After Inuzuka tooth finished, he swallowed his Akamaru at the same time.

"Today I will tell you, the ability of our family..."

"Imitation Beast Ninja!"

Chapter 52: Ning Ci’s Strength

Ning Ci looked at the four-legged technique prepared by Ya, and his white eyes suddenly opened.

"This is not an ordinary anthropomorphic ninja technique, but our family's preparatory action before the teeth are broken. Neji Hyuga, take it!"

Kiba's body suddenly spun rapidly to attack Neji.

Not only that, but Akamaru, who was on the back of his teeth, spun and attacked Neji at the same time, as if there were two of them.


Ning Ci laughed softly, and leaned forward.

"What, you actually plan to use physical skills to fight?"

Of course Yuhihong cares about the generals of their class.

But what Yuhihong didn't expect was that Neji planned to resist in this way.

"Hehe, don't underestimate Ning Ci's strength, his real teacher is actually not me..."

Kai who was beside Yuhihong said with a relaxed face.

Hearing Kai's words, Yuhihong thought that someone from the Hinata clan taught him, Kai didn't say anything, but said to Xiao Li: "You have always wanted to defeat Neji, so now you can see Neji's strength..."

"Well, I won't miss any of his tricks!"

Xiao Li said with a serious face.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Neither Kiba nor his Akamaru avatar could penetrate Neji's body, and they were all resisted by Neji's soft fist, as if they had been deflected from the attack.


Ya didn't expect the other party to be so difficult to deal with. In front of him, it was like encountering a spinning top, and the body was always thrown out or shifted involuntarily.

In the stands, the three generations of Hokage saw even more familiar things.

"To deal with you, I don't need to use any ninjutsu at all, not even Chakra..."

The faint words at the beginning seemed to still echo in the ears of the third generation.

"How arrogant!"

"I'll make you regret it... Ninja! Teeth!"

Inuzuka's hands became extremely sharp, and quickly attacked Leng Tian.

I remember that Leng Tian used soft fists to deal with it back then, but can this young man have Leng Tian's talent?


In the eyes of the third generation, Hyuga Neji's hands suddenly emitted a ray of light, and this ray of light continuously rotated in Neji's hands, and the moment Inuzuka Ya's attack touched Neji's soft fist, an opposite force acted on him And his Akamaru body.

"The battle of soft fists turns the stars! Reverse!"

Neji shouted loudly, and a completely opposite force caused Kiba and Akamaru to collide together.


"Haha, hit yourself?"

"It's still possible to do this..."

All exclaimed.

Even Ya himself had a look of disbelief.

"How is it possible, is this the soft fist of the Hyuga clan, is this the move that defeated my father?"

Teeth were stunned in surprise.

Few people here watched the battle that year.

Except for the third generation, there is only the original Orochimaru.

"Hee hee, this boy..."

Orochimaru stared at Neiji Hinata with admiration.

"He should be taught by Saori. It's really interesting. I didn't expect Leng Tian's inheritance to appear in the Hyuga clan..."

With a dark kick, the watcher of the Hyuga Clan showed excitement on his face.

"This, this, isn't this the trick of that year? Didn't it mean that he would never give it to the Hyuga clan? Why did it happen in the hands of this young man? Where did he learn it?"

From the point of view of this Hyuga Clan watcher, Neji's discovery today is much more important than Naruto's. Perhaps Neji himself, no, even most of them don't know what the trick Neji used just now represents. what, but he knew.

Knowing how powerful this trick is.

Is our Hyuga Clan going to rise again?

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