But the third generation could feel that a yang force appeared on his body, no, no, it was that kind of yang escape force, but a strong repulsion, from the repulsion of the soul.

Few people can dispel the coming of the god of death from the soul, but the third generation clearly felt that the pace of being taken away by the god of death slowed down.

At this moment, Leng Tian has entered the eighth sense, which is a power of perception that surpasses the limit of human beings.

It is a realm of gods, in other words, the realm of cold weather in the soul and the summoned god of death stand in the same position.

The soul of ordinary people, whether you are Hokage or a daimyo, will be suppressed in front of the god of death and cannot resist at all.

And Leng Tian finally entered the seventh sense under the guidance of Bai Fang under the coincidence of chance. Although he has been suppressing the backlash of the reincarnation eye on his forehead and the reincarnation eye in his eyes for more than ten years, it also made Leng Tian finally It is at the same level as Otsuki, even higher in soul.

After all, Otsutsuki Kaguya has already been called a god.

In the realm of cold weather, the power of the god of death cannot enter at all, and naturally it cannot take away the three generations.

It's just that Leng Tian quietly checked the third generation, and said in a low voice: "You don't have much time left, the third Hokage..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Sandai Hokage smiled and said: "Thank you Leng Tian, ​​if possible, I hope you can still prevent the fireball from falling as a Konoha ninja..."

Even though the third generation has seen the wooden dragon summoned by Danzo with his life, this is a super ninjutsu that absorbs the opponent's ninjutsu and imitates the opponent's ninjutsu.

It is similar to the technique of imitating shadows, but it surpasses too much.

"Leave it to me... Hokage-sama!"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Sandai finally breathed a sigh of relief.


The fireballs formed by Shadow Wood Dragon and Sasuke and Natoki collided together, but the Wood Dragon retreated steadily in the air, and even began to shatter.

Even with all his strength, Danzo couldn't shake Nakoki's super ninjutsu performed by Senjutsu.

Although this is Sasuke's knot seal, but the chakra belongs to the rope tree, it can be said that even if Nagato faces this move, he must use the earth explosion star to fight against it.

This is the rope tree that has almost emptied all the chakras in the body, and even the chakras of the eight-door dunjia.

This is also the result of Shengshu's years of studying by Madara's side.

Looking at the ninjutsu that can destroy Konoha, Leng Tian said indifferently: "Naoshu, you will really give the teacher a difficult problem..."

"Fight! Turn! Star! Move!"

A huge star shift appeared below the fireball, and then the eyes of reincarnation and reincarnation lit up on Leng Tian's forehead and eyes at the same time.

"Monster mode!"

In the surprised eyes of Sasuke and Naruto, a strange figure suddenly rushed under the fireball, holding the huge fireball with one hand.

"How, how?"

Both Naruto and Sasuke couldn't believe it.

Especially Sasuke finds it unacceptable. Although he also wants the village to be saved, in his opinion, the ninjutsu used by his father is already the most powerful ninjutsu in the ninja world. No one can resist it, but who is this strange person? ?

Why did so many strong men he never knew appeared in a Chunin exam, and even surpassed the range of ninjutsu he already knew.

Even Naruto can summon such a terrifying psychic beast, what is going on with all this.

At this time, Miqin slowly came to her senses, and when she saw the figure in the sky, she shouted in surprise, "Teacher..."

Hearing his mother's words, Sasuke turned his head in surprise and asked, "Mom, you're awake, what did you say teacher just now?"

"Of course, that's mother's teacher, and your father's teacher..."

Hearing his mother's words, Sasuke opened his mouth wide. That person is actually his father's teacher. His father's strength is already so terrifying. Could it be that this person is the same as his father.

At this time, Miqin turned her head to look at Naruto, and said softly: "At the same time, he is also your father, Naruto, he is your father..."


Naruto suddenly clicked and sat on the ground.

"I, my father..."

"Yes, he is your father, Hyuga Lengtian, the most powerful person in the Hyuga clan, and a figure who stood at the pinnacle of the ninja world with Sasuke's father. Twelve years ago, all the people in the ninja world were discussing a problem , who of the two of them is the number one person in the ninja world...they are the pinnacle of the ninja world!"

Hearing his mother's words, Sasuke opened his mouth wide, and so did Naruto...

They don't know what to say, or their brains are not working well...

The huge fireball was finally moved out, and a huge crater exploded around Konoha...

Chapter 99 A-Level Task

Everyone in Konoha looked at the huge rock outside the sky that was thrown out by Leng Tian, ​​and everyone's eyes almost protruded. Is this the strength that people can do?

At the same time, they were even more surprised when Konoha had such a powerful person.

This time when Konoha had an accident, some spies from other countries hidden in the village were carefully observing Konoha's strength.

One is because they all got the news in advance this time. This time, Orochimaru not only cooperated with Sand Ninja Village, but also planned with many other human forces.

Although they will not participate, if the strength shown by Konoha makes them feel that Konoha's strength has regressed, then they will give more tasks to the emerging Yinnin Village.

After all, if Konoha and Yixin Ninja Village have to deal with such a trouble, then why do they get such a high price.

In fact, they were really dissatisfied with Konoha's strength at the beginning, especially for Orochimaru's powerful strategy and cooperation with Sand Ninja Village, which made them see Konoha's loopholes.

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