But when they were laughing, after the fire tunnel and the water tunnel extinguished each other, a large cloud of water vapor suddenly spread and surrounded them.

"Of course we know how to pull idiots, but it's just to block your sight..."

Sasuke said coldly at this time.

"Block our sight, is your sight different?"

One of them said stiffly.

"Hehe, have you heard of the assassination ninjutsu of Mist Ninja? They can know the target's location even without eyes!"

"If you don't rely on your eyes, what do you rely on?"

The ninja from Yinnin Village murmured.

"Of course it depends on your voice!"

Suddenly Sasuke rushed from behind him.


The gorgeous chidori exploded in the chest of this Otonin village.

The same screams came from Naruto's side.

"Multiple shadow clones, Naruto's five-fold combo!"

Hearing Naruto's funny name, Sasuke smiled, and then began to listen to the second target.


Sasuke and Naruto arrived almost at the same time.


Under the front and back attacks, the ninja of the Otonin village suddenly turned into a puff of smoke.

"It's not easy to be fooled!"

Naruto and Sasuke were startled at the same time, when a cold voice came from Sakura.

"Very well, as expected of Konoha's ninja, even the kid is so powerful, but do you still dare to attack me now?"

The last enemy has placed Kunai around Sakura's neck.

"If one day, the life of your companions is threatened by the enemy, and all he has to do is ask you to give up your mission, hand over your companions, or even make you give up resisting, what will you do?"

Sasuke and Naruto thought of Kakashi's words at the same time.

Unexpectedly, the last paragraph of the graduation exam reappeared in front of my eyes.

The situation was pretty much the same then as it is today.

"Put down the Kunai in your hands, or I will kill this little girl!"

Almost the same words as Kakashi, but Kakashi was just trying to test their reaction, and now they have reached the time when they really have to choose.

"If you don't want to see this girl die in front of you, it's best not to resist..."

The ninja of Otonin Village hid his figure behind Sakura, and a triumphant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth at this time.


Sasuke will kunai still in the middle.

"Sasuke, Naruto leave me alone..."

Sakura knew what the final consequences would be if Sasuke did this, Otonin Village would definitely take her as a threat and take the opportunity to kill Sasuke and Naruto who were unarmed.

"Boy, it's your turn..."

The ninjas of Yinnin Village stared at Naruto behind Sasuke.

This made Naruto's face anxious. Just now, Sasuke attracted his attention just to delay Naruto's time.

But unexpectedly, the ninja from Yinnin Village never let down his vigilance.

"Hmph, how can you be careless now? Just now, this little guy killed our two companions at once, and he was the first one to kill!"

Although he didn't know Naruto's information, he also knew that Naruto was the biggest threat from the Chakra that broke out on the two of them just now.


Naruto handed over the kunai that he took out at this time, and casually threw it away.

Seeing Naruto's Kunai thrown behind him, the ninjas of Otonin Village showed a sinister smile.

"Hey, it seems that you are still unwilling, very good, I will attack you first, don't resist, as long as you resist, I will kill your companion first..."

The ninja of Yinnin Village put one of the kunai on Sakura's neck, and the other hand reached out to the ninja bag, took out two kunai from it, and aimed at Sasuke and Naruto.

"Leave me alone, Naruto, Sasuke!"

Kosakura was pressed against the neck by Kunai, her face was in pain, seeing that Naruto and Sasuke did not intend to resist, there was a determined look in her eyes.

"Goodbye, Naruto, Sasuke..."

Chapter 94 The figure of the fourth generation

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