Naruto cared more about this battle than anyone else, so his expression was also the most serious.

Naruto didn't notice the slightest change in his eyes in the engrossing.

Two pictures appeared in his eyes, one was the picture where Sasuke stayed before, and the other was the picture where Sasuke appeared the next moment.

It's as if there is a delay.

He could clearly see that the Sharingan in Sasuke's eyes had turned into Sangoudama.

"Sasuke opened the three-god jade so quickly, there must be a reason..."

Naruto knew that the more Sasuke's Sharingan Gouyu was opened, the more powerful it would be.

When he hooked jade before, Sasuke was already very proficient in physical skills and could imitate the opponent's movements.

Opening the three hook jade this time must be the next ninjutsu he will perform with very high requirements.

"What kind of difficult ninjutsu..."

Naruto stared at the two figures curiously.

Ning Ci's white eyes had been opened, he suddenly felt the strong wind behind him, his body felt the crisis faster than his eyes, and he immediately defended his back with soft fists.


Sasuke and Neji collided without fancy.

But Sasuke just moved again as soon as he touched it.

Its movement and speed were actually the same as Xiao Li's speed and movement when he opened the eight-door Dunjia during the preliminaries.

In the stands, Xiao Li, who also came with Teacher Kai, was even more stunned.

"How, how is this possible?"

Sasuke's movements are exactly the same as his own, not only that, even the speed is the same.

Kai was also shocked. He suddenly thought of something, and asked Kakashi beside him, "You, have you taught him the Eight Gates of Dunjia?"

Hearing Kai's words, Kakashi shook his head and said, "Bamen Dunjia is a very powerful forbidden technique. If you don't practice enough, you can't learn it in a short time..."

"Then, then he..."

Kay was also shocked beyond words.

"It's just imitation and copying, but because of Sharingan, Sasuke can copy Xiao Li's movements and speed, but the difference in strength is too much compared to Xiao Li..."

Kakashi explained patiently.

Even if Kakashi explained it this way, Kai still couldn't let go of it. After all, both he and Xiao Li had been able to use such power after a lot of hard work.

But Sasuke can imitate and copy it because he has Sharingan.

"It's so, so incredible..."

"It's unbelievable, but Kai, don't forget, the one who learned Bamen Dunjia was the shortest, but his learning speed is faster than my teacher, you won't forget this matter..."

Kakashi's words made Kai suddenly startled, how could he forget it.

Although all the records about him have been obliterated in Konoha Chance, the time since the Third World War has not been very long after all.

Speaking of these eight Dunjia techniques, Kakashi's teacher, Senior Leng Tian, ​​taught him to his father.

His father improved on the basis of the Eight Disintegration Techniques and developed the Eight Dunjia.

But even his father was still in the imagination stage at that time, and for an accidental reason, he handed over the unfinished Bamen Dunjia to Senju Naoki.

Unexpectedly, he would be able to open the six doors for the first time.

Before that he had hardly learned much.

And Uchiha Sasuke is not his son.

"This is really a battle of fate..."

Kai murmured.

Hearing Kai's words, Kakashi also looked at Sasuke who kept approaching Neji with his speed.

"Yeah, isn't this battle just like the battle between their masters and apprentices? If Sasuke has that blood follower of Boundary Terror, it will be a replica..."


While everyone in the audience was watching, Sasuke finally let Neji miss, getting closer to Neji less than ten centimeters, and the fists and feet with chakra had already blasted towards him.

"Ning Ci missed..."

Chapter 67: Dou Zhuan and Star Shift Reappear

At this moment, Sasuke's speed was so fast that he even got into Neji's embrace.

"Hmph, even if you use Huitian, it's too late..."

The difference from the original book is that both Naruto and Sasuke have already experienced the power of Neji's Huitian, and they already knew how difficult it is to defeat Neji who is under Huitian.

Even though Sasuke was practicing and regarded Kakashi as Neji as his target, he also knew that as long as Neji used Huiten, his ninjutsu would be useless against the opponent.

But he saw Gaara and Li fight in the preliminaries.

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