Ning Ci directly used his family to return to the sky, and a wall of wind enveloped his whole body, and all who came into contact with this chakra were bounced back.

"Hmph, this kind of ninjutsu is useless to me!"

Ning Ci said indifferently.

"I knew it when I was here, so these are just blindfolds!"

Sasuke's voice came from behind Neji.

"How come? I didn't notice his movements..."

Ning Ci was taken aback, as if he was surprised that his white eyes did not observe Sasuke's position.

But at this moment, Ning Ci was surprised to find that there was actually another Sasuke in front of him, that is to say, Sasuke used the clone technique at the same time just now to attract his attention.

"Show the true face of your secret technique, let me see what is going on with your secret technique!"

Sasuke's speed and timing have reached the peak at this moment, even better than before, but Sasuke still has an idea in his heart telling him that he will not succeed because of the opponent's mysterious secret technique.

"As you wish, gossip in the well!"

Under the eyes of everyone, Ning Ci suddenly moved half a step towards Kun, and at the same time, his body shape suddenly changed. The body on the left suddenly turned around as if it was empty, and this range just avoided Sasuke's attack direction. At the same time, Neji's movements are the same as Sasuke's, as if the two figures are parallel, but Sasuke's whole body is exposed in front of Neji.

"Bagua empty palm!"

Neji sent Sasuke flying out again...

Chapter 72 Signal

Seeing that Neji seemed to have various evasive movements, it seemed that Sasuke had seen through his attack method before he attacked, and had already evaded in advance, Kakashi was horrified in his heart.

"You, no, this is impossible..."

Kakashi knew who Neji's opponent was, if it was any other opponent, with Neji's white eyes that could see through any traces, he could indeed do it.

But who is Neji's opponent?

It is also the Sharingan that claims to be able to see through any attack method of the opponent.

Kakashi himself has Sharingan, and of course he knows the power of Sharingan, not to mention that Sasuke has opened the three hooks, all movements in his eyes are like replays, and they will become slow. Any change of the opponent Under those eyes, he could predict it.

It is not unfounded that Sharingan can see the future. Under Sharingan, you can see through the opponent's intentions based on any slight movement of the opponent. Even if the opponent wants to change their moves, it has already been expected by Sharingan .

Sasuke is facing the person he most wants to defeat, he will not fail to notice this, that is to say, when attacking, he has already seen through the opponent's counterattack route, and is prepared to dodge in advance.

But that's it. In the end, the moment he thought he could hit the opponent, the opponent was beyond his expectation. In other words, Neji's reaction was one step faster than Sharingan.

"That reaction, that reaction..."

Kakashi murmured twice in a row, and there was a voice in his heart that was about to break through, but he kept his mouth shut and couldn't say it.

"The kind of reaction that surpasses the limits of human beings should not be taught by senior Saori, unless it is a teacher. Only the teacher's seventh sense field can make such incredible movements. Neji's gossip in the well is an imitation There must be nothing wrong with the teacher's seventh sense. The teacher's seventh sense claims to be able to achieve zero error. Only a teacher can teach Neji this trick. Could it be..."

Kakashi immediately began to look for it in the field.

It's just that Saori's figure has disappeared.

There are many people who have the same idea as Kakashi, and all of these people are high-level people in Konoha, or people who have personally experienced World War III.

"No, no, the consciousness and reaction of the child in the audience just now are not what he can have at all. Even a jonin can't dodge at such a close distance, unless he has already undergone thousands of times of tempering and training. Being able to subconsciously change his movements at such a short distance is like training, and his body flexibility must be very high..."

The third Hokage stood up.

Orochimaru's eyes also narrowed.

"Could it be that that person has been hiding in Konoha from the beginning to the end?"

Thinking of Leng Tian's strength, Orochimaru felt apprehensive.

"If he's here, I'm afraid my plan will come to nothing..."

For his former subordinates, even Hinata Lengtian who was his student for a short time, whether it was the relationship of a partner or when he fought side by side, his strength has never been clearly seen by Orochimaru.

But there is one thing, no matter what, his strength is definitely not something a shadow-level powerhouse can deal with.

Orochimaru used to be Konoha's intelligence collector. If he hadn't defected, this task would not have fallen to Jiraiya, but the analysis reports of the villages on Leng Tian at that time were top secret.

But Orochimaru's subordinates once got a piece of Tukage's evaluation of Leng Tian.

"It's best to have two elite teams lay an ambush in advance. Only when there is a shadow-level strong man holding back Leng Tian, ​​can we deal with him..."

And when Orochimaru was in Akatsuki for a while in order to repay that person, at that time, the person he knew also had a very high opinion of Leng Tian.

"It's best to dispatch two groups of Xiao, so that it is possible to retreat in front of him..."

And Akatsuki's two groups of people are four movie-level powerhouses.

But Orochimaru knows that there is actually a trump card beside that person, perhaps it is because of this trump card that he is so not afraid of the cold weather.

But Leng Tian has disappeared since World War Three, so will he show up today?

On the periphery of Konoha, Konoha's Anbu has been patrolling.

Most of the people and celebrities in the village were watching the Chunin exams, and Konoha was at his weakest at this time compared to other times.

Therefore, the patrol mission usually consisted of ordinary genin and zhongnin, this time even the troops from Anbu were dispatched.


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