A team of Anbu's squad is starting to patrol around Konoha. Because there are few people, they have to patrol around frequently.

At this time, one of the Anbu members suddenly stopped.


He looked around. When he passed by here just now, years of combat experience told him that something was wrong. He seemed to feel a trace of murderous intent.

Seeing their companions stop, the other three in the team also stopped, and immediately formed a vigilant formation.

"what happened?"

Hearing what his companion said, the Anbu member first said: "No, it's okay, maybe I made a mistake..."

In fact he gave his companion a warning sign.

After the people in Anbu saw this gesture, although they urged their companions verbally, they were actually ready to fight.

"If there is nothing else, let's go, there are still many areas to go..."

At this time, as the captain of the Anbu team, he suddenly issued the latest mission.

Hearing the hint from the captain, the Anbu member nodded, followed immediately, and disappeared into the area...

At the same time, in a dense forest not far from him, there were countless ninjas from Yinnin Village and Sand Ninja Village standing densely, all of them resting peacefully, waiting for the signal to fight.

"It seems that he didn't find us..."

After realizing that the members of Anbe's team had indeed left, the leader suddenly raised his arm. Seeing this signal, Sand Ninja and Otono Ninja behind him immediately started to move.

In countless locations, countless sound ninjas and sand ninjas began to combine...

All of them are waiting for a signal.

In another place, a lot of people gathered, all of them were holding scrolls in their hands, and there were also people around them on guard.

"There must be no problems with the Summoning Great God Formation. They are the most critical part of Oshemaru-sama's plan this time, and they are the vanguard of destroying Konoha's plan..."

"Relax, we understand the important nature of this plan..."

One of the sand ninja directors said.

"Okay, I'll leave this place to you..."

When Otonin Village left, there was a smirk on his mouth. Although Orochimaru and Wanshe had discussed it, the sacrifice was also explained, and it was these sand ninjas.

In the dark corner of Muye Village, many troops from Sand Ninja and Yinnin Village also began to gather.

Everyone is waiting for a password...

Konoha Anbu, who found something wrong before, rushed back to Konoha immediately after a round with other team members. They wanted to invite a ninja from the Hyuga clan to investigate.

"Be quick, I have a bad premonition in my heart. Although the previous murderous intent disappeared quickly, I felt that I was suppressed by others, which means that the enemy is not just one or two people..."

"That's even faster, I hope we have time..."

Konoha's team rushed back faster, hoping to bring this discovery back to the village...

Chapter 73

What happened on the outskirts of Konoha didn't affect the Chunin Exam at all.

At this moment, the battle between Sasuke and Neji has reached the final moment.

Even if Ningci possesses gossip in the well, a powerful secret technique that can infinitely develop his own reaction and five senses, but it is not the seventh sense after all, and he also gets tired sometimes.

But Sasuke is different. After activating the third layer of curse seal, his chakra seems to usher in an explosive growth.

The speed is getting faster and faster every time, even if he is knocked into the air several times by Ning Ci, his injuries can start to recover in an instant.

Just like Naruto.

This powerful recovery ability suddenly gave Naruto a bad feeling in his heart.

"Why does Sasuke have so many similarities with me? Could it be that our father is the same person?"

Naruto is not the carefree Naruto in the original book. On the contrary, he and Sasuke are both masters of calm analysis.

Otherwise, Konoha's Anbu would not have discovered him spying on him, and the entire village would not have discovered his true ability.

In fact, Sasuke also has the same question as Naruto at the moment, the only thing he can still question is the chakra in his body.

Although he doesn't know about this wood attribute chakra, he is sure that Naruto doesn't have one.

"No, although gossip in the well can concentrate my mind to an unbelievable level, it also wastes a lot of my energy. Now I can't keep up with Sasuke's reaction..."

Ning Ci was so tired that he was out of breath, obviously he had the upper hand now, but Sasuke's weird state made him drag himself into a desperate situation.

"It's like when Xiao Li faced Gaara..."

Neji found that the current situation is the same as the Chakra consumed by Gaara facing Xiao Li in the preliminaries.

"I can't go on like this. Next time I will keep using Jingzhong Bagua to amplify my five senses wirelessly so that I can continue to attack. I will finish a set of Rouquan Baguazhang. At that time, no matter how much Chakra he has in his body , it’s useless even if it’s blocked!”

Thinking of this, Neji pulled out the posture of gossip in the well again, and condensed the chakra in his body.

"He is going to do his best. With Ning Ci's spirit, he can't insist on using Rouquan Bagua..."

A soft voice came from somewhere in the village.

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