In addition, Gaara of Sand Ninja looks directly at other people's papers with eyeballs condensed by sand, Amoshi uses small bugs to peek at other people's papers, and Sand Ninja Kankuro uses a puppet to imitate the examiner and take him to the toilet to copy slowly .

All of the above are excellent means to get a high score! "

"Oh? Anyone else?"

Hearing what the three generations said, Morino hesitated for a long time and said: "There is also Uzumaki Naruto who didn't cheat, but he saw through the key to the last question from the very beginning, allowing many people to pass the last test. In addition, Yamanaka Ino also used The secret art enters other people's bodies. Ningji Hinata opened her eyes and can look at other people's papers through the body. Teacher Kai's student Tian Tian used a pen to control the mirror on the ceiling to reflect other people's papers and cooperated with her companion Li Luoke, Let the mirror stay on top of his head..."

Morino has said so much, but the most important thing is Naruto Uzumaki at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, Kakashi burst out laughing directly.

"If Naruto could do it, it would be like the sun rising from the west..."

Hearing what Kakashi said, Iruka, the teacher beside him, also nodded in agreement.

"No, impossible?"

Morino said in disbelief.

Hokage smiled slightly, pointed at the crystal ball, and waved it lightly.

The picture on the crystal ball actually changed to the scene that happened just now.

After replaying it again, Morino finally found that Uchiha Sasuke, who received Naruto's signal, opened Sharingan and copied Naruto's movements...

"It's just that these don't mean that Naruto plagiarized, it can only be said that he made the answer himself!"

Morino said more emphatically.

"In fact, if we hadn't known from the beginning that Naruto would not do it, we would have been deceived. Look at Hinata next to him. In fact, Hinata made his own answers, and all of Naruto's answers are It's in sync with Hinata..."

Kakashi is sharper than Morino. After all, he has sharing eyes and can observe more carefully in the crystal ball.

"It turned out to be using hearing, isn't it with you Kakashi..."

Morino suddenly realized, and immediately wondered whether Kakashi taught this trick to the two.

"Morono, after seeing Naruto's cheating, did you find some problems with other candidates?"

The third generation asked at this time.

"Other candidates?"

Morino knew that Hokage-sama must be referring to something when he said this.

In fact, the Zhongnin Exam does not understand what Dou said. It is comparing the strength of the major ninja villages and showing their strength.

Konoha also took the opportunity to collect information and analyze the judgments of ninjutsu and strength of each ninja village.


Sure enough, Morino's eyes were focused on the three examinees in Yinnin Village.

"These three..."

"It's true that they also use their listening skills. As we all know, not many people have mastered this skill even in Konoha..."

Three generations said here, the eyes are already very sharp, who is the person who can use this technique, and who is behind it?

"No matter what, find out the information about Yinnin Village for me as soon as possible..."


Chapter 39 The Power of Black Notes

"Kakashi, wait a minute, I have something to ask you..."

The third Hokage said in a low voice.

Hearing Hokage's words, Kakashi stopped.

Three generations stood up, looked out of the window and said: "The password Naruto used in the examination room is the password invented by Leng Tian. Originally, this kind of password was wanted by the Hyuga clan but never had a chance. Finally, it was given to us. During the first graduation exam..."

Hearing the memories of the three generations, Kakashi was silent, he never knew these things.

However, it is really amazing to think that the teacher can create a code that the entire ninja world cannot decipher at such an age.

Kakashi knew that even some advanced ninjutsu in the ninja world could be deciphered even if they could not get the original secret book.

Of course, special ninjutsu such as the Flying Thunder God Art still cannot be spread.

But with regard to the code-breaking of the ninja world, various major countries have been changing it, because a set of codes will almost be deciphered by the other party in a short time.

And only Konoha has obtained Leng Tian's code for more than ten years, and no one has been able to decipher it.

This also made Konoha raise this set of passwords to the highest level, so anyone who knows this set of passwords will be subject to the strictest monitoring.

Even those who learn this set of codes need to go through a series of tests.

"I know from Naruto that he seems to have a notebook left by the teacher in his hand, but I have never seen it!"

Hearing Kakashi's words, Sandai pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Do you think that if I ask Naruto for it, will he give us that notebook?"

Sandai said here, and suddenly changed his tone and said: "Or can the content in this notebook improve Konoha's strength to a higher level?"

Hearing Sandai's words, Kakashi's face changed drastically.

"No way, can a note from the teacher improve the strength of the entire village?"

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