Konoha Maru showed a determined look on his face, and said to Naruto beside him, "Brother, I must find out what's going on!"

"I support you, and I also think there is something wrong with it. I think there is someone who won't hide us..."

Naruto said suddenly.

"Who, brother, tell me quickly?"

Konoha Maru asked in surprise.

"Since Kakashi-sensei reacted so strongly just now, there should be another person like Kakashi-sensei, we just need to catch him and hold on!"

Naruto said while walking and thinking.

"Who is it?"

Konoha Maru caught up with Naruto and asked.

"Stupid, have you forgotten your uncle? I don't believe he won't be excited!"


Hearing Naruto's words, Konohamaru said happily: "I'll go to my uncle and ask for clarification..."

"Wait, do you want to repeat the scene just now?"

Naruto called Konohamaru to stop.

"No, uncle won't escape like Kakashi-senpai!"

Konoha Maru said with certainty.

"Just in case, if it's the same as Kakashi-sensei, I think we should change the way..."

Speaking of this, Naruto showed a smirk, which made Konoha Maru feel a bad premonition.

"Wow, Naruto, what did you eat for me..."

Asma stared at Konohamaru and Naruto with a painful face and asked.

"It's nothing, I just don't want you to run away immediately after hearing our words like Kakashi-sensei..."

Naruto said with a proud face.

"Damn it, Shikamaru, you still help Naruto, let's see how I deal with you in the future..."

Asma stared at her students and said.

"I have no other choice. Naruto promised to give me a limited edition Playboy version. Didn't I also ask the teacher just now if you want to or not? Didn't you also say that as long as the conditions are right, you will do it?"

Shikamaru turned his head and said.

"Bastard, bastard, okay Naruto, tell me what exactly do you want me to say?"

Asma stared at Naruto and asked.

"It's not that I have a problem for you, it's that Konoha Maru has something to say..."

Hearing Naruto's words, Asma was taken aback.

Konohamaru stared at Asma nervously and asked, "Uncle, what kind of person is my father? Is he a ninja like you?"

"Konoha Maru?"

Asma was not mentally prepared to accept this question at all. For him, because of his brother, Bai Fang committed suicide. The pressure on him is deeply in Asma's heart.

It's just that Armas never thought that Konoha Maru would ask this question so soon.

"Who, who told you?"

If Konoha Maru can ask this question, it is very likely that Konoha Maru already knows.

It's just that Asma was very shocked. The three generations personally sealed the files back then, and told everyone that they should never talk about this matter again.

Why, why would it be reopened at this time.

"It's the fifth mother-in-law. I don't know why Kakashi-sensei reacted so strongly. The fifth mother-in-law said that she plans to send Bai Fang-senpai and Sarutobi Shinnosuke-senpai to the hero's tombstone. By the way, Asma-sensei, who is Bai Fang?"

Naruto asked deliberately pretending not to care, but his eyes were already fixed on Asma.

"Send it to the hero's tombstone? Master Wu Dai really said so?"

Asma was stunned when she heard Naruto's words, then trembled all over, and two lines of clear tears flowed from his eyes.

"Master Five Generations, yes, only Princess Tsunade has this courage. After all, she not only has the support of the Senshou Clan, but also Senior Leng Tian as the backing. No one dares to question her decision. Brother, brother, brother, you heard me Well, you and Lord Bai Fang can finally restore their reputation..."

Asmabi Konohamaru and Naruto know the weight of this too much.

Although Tsunade overturned Sandai's decision when he came up, this is probably the order that Sandai was most unwilling to give, and Tsunade was finally willing to let Bai Fang and Shinnosuke's brother enter the hero's tombstone.

Asma finally knew why Kakashi left, because if he stayed, he would only cry like himself.

In fact, at this moment Kakashi did exactly what Asma thought, two lines of clear tears came out.

As White Fang, who had committed suicide on a dishonorable charge back then, Kakashi had to bear a charge since he was a child, a charge from his father.

This made Kakashi feel like he couldn't hold his head up in Konoha. He kept meeting Mr. Leng Tian, ​​and it was only at this moment that Kakashi slowly changed his mind.

When Asma told the story of the past, Naruto and Konoha Maru were stunned on the spot.

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