That time Xiao Li's speed gave Sasuke a great inspiration.

Originally, it was said that the most talented in Konoha Taijutsu must be the Hyuga clan, and the most talented in ninjutsu must be the Uchiha clan.

This is almost equal to spear and shield, but it is a comparison between ninjutsu and body art.

After the Kaguya clan was destroyed, the Hyuga clan stood at the apex of the ninja world.

No one would doubt that using Taijutsu in front of the Hyuga Clan can gain advantage.

But he saw possibility in Xiao Li.

Sasuke would not be so stupid as to compete with Neji, who knows the soft fist, and can hit the acupoints at any time. Even if Xiao Li has eight Dunjia, he will not have a chance of winning.

The reason why Xiao Li regards Li Lianhua of the eight-door armor as the ultimate move to defeat Ning Ci is that one is powerful, and the other is that under the high-speed continuous attack, even Neji may not have the opportunity to use such a powerful defense as Huitian gymnastics.


Just when Sasuke was confident that he could hit Neji, Neji's eyes suddenly widened, and he drew an arc with one hand.

A Tai Chi pattern appeared in front of him and Sasuke, and Sasuke's attack suddenly met a gravitational force, and he swiped past.

"How, how?"

Many people on and off the stage didn't see clearly, but as the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hyuzu's eyes widened.

"Where did he learn this trick?"

Hearing his father's surprised voice, Huahuo beside him also looked curious.

"Father, is that our family's ninjutsu? Why have I never seen you perform it..."

Hearing her daughter's words, Hinata Hyuzu was a little silent, and finally shook her head and said: "That's a secret technique that even our clan doesn't have..."

"Well, what's going on here?"

At a young age, Huahuo has always been the standard of the clan's thinking. In her eyes, all the tricks of the clan can only be obtained in the clan, and the clan of the clan will definitely be able to.

The same secret skills mastered by the clan, but not the same by the branch clan.

Things like Huitian and Rouquan cannot be mastered by a branch family, but she has already heard about this genius in the clan and learned Huitian by herself early on.

It's just that even so, his move is actually not even known to the Zong family, so he couldn't have comprehended it by himself, but it seems that his move came from Huitian.

However, Huitian has been greatly improved, and it consumes less chakra, but it is more convenient to counterattack. This powerful move has surpassed Zongjia's Huitian.

Huahuo is now extremely shocked.

She really figured out what the trick was just now, and seeing her father's shocked expression, it seemed that she had seen or knew it.

Rizu seemed to be caught in the memory, his eyes were blank for a moment, he looked around, as if he was looking for something.

Rizu finally saw a figure under the white eyes.

"Is it her, I didn't expect that someone who is not from the Hyuga clan can teach Neji to master such a secret technique..."

When Rizu saw the familiar figure, he already had some guesses.


When Hizuru was in a daze, Hanabi was still looking at his father, waiting for an answer.

Looking at Hanabi, Hizuru stroked his daughter's head, showing a look of exclamation: "I don't know if the trick Ningci used just now is Douzhuan or Xingyi, or its evolutionary trick, after all, this trick is the one of the clan. A branch genius realized it, and the clan before Neji, no, even the entire Hyuga clan couldn’t learn it, and they don’t have the qualifications!”

Having said this, a look of hatred suddenly appeared in Nizuzu's eyes.

It was hatred for the persecution by the elders of the clan back then, and it was a compromise made under Konoha's righteousness.

And the only thing he bears is that his younger brother dies in his place.

Hanabi doesn't understand the secrets of the Hyuga Clan, and the matter of Hyuga's cold weather is a taboo even in the Hyuga Clan.

She just opened her mouth in surprise, such a powerful move came from a genius who separated from the family.

As if thinking of something, Huahuo asked in surprise: "Why didn't the Zong family get it? I think the responsibility of the Zong family and the obligation of the division should hand over this secret technique, right?"

Looking at Huahuo's young age, he has already thought of these things, and he is thinking about them from the position of the clan.

Rizu's face suddenly became serious: "Huahuo, remember, we may not be able to choose our inherent responsibilities, but no matter what kind of destiny it is, we can resist it. The destiny is mine. This is the genius who once separated the family. As you said, don't ignore the status of every branch!"

Hearing his father's stern words, Huahuo was deeply shocked again.

She could hear the dissatisfaction and severity in her father's words, which were completely different from what she had come into contact with, what she had learned and the concepts she had learned from the elders of the clan.

The concept obtained from the patriarchal elders is that the branch family cannot resist the clan no matter what, and the branch family is a tool of the clan, just a tool to protect the white eyes.

But today at his father's place, Huahuo found that his father resisted or hated all of this.

Hizuru often sighed, his daughter Hinata may have become a little cowardly or timid because of that experience.

"If he didn't disappear, maybe he would have the opportunity to tell the real mission of the main family and the branch family, and change everything..."

After Nizuzu became the patriarch, he has obtained a lot of secrets about the Hyuga clan, especially the secret of the moon messenger.

It's a pity that even if Hyuga is the patriarch, he can't say all this, and change the destiny of the Hyuga clan.

Not only Nizuzu, but even Sandai Hokage and Kazekage's eyes widened at the same time.

"There is actually someone in Konoha who can use his tricks?"

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