Others have already started talking.

"How did Neji do it just now?"

Xiao Li couldn't believe his eyes.

"Kakashi, is that?"

Kai quickly turned his head and asked Kakashi beside him.

This surprised Li even more, why did Neji's move teacher ask Kakashi-sensei.

At this moment Kakashi has opened Sharingan, staring at Neji's moves with wide eyes.

"That's right, it's the teacher's trick, but it's not the complete version of the star shift, but it's like a disassembled star shift, with ninjutsu that favors the opponent!"

Off the field, Sasuke copied Xiao Li's speed again, and even prevented Neji from having time to prepare for his recovery, but he was drawn away by a force every time.

"What kind of trick are you doing?"

Sasuke finally realized something was wrong and asked coldly.

"Hehe, this move is the star that surpasses Huitian and moves back to the sky. Be careful Sasuke, I will make you lose to your own trick in the next move..."

Chapter 68 Ning Ci's Counterattack

Hearing Neji's words, Sasuke's heart sank. It seemed that Neji hadn't played his hole card just now.

But so was he.

Thinking of this, Sasuke regained his fighting posture and said, "If you want me to be defeated by your own tricks, try it if you have the ability..."

In Sasuke's view, what Neji said could not be to imitate his physical skills just now.

This is not difficult for a person like Neji with white eyes.

But he also has cards.


Hearing Sasuke's words, Neji showed a disdainful smile.

It seemed to be a little mocking of Sasuke's words.

In the stands, Kakashi's expression became even more surprised.

"How did Senior Saori let this child learn the teacher's secret skills? She should not roll her eyes..."

Sasuke didn't understand what Neji meant, but Kakashi knew what Neji meant when he said that Sasuke would be defeated by his own tricks.

The reason why the teacher's Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is so powerful is that it can completely rebound the opponent's ninjutsu to the opponent.

There are two ways to bounce back, one is the same as Star Shift, but it is no longer simply biasing the direction of the opponent's body skills, but to increase the gravity of Star Shift to make the opponent's strength shift , acting on itself.

The difficulty of this move is to see through the traces of the opponent's move first, but for Neji who has white eyes, it shouldn't be difficult.

But Dou Zhuan Xing Yi also has a way, which is to use Hui Tian to bounce back the opponent's ninjutsu.

Kakashi didn't know whether the teacher's star movement could bounce back the illusion, but since he was with the teacher, he didn't see any ninjutsu that the teacher couldn't bounce back.

It's such a move, even if it consumes chakra, it can also consume the opponent, and even the tail beast's attack teacher once rebounded.

"This is troublesome, if this child really can turn around, then Sasuke may not be able to use physical skills anymore..."

Kakashi murmured.

Hearing Kakashi's words, Xiao Li was the most surprised first, and quickly turned his head to stare at Kakashi-sensei and asked, "Why, Kakashi-sensei, why do you want to say that Sasuke can't use taijutsu in front of Neji?"

Seeing Xiao Li's anxious expression, Kai knew what he was thinking.

After all, for Xiao Li, his goal has always been to defeat Ning Ci, and his biggest trick is physical skills.

If he couldn't use Taijutsu in front of Neji, it was no longer a blow to him, but a kind of despair.

"Xiao Li, don't give up, maybe Neji will not know that kind of move, after all, it was once known as the most powerful move in the ninja world, even if he can use it, it is not the same as his power..."

Despite what Kai said, he looked at Kakashi.

He wanted to confirm it from Kakashi.

Kakashi closed his eyes, opened them again, glanced at Xiao Li, and said with a smile: "Mr. Akai is right, Neji will definitely be able to master this secret technique, and this move is not without flaws, but Only in the hands of that person is an invincible existence..."

Hearing the conversation between Mr. Kakashi and Mr. Kai, Xiao Li swallowed even more. From the words of the two teachers, it seemed that they were very serious about Neji's next move.

Could it be that Neji's next ninjutsu is a very powerful ninjutsu?

Xiao Li stared at Ning Ci's movements intently.

At this time, Sasuke finally copied Xiao Li's movements again, and his speed and physical moves were faster, even one point faster than when Xiao Li opened the four doors.

This is already the limit of Sasuke's copying, and this is at the expense of Xiao Li's strength.

Even if Sharingan copies the opponent, just like Naruto's ability to copy the opponent, it cannot surpass the caster himself.

Sasuke has reached the limit of this taijutsu.

But Neji showed a mysterious smile.

"Don't you know that apart from your familiarity with Xiao Li's moves, I am the one who is most familiar with him, because he has been defeated by me countless times, and we have fought countless times. I can understand his physical skills even if I close my eyes." Know what the next move is!"

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