"As expected of Orochimaru, although my ninjutsu is still a bit off, but it's almost the same..."

In fact, Leng Tian can't separate the ninjutsu in an instant. This transformation is based on the principle that the ninjutsu attributes repel each other. After the opponent uses ninjutsu, he uses his star shift to transform the opponent's ninjutsu. That's all.

It's simple to say, but in fact it requires the ultimate control of Chakra, and only in cold weather can this be achieved.

As for the rope tree, Leng Tian had to praise it in his heart, it was amazing.

Actually, from the power of Yin Dun, he immediately understood Yang Dun, and continued to use the Chakra that participated in the surrounding area, so that it hardly cost too much Chakra, and he only needed to guide the free Chakra in the air to use it. And it's even more powerful than before.

"Even if Uchiha Madara used the ability of Shisui's eyes to control Nakoki, Nakoki's strength is definitely qualified to surpass the potential of Senju Hashirama..."

The group of four in the barrier couldn't hold on any longer. Ever since Leng Tian and Naoki started to use ninjutsu, they felt that the power of the barrier began to be unstable. The world became unstable.

Then Shengshu actually began to seize the power of the enchantment for him to use.

This ability has surpassed the Chakra that the foursome can maintain the barrier.

Because of them, even their own chakra began to lose with the enchantment.

"No, absolutely not... If this goes on, we will be the first to fall..."

The group of four are connected with each other, and their faces have already begun to use the first layer of power of the curse seal.

And Orochimaru knows his subordinates very well.

"This is really troublesome. The group of four has already started to use the first layer of the curse seal. If they use the second layer, their lives will be in danger. It seems that time is running out, and we must hurry up, but the sand Why hasn't Shinobi forced out those monsters from Danzo..."

Orochimaru looked into the distance, he needed the materials for the experiment, he needed to study that kind of thing, and he had reached a fork in the road for Xuejigen.

If you want to go a step further, you need the real Xuekegen, and Orochimaru is targeting the army of the Uchiha clan belonging to Danzo this time.

Naruto and Sasuke finally returned to Konoha Village with Mikoto and Sakura.

At this time, the flames of war had spread to the entire Konoha.

"Damn it, our current Chakra has been exhausted to the point where we can't help at all..."

Naruto looked at the Konoha ninjas who were fighting all around, and deeply felt the limitation of his own strength.

Sasuke is the same, he has no chakra, but he is still anxiously looking for something.

"Just now, my mother passed out without explaining it clearly. Now he doesn't know where his father is in Konoha. Is he also fighting against these enemies from a certain angle?"

Sasuke asked Naruto suspiciously.

"I don't know either...my windy ear can't hear any news about your father..."

"No, someone!"

Although Naruto and Sasuke didn't find Sasuke's father, in fact they didn't know who Sasuke's father was or what he looked like.

But there is one thing, that is, they all think that Sasuke's father should be a member of the Uchiha clan, as long as this is the case, it will be easy.

People of the Uchiha clan will wear the clothes of the Uchiha clan wherever they go, and Sharingan is their symbol.

Especially Sasuke, he clearly thought in his heart that even his mother had already opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, so his father would not have it.

It's just that they just entered the village, and before they had time to understand the situation, they were discovered by ninjas from Sand Ninja Village and Yin Ninja Village.

Now the entire Konoha has apparently been controlled by the people of Sand Ninja and Yinnin Village.

So conspicuous Konoha signs like Sasuke and Naruto are simply too easy to spot.

"Where did these two brats come from before? As long as you catch them, you will be able to interrogate where the people in the village are hiding..."

Four Yinnin village surrounded Naruto and Sasuke.


Naruto and Sasuke are gathering chakra at the same time, but apparently their chakra is almost empty...

"Hey, can your sworn brother still be summoned?"

Sasuke asked quietly.

"I can probably only summon tadpoles now..."

Naruto smiled, but it was more like crying.

"Haha, then we might really have to work hard today..."

Sasuke picked up Kunai and said to Naruto back to back.

"I didn't say anything, but I have been practicing gymnastics before, can you do it?"

Naruto didn't forget to taunt Sasuke at this time.

"Hmph, you are the one, if they rush over and hurt Xiao Ying and my mother, I will definitely make you look good!"

Sasuke said the same.

"Don't worry, unless they step over my dead body!"

A look of madness flashed in Naruto's eyes.

He plans to imitate the taijutsu that Xiao Li used during the Chunin exam again, and Sasuke is the same, he also wants to open Sharingan to use Xiao Li's taijutsu.

Both of them thought of desperately.

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