When Orochimaru said this, a blink of an eye disappeared.

But Kakashi was stunned on the spot.

"The teacher will show up. Could it be that the teacher is also in Konoha?"

After Naruto and Sasuke woke up one after another, the chakra on them exploded even more.

It's just that there is one more curse mark on their necks.

"This is the curse seal that Orochimaru gave you. It is a curse seal that constantly stimulates potential. According to Orochimaru's requirements, as long as the body can bear it, this curse seal will continue to develop your potential, up to nine times, but This kind of potential development does not have the slightest scruples about the body, so I must temporarily seal it up for you, and I cannot let the ability of the curse seal act on you again..."

Kakashi explained patiently.

When Orochimaru was leaving just now, he introduced the ability of this curse seal to Kakashi in detail, and even in Kakashi's view, this is simply a kind of eight-door armor.

It's just a kind of permanent eight-door dunjia. According to Orochimaru, this is the power of the curse seal that can only be cultivated by obtaining blood from the teacher.

Even Orochimaru has three in his hand.

"I'm actually looking for a suitable body, but before that, I need to check their process and use it as experience, don't delay the good Kakashi, otherwise even if you are a student of Hinata Lengtian, I won't work with you Forgive me..."

When Orochimaru was about to leave, the threatening words were still echoing in Kakashi's mind.

"Oshemaru, what does that mean?"

Kakashi didn't know how to explain it, but he tried his best to explain the danger of the curse seal to Naruto and Sasuke.

Naruto and Sasuke listened carefully.

"Remember, no matter how dangerous it is, don't use the ability of the curse seal, otherwise it is very likely that the curse seal will evolve and further stimulate the potential in your body, which may cause your life to be in danger..."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Sasuke and Naruto nodded.

"Don't worry, Kakashi-sensei, we understand... By the way, what's the result of Sakura?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Kakashi touched his head and said with a confused face: "It seems that we missed it..."


Naruto and Sasuke ran out immediately.

After staying away from Kakashi, Naruto immediately whispered to Sasuke: "No wonder I think the curse marks on our bodies are familiar. Sasuke, do you still remember the contents of the black note?"

"Of course I remember, but the content on the black note is the seal of six curses. Could it be that the black note belongs to Orochimaru?"

Sasuke also analyzed.

"No, I don't want that guy to be my father!"

Naruto was filled with a burst of fear.

When Sasuke and Naruto returned to the competition venue, they found that Sakura and Ino both lost in the end, and there was no winner.

And it was Ningji Hinata standing below now.

"I didn't expect it to be Hyuga-san's turn..."

Naruto said excitedly.

"Yeah, and his opponent is another group of teeth..."

Sasuke also nodded at the same time, looking at the strongest competitor in his heart.

Hyuga Neji.

"Hey, Neiji Hinata, that's really great..."

Standing in the arena, Inuzuka Ya laughed softly, but there was some resentment in the laughter.

Seeing the two people in the audience, Sandai's eyes seemed blurred.

"You are like the cold weather..."

"Not bad!"

"My name is Inuzuka Po!"

A ninja who was the same age as Leng Tian stared at Leng Tian coldly.

"Today I must defeat you and let you understand that I am the one who is truly worthy of being in Class A..."

"Unfortunately, you are not my opponent..."

In the eyes of the third generation, it seems that they have returned to the scene more than ten years ago. At that time, who would have thought that the boy from the Hyuga clan would have later achievements, and even be known as the number one in the ninja world.

"My father once lost to your Hyuga clan. I will get back this shame today!"

There was a firmness in Fang's eyes that had never been seen before.

"Yes, but it still disappoints you, you will not succeed..."

Hinata Neiji made a soft fist move, which made Sandai want to see the original scene even more.

"Hinata Ningji, a child on a daily errand?"

Kiba doesn't talk nonsense, he knows the power of the Hyuga clan, especially the power of Baiyan, which can be said to be [-] ​​degrees without dead ends.

"In that case, military supplies!"

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