At this moment, a faint light suddenly came out from the bodies of Sasuke and Naruto. This light was like a flame, and then it was like a big fire...


A burst of chakra that they never imagined erupted from their bodies.

Both Sasuke and Naruto were stunned.

"This, is this my Chakra?"

Sasuke and Naruto looked at the body in shock at the same time.

Not only them, but also the upper ninja and middle ninja of Sand Ninja Village and Yinnin Village took a step back in fright.

Is this still what they thought was just two exhausted Konoha kids?

"Naruto, where does my Chakra come from, from the Chunin Exam!"

After getting this powerful chakra, Sasuke seemed to know something, and immediately pointed in the direction of the Chunin exam.

"Is it there, then my Chakra can figure it out..."

Thanks to Liu Suifengdong and Disha Soulchaser for their monthly tickets! !

Chapter 93 Sakura Says Goodbye


After seeing the state of Naruto and Sasuke, the people in Yinnin Village were very surprised, what happened.

"Their Chakra just now is not so powerful!"

The people in Yinnin Village have some very keen observations on Chakra, and this is all because of the hard work that Orochimaru has put in in this regard.

In order to make Yinnincun stand out early, when he trained these subordinates, in addition to giving them various abilities, he also transformed their bodies to make them very sensitive to the opponent's chakra.

In this way, not only can the opponent be quickly discovered, but also the strength of the opponent can be judged, and more detailed and perfect tactics can be made.

"These two kids are not easy, let's go up together..."

Hearing the words of Yinnin Village, the two ninjas of Sand Ninja Village showed disdainful expressions.

"Hmph, after all, it's from Ninja Village, that's why I'm so scared!"

"Let's go first, let them see, the five great ninja villages are amazing!"

The two sand ninja rushed out first.

Seeing the sand ninja village rushing out, the four Yinnin villages did not intend to stop them. Anyway, there is still a task here, which is to consume the strength of these sand ninja villages.


"How dare you underestimate us!"

Naruto and Sasuke accelerated their movements at the same time, and when they took a step forward, their figures disappeared suddenly leaving an afterimage, and the main body could already appear in front of the two sand ninjas.

"how come?"

Not to mention the two sand ninjas, the same goes for the other four ninjas from the Yinnin village.

"Be careful, the strength of these two children is no longer below the limit!"

It's a pity that the four people's reminders were late, and both Naruto and Sasuke used Konoha Biaolianhua.


One move, just one move solved the Chunin of the two sand ninjas.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other with confidence in their eyes, then turned their heads to stare at the remaining four people of Otonin Village and said, "Next it's your turn..."

Hearing what Naruto and Sasuke said, the four ninjas from Otonin Village looked at each other and sneered at the same time.

"Hehe, brat, let me tell you, don't talk too much..."

As soon as the four ninjas of Yinnin Village had finished speaking, the Kunai in their hands shot out.

Naruto and Sasuke seemed to have known it for a long time. They did not retreat but advanced. The moment they avoided Kunai, their figures had already rushed towards the four people in Otonin Village.

"With such a fast speed, the other party must be a ninja who is very good at Taijutsu, then we will use ninjutsu to solve you..."

But just when Otonin Village was about to seal the seal, Sasuke had already jumped high.

"Fire escape! Great fireball!"

"Tch, I thought it was some great ninjutsu, it's just this kind of pediatrics..."

Seeing the ninjutsu released by Sasuke, the four people in Yinnin Village didn't take it seriously.

At this time, Naruto also protruded a stream of water from his mouth.

Even Naruto didn't understand why he could do this, as if he suddenly had this seal in his mind.

Naruto's fire escape catches up to Sasuke's fire escape.

Seeing this situation, several people in Yinren Village almost didn't laugh.

"Haha, is this the student Konoha called out? Don't you know that when water and fire meet, they are destined to be restrained?"

"Sure enough, you're an idiot!"

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