"Don't use your forbidden technique, I accept this eye..."

It is absolutely black.

Hei never knew when he appeared behind Danzo.

The sudden change made Shengshu, who had been standing above, suddenly startled.

"Hey, Senju Nawaki, why did Madara-sama let you out of control..."

Heijue looked at the kaleidoscope Sharingan in his hand and nodded in satisfaction: "It should be able to restart Madara-sama's ninjutsu..."

After Hei Jue finished speaking, his hands quickly formed seals, and Sheng Shu suddenly felt a mark appear in his eyes, and then Sheng Shu fell on the wooden dragon in pain with his head in his arms.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah..."

Zhishu suddenly raised his head to the sky and shouted wildly, and then his whole body suddenly lost his intuition and fell down.


Sasuke immediately realized that he was about to reach out to catch his father, but at this moment, Heijue was one step ahead...

"You, who are you!"

Sasuke's face became extremely ferocious, and he immediately understood that the strange behavior of his father just now must be caused by the man in front of him.

"Hey, compared to me, shouldn't you worry about the disaster that is coming soon..."

Hei Jue looked at the big fireball that was about to land on the ground, with a schadenfreude smile on his mouth.

"We will meet soon, if you want to find your father, come and look for it..."

Kuro said to Sasuke without forgetting the temptation.

After all, this person in front of him is also a clansman of that lord.

Just after Heijue disappeared in front of Sasuke with the rope tree, the giant dragon in front of him finally disappeared, and what he brought was a huge fireball that seemed to cover the entire Ninja Village.

At this moment, Danzo, who was already dying, suddenly flashed the last light in his eyes.

"I am the shadow, even if it is for my persistence, no one can destroy Konoha, Sarutobi... If you can do it, I, Danzo, can do it too!"

Danzo said with difficulty. After speaking, Danzo suddenly tore off the clothes on his body, and the talismans from generation to generation were on Danzo's body.

"With only my blood, I summon you in the shadows, the tree world of shadows descends, come out!"

After Danzo finished speaking, his whole body suddenly exploded, but his blood spilled on the previous Shadow Tree Realm.

Suddenly, a pair of eyes appeared under the dark shadow...

Christmas Eve tonight, how did you guys spend it?Have you ever received a peace fruit? Have you ever sent your heart out?I wish you all a romantic Christmas Eve with your significant other...

Chapter 98


In the Chunin examination room, Sandai suddenly turned his head and looked towards the sky.

There, the shadow of a pitch-black wooden dragon suddenly rushed out of the ground!

"That, that is..."

The enchantment has disappeared, Orochimaru has been withdrawn, and the group of four in Otonin Village has also disappeared, leaving only Sandai, Leng Tian, ​​Kakashi and a group of Anbu ninjas.

"I didn't expect Danzo to develop such a powerful ninjutsu with the help of Orochimaru..."

Leng Tian looked towards the sky and said slowly.

"Teacher, how about the third generation?"

Leng Tian finally put down his right hand, looked around in a daze, and finally smiled and said: "It's okay, the god of death can't take away three generations..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Sandai looked at Leng Tian in surprise, and couldn't believe what he heard.

Leng Tian looked towards the sky and said slowly: "I will never forgive the mistakes I made back then. Ever since Minato used this ninjutsu, I told myself that one day I will tell Death that even if you are summoned, I can also snatch people back from your mouth!"

In the enchantment before, the third generation was determined to die. He couldn't let Orochimaru be caught by Madara, but he no longer had the ability to stop Orochimaru, let alone Madara.

So there is only one thing, and that is to take away Orochimaru. As in the original book, the third generation used the forbidden technique of the fourth generation in the original book.

After sealing the first and second generations, when it was time to take away Orochimaru, it finally failed, and with the interference of Heijue, but also took away Orochimaru's hands.

Orochimaru finally had to retreat.

As his barrier disappeared, Anbu's people could finally come in, but just when Anbu wanted to deal with Orochimaru, he met a group of four.

The group of four used the second curse seal and finally left with them.

And Leng Tian finally took this opportunity to open the third eye on his forehead, even though he knew how dangerous it was for him, but Hei would never be around Naoshu, so the interference to Naoshu would be much smaller.

Under the combination of Reincarnation Eye and Tensei Eye, the ninjutsu existing in Naoki suddenly stopped.

This is one of the abilities of Leng Tian combining Tenseiyan and Samsarayan, which can make ninjutsu static.

And the tree finally got its own will from Madara's ninjutsu, but the tree first sensed the breath of Danzo and Sasuke.

In particular, he could sense that his wife Miqin's aura was a bit bad, so he rushed out immediately. Leng Tian wanted to catch up, but the third generation was surrounded by four people at this time...

Leng Tian immediately launched the field of fighting and star shifting, although he was only standing beside the third generation, he had the ability to resist the third generation.

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