"Haha, haha, haha! Now I know if I regret not defeating me sooner, haha..."

The red copper armor felt refreshed for a while, and a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Seeing Naruto's situation, the caring people around showed a look of concern, and Hinata Hinata also clasped her hands together nervously.


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Chapter 49: The Power of One Grasp

Just when everyone thought that Naruto would fail because of the sudden situation, Naruto suddenly gave up resisting, and even showed a slight smile.

"You, what do you mean?"

Red Copper Armor asked in disbelief, he had never encountered such a reaction before.

"Hee hee, I'm tired from fighting, and I've consumed too much chakra. Can't you absorb it? I'll give it to you..."

Naruto said with a straight face.

Hearing Naruto's words, the red copper armor showed a shocked face, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

"You, you said let me absorb it?"

The red copper armor stammered and repeated Naruto's words.

"Of course, you're welcome, just take it away..."

Naruto said with a smile.

"Haha, then I'll accept it!"

The red copper armor said with a wild face.

He doesn't care what the reason is, but one thing he can be sure of is that he does feel that the Chakra in Naruto's body is decreasing, which means that he is indeed absorbing Naruto's Chakra. The moment when all of Carat is lost is the moment when Naruto can be manipulated by him.

The plan of the red copper armor, as well as his special ability, surprised the candidates and teachers present.

"I remember that he is an examinee of Yinren Village. This time Yinren Village is really good. There are six people who passed the test. Aren't they a small village? How can they have so many abilities?"

One of Konoha's teachers said in surprise.

How could this examinee's strength have such an ability equivalent to the limit of blood succession, it really made no impact on the theory that only ninjas with special abilities can stand at the pinnacle of the ninja world.

The third Hokage had a gloomy look on his face.

The founder of Yinnin Village received a report from Jiraiya, saying that it was probably founded by Orochimaru.

All major countries have investigated the Yinnin Village that turned out to be born, but their shadows are extremely mysterious, and the rumors are very powerful. Even the S-level missions that only have five major shadow villages have been completed.

So after getting the report of this Ninja Village, Danzo sent out an invitation. Although the third generation also wanted to check the abilities of this Ninja Village, he cared more about Danzo's recommendation.

"Perhaps, as Jiraiya said, Otonin Village was established by Orochimaru, and only a genius like him can cultivate these tools..."

There is still a terrible guess in Sandai's mind.

He remembered that the reason why Danzo was so eager to cooperate with Orochimaru was because his roots found out that Orochimaru even got the genes and information of Hinata Lengtian and Namikaze Minato.

If true, it's horrific.

One is a figure who was once considered to be the pinnacle of the ninja world, and the other is also a powerful figure who once again used the technique of Flying Raijin after the second Hokage of the Five Great Ninja Villages.

Once the secrets of these two characters are cracked by Orochimaru, I believe he will create even more powerful tools.

"Perhaps it's time for Anbu to start taking action against Otonin Village..."

Since the third generation saw the performance of the red copper armor, they have made up their minds.

At this time, the situation on the court suddenly changed.

Naruto, who had already been drained of chakra by the red copper armor, suddenly burst out a stream of red chakra, which was dozens of times stronger than Naruto's previous chakra.

"Hee hee, I didn't expect that you could really help me do it..."

Naruto's eyes became extremely excited, but the red copper armor began to tremble.

He could feel how terrifying and evil the powerful chakra on Naruto was.

"Jie Jie..."

Naruto's state at the moment shocked everyone present. If Naruto released that powerful Nine-Tails power, Konoha might have another crisis of destroying the village.

"No, I actually channeled the power of Nine Tails..."

The three generations and the teachers behind them were shocked, and even the three generations were ready to end the Chunin exam.

At this moment, all candidates can feel the pressure from Naruto.

"You seemed to have a good fight just now?"

Not only was Naruto's whole body dissatisfied with the power of the curse seal at this moment, but the red chakra rushed out of his body directly.

Not only that, Gaara also erupted with a powerful tail beast power.

"As expected, he is indeed a human pillar like me!"

Gaara's eyes have changed a little, which scared Kankuro and Temari around him to change color. If Gaara turns into a tailed beast here, their plan will be exposed.

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