Not only Naruto's students like Shikamaru, but also the Jonin teachers except the third generation were stunned.

"The release speed of this ninjutsu, the strength of this taijutsu, and the use of chakra are even more powerful than Chunin!"

Yuhihong murmured.

After finishing speaking, she looked at Iruka beside her and asked: "Mr. Iruka, you are too protective of him, Naruto has such strength, and you still said that his strength is not up to standard, so he can't take the Zhongnin exam , according to what you said, how should we explain the strength of our group?"

Iruka was embarrassed when he heard Yuhihong's words, and he didn't know that Naruto's strength had improved so fast.

"It seems that, as Kakashi said, he knows the strength of his students best..."

Iruka looked at Kakashi beside him with admiration.

It was only after looking at this that he realized that Kakashi beside him was also dumbfounded, unable to speak for a long time.

"Mr. Kakashi, you don't even know Naruto's strength, do you?"

Hearing Kurenu Yuhi and Iruka's questioning, Kakashi touched his head, laughed, and said with a guilty conscience: "How is it possible, don't forget that he and Sasuke are powerful ninjas who have defeated the kind of Jnin who will never be beheaded, how can I You don't know their strength!"

"What, we don't know about that..."

Both Iruka and Kureni Yuhi looked down the field in shock.

While they were paying attention to Naruto, Kakashi touched the sweat on his face secretly, and thought in surprise: "One-handed mudra, this kind of skill is different for Junin. How many can you master, especially how many? The powerful ninjutsu of Shadow Clone..."

"Haha, the ninja of Yinnin Village, you seem to be nothing special. Didn't you look down on our Konoha just now?"

Naruto used a clone technique in front, but then he appeared behind the red copper armor, and kicked him out before he could react.

The red copper armor has already begun to panic.


After the red copper armor was humiliated by Naruto, he no longer cared about hiding his hole cards, and began to use Orochimaru to help him transform his body.

A light blue chakra is emitted from both hands.

Orochimaru is looking forward to this strange strength.

"If this ability is used on your son, what effect will it have, Hinata Lengtian?"

Seeing that the red copper armor was anxious to touch Naruto, but Naruto didn't give him a chance at all, which made Orochimaru's emphasis on the red copper armor has been reduced to the lowest point.

"However, although Naruto is relying on the curse seal to exert such power now, as long as the power in your body still has potential, the curse seal will continue to be stimulated, and in this way you will be unable to exert your strength because of the power of the curse seal. , I want to see how you will deal with the ability of the red copper armor at that time..."

Among all the people present, only he understood that as Leng Tian's child, Hyuga Naruto definitely had more than this potential.

"After all, you are Hyuga Lengtian's child, you should have just the white eyes, is it because of the impure blood?"

When Orochimaru watched the battle, in the corner of the examination room, there were actually people from the Hyuga clan supervising Naruto.

"Once you discover that Naruto possesses the abilities of the Hyuga Clan, you must imprint him with a curse seal!"

This is an order given to him by the head of the family.

Naruto didn't know at all that the ability he showed had already attracted more and more people to follow him.

At this moment, Naruto suddenly felt something inside his body was about to shatter and rush out again.

"This, this feeling seems to be the same as what Sasuke said, what ability does it have?"

But as soon as Naruto thought of this, he found that the chakra in his body had been absorbed by the curse seal on his neck.

His chakra doesn't seem to work at all.


Naruto stopped suddenly, covered his neck, and looked pained.

Seeing Naruto like this, there was a wave of doubts inside and outside the arena.

"Is that a curse mark?"

Kakashi was the first to notice this.

Although Kakashi already knew something from Yuhihong's mouth, Orochimaru came to the village, and it seemed to have a purpose.

What Kakashi didn't expect was that Orochimaru's purpose was his disciple.

Thinking of this, he immediately looked towards Sasuke.

"What, even Sasuke..."

At this moment, Sasuke is also covering his neck...

"Haha, it seems that you are in some trouble..."

Although the red copper armor didn't know what was going on, it was a fact that Naruto couldn't continue to attack.

"Now I'm going to give you the full humiliation just now!"

Speaking of this, the red copper armor finally used his ability to absorb the opponent's chakra.

When he touched Naruto's body, Naruto immediately felt the chakra in his body being sucked away.

"What... You can actually absorb my Chakra!"

Naruto said with difficulty.

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