"Sasuke Uchiha!"

Hearing Naruto's name, Morino was a little surprised. It took him a long time to think of a rumor, and he shook his head slowly.

"It seems that the rumor is true. Otherwise, why would this child know this set of passwords?"

"Very good, you got the answer right, and congratulations to the rest of you, you have finally obtained the final promotion qualification, just like what these two ninjas said, people who don't dare to gamble their wealth and lives on tomorrow and the future are not worthy of being Chunin, because Chunin is not only responsible for your own life, but also a team, and even the village entrusts you with important tasks, so he must have a firm heart!"


Hearing Morino's words, all the candidates in the examination room focused their eyes on Naruto and Sasuke.

"I didn't expect this kid to have two skills?"

Temari thought with interest.


Ningji Hyuga shook his head and said softly, "It's really nosy..."

After hearing Ning Ci's words, Tiantian asked in surprise: "So you already knew!"

"What's so hard to guess..."

Neji said naturally.

As for Sakura, Sasuke is the only one in her eyes.

As for Hinata, she only had Naruto in her eyes.

At this moment, the window of the classroom was smashed, and a large cloth was hung on it, revealing the words on it.

Mitre Washed Red Beans!

"Haha, this year's candidates, tremble, you will only suffer worse if you fall into my hands!"

I saw a woman with a fuller figure appearing in the examination room, but her appearance was too cool.

Many people in the examination room have not yet come to their senses.

"Hey, you scared them..."

Morino said softly.


Mitarai Anko smiled embarrassingly, and after taking a last look, her face suddenly became gloomy.

"What's going on here, Morino, the number of people you eliminated is too small, there are still 26 groups..."

Hearing Mitarai Anko's complaint, Morino shook his head and said, "I can't help it, my identity was seen through this year..."

Hearing Morino's words, Hong Dou looked at the remaining candidates with some disbelief.

"Don't worry, I will reduce these people by at least half and enter the third level!"

Mitarai Anko's words were very serious, even without careful observation, Naruto and Sasuke could understand that the other party absolutely did not intend to lie.

"That's the content of the next exam, which will reduce them by half. Could it be that they are divided into two camps to fight?"

Just as Naruto and Sasuke were thinking, Mitarai waved his hand: "Listen, all qualified people will come with me to the training ground No. [-] to gather..."

After everyone left, Morino also left the examination room, but the place he went to was Hokage's office.

When Morino came to Hokage's office, it was already full of people.

In addition to the assistant examiners who invigilate this time, there are other tutors.

Morino coughed and said loudly: "Report to Hokage-sama, Chunin examiner: Morino Ibiki begins to report!"


Sandai Hokage sat on the chair, nodded for Morino to start reporting.

"The content of the first level of the Chunin Exam is to show 9 very difficult competition questions first, to make a trick and test the candidates' cheating ability.

Among them, we have arranged for three Chunin who knew the answers early to write the correct answers, so that other candidates have the opportunity to pass the first item.

Among them, there are fifteen ninja who will be eliminated after being caught 5 times, and their companions will also be eliminated along with them.

The final additional question is to test the cohesion and firm belief of the ninja team, as long as you don't give up, you can pass, so the number of passers is..."

When Morino said this, many Jonin teachers in Hokage's office became nervous.

"Finally passed 26 groups, a total of 78 people!"

"Is it?"

Hearing Morino's report, Hokage nodded.

"I didn't expect so many people to pass..."

Hearing Sandai's words, Morino hurriedly said: "Actually, Hokage-sama, I still have something to say..."

"Wait a minute, Morino, I already found out in the crystal ball, why don't you talk about some of the more outstanding candidates first?"

Hokage smiled slightly, stopping Morino's next words.

"Yes, according to what my subordinates found, apart from some small-scale coordinated plagiarism, there are also some people who have very beautiful techniques. Among them, Inuzuka Ya used the puppy Akamaru to peek at other people's papers without being noticed by another examinee.

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