Sakura asked along the way about why Akai was their senior brother.

"Haha, it's not that much, it's just that Aunt Saori took us to meet a senior taijutsu master, we learned taijutsu from him for a long time, knowing that he also has a Jonin son, so we naturally called him senior brother, But I didn't expect that the relationship between him and our teacher would be like this..."

Sasuke said nonchalantly.

The speaker was unintentional, listening and paying attention, Sakura found that no matter whether it was Sasuke or Naruto, when they talked about this senior Saori, they always looked respectful, and there was even a trace of other affection in their eyes.

In this regard, as a girl, Sakura is the most sensitive.

And not only that, this Saori seems to have a lot of energy, and can let the father of Mr. Akai, who is even more powerful than Mr. Kakashi, teach Naruto and Sasuke. What is her identity?Is it also a master who can't bear it.

But as far as Sakura knows, there seems to be no ninja named Saori in Konoha.

While Sakura was thinking, they walked into the classroom.

"Naruto, you are so slow!"

Shikamaru's group looked at Naruto and said.

"No way, you will also come to take the Chunin exam?"

Naruto and Sasuke said in surprise.

"What do you mean they will come to participate, even you, the tail of the crane, can't Shikamaru and us come?"

Tooth said arrogantly.

"Ha ha??????"

Hearing Iba's words, Sasuke and Naruto smiled, not taking Iba's words to heart at all.

"Damn this kid actually looks down on me!"

Kiba was very annoyed, if Sasuke didn't care, but Naruto, the crane tail, actually looked down on him, it was simply unbearable.

At this moment, Hinata behind him greeted Naruto in a low voice.

"Naruto, long time no see!"

"Ah, it's Hinata, thank you for the lunch box last time, by the way, what did you want to say to me last time?"

Naruto said happily.


Sakura and Sasuke looked over at the same time and found something was wrong.

However, under the watchful eyes of Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and his companion, Hinata said in a softer voice: "No, it's nothing. I just heard from my father that you and us..."

Just when Hinata also said that she occasionally heard news about Naruto from her father, a bored voice came.

"That's enough, you brats who took the Chunin exam for the first time!"

A Konoha ninja with eyes walked over with a serious face.

Hearing his words, Naruto and Konoha's other freshmen looked at him dissatisfied.

Dou seemed to know their attitude long ago, pointing behind them and said: "You guys are making such a mess, be careful not to cause public outrage, you must know that everyone is nervous when you come to take the Chunin exam, you guys are good, there are some things to say here He laughed so hard that he didn't take this exam seriously at all, he already felt like a sinner..."

Hearing this person's words, Naruto, Sasuke and the others woke up with a start, and looked back at the classroom behind them together.

Sure enough, most of the dark crowd looked at them with glaring faces, and all of them were indifferent.

"Ha ha??????"

Naruto and Sasuke smiled at each other.

As expected, the others began to whisper, but the candidates who came to take the Chunin exam kept staring at them.

"Who are you, are you also the ninja who took Konoha's Chunin exam this time?"

Then Shikamaru asked.

"Of course, I have participated seven times. This joint Chunin exam is the fourth year held by Konoha. The Chunin exam will be held twice every year. You have this time here, so you should collect information well. ..."

Dou said here, and suddenly opened a bunch of cards and said: "I have collected the previous Chunin Exams and the materials for this Chunin Exam..."


Hearing his words, Shikamaru first asked, "Who are you?"

"Hee hee, I am Pharmacist Dou, you can also call me Senior Dou, I specialize in selling candidate information, as long as the price is right, I will give you what you want..."

Dou's face suddenly changed, and changed into that of a businessman.

"Ha ha??????"

Everyone else smiled, but Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other and said at the same time: "We want to know information about Neiji Hinata..."

Thanks to the Flying Folded Eared Cat for voting for the monthly ticket. I like the Folded Eared Cat very much, but I have never dared to raise it...

Chapter 34 In the Ninja Way

Hearing Naruto and Sasuke say Hinata Neiji's name in unison, Yakushi raised his eyes and showed a look of surprise under his eyes.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be very happy.

"Shenghui one hundred yuan..."

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