Sakura was stunned, Akai was still there just now, when did he come here?

Just when Akai was very satisfied with the surprised attitude of the three little devils in front of him, he suddenly frowned.


Akai suddenly bent down, and Naruto and Sasuke suddenly appeared behind him, and they both punched and kicked at the same time.

"Hee hee, learning for nothing!"

Akai accelerated at the same time, in the eyes of Naruto and Sasuke, Akai's fists and feet suddenly appeared in front of them.


The two were punched and kicked firmly.

Fortunately, Akai controlled the intensity.

But even so, Xiao Li was dumbfounded.

"They can actually change the movements of Teacher Akai..."

"Konoha Whirlwind Legs? Are you Brother Maitekai?"

Sasuke and Naruto spoke at the same time.

"Go, go, who is your brother? It's just a few days of physical training with my old man. It doesn't count at all. I am at the same level as Kakashi, and I still count the number of times we have fought. I still have 49 victories, [-] Negative, I am an existence stronger than your teacher, don't take it for granted!"

Akai, who had a complacent face just now, became anxious all over his face.

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha!"

Sasuke and Naruto smiled at the same time.

They once followed Aunt Saori to visit Senior Mattai. Although for some reason, Senior could no longer use Chakra and physical skills, and sometimes could only sit on a chair, but his vision and his skills made them Eye-opener.

It can be said that when they robbed the bell, Sasuke and Naruto learned from Matt Dai in the martial arts used by Sasuke and Naruto.

They also knew that Maiteday had a son, but when they were studying, Maitekai had been performing missions and had never met at all.

This is the first time they meet.

Seeing the shining eyes of Sasuke and Naruto, Akai was so scared that he hugged Xiao Li and left.

He didn't want to listen to another word from senior brother.

If it is heard by the opponent Kakashi, I don't know how long it will be laughed at.

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