However, this person rescued by Heijue is likely to destroy the entire ninja world...

Even if once chakra itself originated from her...

"Teacher, the moon..."

Uchiha Itachi asked carefully.

"You also know that the current tailed beasts all exist in a form of chakra, or in other words, they are condensed with a kind of spiritual power... There is no entity at all. Even if Madara gathers all the nine tails, he can't Synthesize ten tails..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Zilai ate too, as if thinking of something, immediately asked: "Could it be that the body of the ten tails..."

"That's right, the Sage of the Six Paths saved the world from the Ten-Tails back then, sealed up this huge Chakra, and made himself into the Ten-Tails' "Inchuriki".

Finally, when the Sage of the Six Paths was dying, he sealed the body of Ten Tails with the Earth Explosion Star and threw it into the sky that no one could reach, forming a sealing stone, which is the moon.

However, Madara, who evolved into the eyes of reincarnation when he was about to die, unsealed the seal of the ten-tailed body, and took it out of the moon through a psychic, calling it the "heterogolem". Uchiha Madara wanted to gather the power of ten tails and use The moon reflects the ultimate ninjutsu-Infinite Tsukuyomi, the "Moon Eye Project" that unites the world and itself. "

Leng Tian said more content, which stunned Uchiha Itachi.

After all, he only knew that Uchiha Madara planned to use the ten tails to unify the world, but he didn't expect that there would be a month's plan later.

Leng Tian told the scene so much on purpose, even if they were in doubt, it didn't matter.

He knew why everyone looked at him with doubts, even Itachi Uchiha.

"Don't be curious, because my eyes, these eyes that surpassed the white eyes and evolved into Tenseigan, let me see these..."

Hearing Leng Tian's indifferent words, Tsunade suddenly asked: "Leng Tian, ​​do you mean that all this will happen in the future?"

Leng Tian nodded.

"After all, with the relationship in the ninja world today, we can't gather Wuying, but we can stop Madara before that. I can see that Madara will act in three years. At that time, he will attack the tailed beast first. If the tailed beasts of Yannin and Yunnin are obtained by Madara, I believe they will be the first to be unable to sit still, and that time will be the time for us to unite..."

"Does it take three years?"

Tsunade murmured.

"That's right, in order to hide his eyes of reincarnation, he hid them on the body of a young man from the Uzumaki clan. In order to avoid being discovered by the five great ninja villages, he created chaos in the country of rain. In his opinion, there is only chaos for years." An environment like the restless Land of Rain is the best environment to hide others..."

Leng Tian's words made many people gasp again.

For this purpose, it is necessary to refrain from provoking war with it, and to play the five major ninja villages in circles.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being one of the strongest ninjas ever, Uchiha Madara.

"Actually, even if we go to unite with the other two major ninja villages now, we may not be able to find Uchiha Madara, and will only scare the snake. Instead, it is better to wait until he starts to act, and we will stop it first..."

Hearing Leng Tian's analysis, Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at each other and felt relatively safe.

At the same time, he nodded, and Wudai Mizukage also agreed.

"In this way, we will form the alliance of the three major ninja villages. I believe that even Yannin and Yunnin will not dare to provoke a war during this period of time..."

Terumi Mei also stood up and said with admiration.

Hearing Mizukage's words, Leng Tian nodded.

Only Uchiha Itachi still had some doubts or uneasiness in his heart, he always felt that he seemed to have overlooked something.

When he raised his head to look at Teacher Leng Tian, ​​he suddenly saw a mysterious smile on the corner of Leng Tian's mouth.

This slight smile gave Uchiha Itachi a dangerous feeling for some reason.

As if sensing Uchiha Itachi's gaze, Leng Tian turned his head and asked, "What's wrong? It seems that you still have any questions?"

"No, no more, everything is according to the teacher's arrangement, I just use this time to find Sasuke back..."

Hearing Uchiha Itachi's words, Leng Tian nodded, but still said: "Actually, cultivating with Master Orochimaru will be of great help to Sasuke, although I almost guessed that some Orochimaru-sama might treat Sasuke as a Zuo means container, but I think such an excellent heir would not make this decision lightly..."

Uchiha Itachi found that he was getting more and more confused about what the teacher meant.

Of course, Leng Tian noticed the suspicious look in Uchiha Itachi's eyes, but he didn't care. No matter how good Uchiha Itachi was, he couldn't see the future.

What's more, Leng Tian has his own plan, he needs to let the story follow the plot...


Kakashi listened to Naruto's decision from Goshidai, the Muku in his hand fell to the ground and didn't know to pick it up.

Suddenly Kakashi grabbed Naruto vigorously, and asked loudly: "Naruto, are you sure? Are you sure Mr. Goshidai said that he would list my father and Mr. Sarutobi Shinnosuke as heroes..."

"Of course, of course, Kakashi-sensei, you hurt me..."

Naruto yelled, and Kakashi didn't wake up until this time.

"Kakashi-senpai, can you tell me about my father?"

Konoha Maru suddenly looked at Kakashi nervously at this moment.

"Well... look over there..."

Kakashi said suddenly.

Following the direction of Kakashi's finger, Naruto and Konohamaru looked over, but there was nothing, but when they looked back, they found that Kakashi had disappeared.

"Bastard, Kakashi-sensei, you actually ran away..."

Naruto squinted his eyes and shouted.

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