At the same time, Saori also sent a voice transmission to Sasuke: "Little Sasuke stop, you can't continue to activate the power of the curse seal, that power can't be exposed here..."

Hearing Aunt Saori's words, Sasuke, who was already confused, was stunned.

"Aunt Saori?"

Sasuke didn't expect that Aunt Saori was also at the meeting, and he didn't understand why Aunt Saori wanted to stop him.

Out of respect for Aunt Saori, Sasuke hesitated for a while, and it was at this moment that Neji seized the opportunity.

"Eight trigrams, two palms, four palms, eight palms..."

Neji hit Sasuke mercilessly, and directly sent Sasuke out of the arena. Now even Neji showed a very tired expression.

It's just that Neji didn't have a relaxed expression at all, because he felt a different feeling just now, and he didn't hit Sasuke at all.

What exactly is it?

Neji looked at Sasuke's body, and finally found the reason. On Sasuke's body, there were many things like tree trunks blocking his body, blocking Neji's attack just now.

"how come?"

Ning Ci's eyes widened in surprise.

Such means, and what is that thing that seems to be able to absorb Chakra's attack.

Why did Sasuke's body change so much suddenly.

Sasuke was even more surprised at this moment, this power, and the continuous chakra pouring out of his body, made him feel as if he had endless chakra.

"Okay, it feels so good..."

Sasuke seemed to feel the feeling of Naruto back then, an endless chakra.

"Ningji end the fight as soon as possible, Sasuke's Chakra is not suitable for showing to the public, it is too dangerous for him..."

Saori transmitted the voice to Ning Ci again.

"Understood, Senior Saori..."

Ning Ci nodded, he knew that his master Saori could see his expression.

"Let's use that secret technique again, this time it should be faster, and be careful of his wood escape power..."

Hearing Saori's words, Neji knew that the different Chakra on Sasuke's body was actually the power of Wood Dun.

In the entire ninja world, only the power of Mudun belongs to the Qianshou clan, and for some reason, after the fall of the Qianshou clan, no one can use the power of Mudun.

When Senjujuma, the god of ninjutsu, ended the Warring States Period, many people had already forgotten the horror of Mu Dun.

But Hashirama's grandson, Senju Nawaki brought back memories of the shadows of each country.

Especially Konoha's Water Country and Sand Country, the shadow-level powerhouses of the three countries have personally experienced it.

As for Yannin Village, it can be said that it is the most hated. If Naoki hadn't resisted back then, maybe the largest country in the ninja world is already the land of earth.

That's why Saori was so worried. Before the teacher made a move, everyone in the ninja world had only one consensus, that is, Senju Naoki had already stood at the number one position in the ninja world, not the pinnacle of the ninja world, but the number one.

Even Hanzo, who was rated as a demigod at the peak of the ninja world, was defeated by Naruki, and he was defeated by another Kage-level powerhouse.

And all the big battles that Naoki knew were fighting against the shadow of the bigger ninja village.

He didn't want to let his teacher Leng Tian record anything.

Three generations of Kazekage, Shukage, Mizukage, Sannin, and Hinata Lengtian, he has maintained an undefeated record.

"Why doesn't Sasuke know how to be obedient? Doesn't he know that when the Uchiha clan was destroyed, many people have already started to make up their minds about the blood of his Uchiha clan. Now the power of Mutun on him will attract many people greedy heart..."

Saori frowned very seriously, and now she couldn't pull Sasuke away from the ring.

After Sasuke hesitated for a while, he refused her request.

"No, I must defeat Neji with my own hands, and then meet Naruto in the final..."

After Sasuke finished speaking, he dodged away.

At this moment, his body is completely filled with chakra, even explosively, even if the chakra disappeared a moment ago, it will be replenished later.

"It's like a volcanic eruption, and like a well, no matter how you use it, it's inexhaustible..."

"Bang bang bang!"

Sasuke and Neji once again entered into hand-to-hand combat, and Neji had the upper hand in this regard.

Sasuke also knew that he couldn't take advantage of it if he continued like this.

"Be strategic..."

Thinking of this, Sasuke jumped into the air with a leap, his hands were in mudra, and a terrible chakra spit out from his mouth.

"Fire Escape! Phoenix Immortal Art!"

This time Sasuke used Fengxianjutsu continuously, blocking all the directions where Neji dodged.

"Humph! Boring!"

Ning Ci's eyes froze for a moment, and there was a rough and disdainful look in the middle of his mouth.

"Back to the days!"

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