"Finger magic power!"


Ning Ci's flick of the finger was deflected by the chakra behind Ang and ejected.

"It's useless, our Chakra will protect us..."

"It's strange, there is such a sliver of independent consciousness?"

Think carefully about Ang's Chakra in cold weather.

Perhaps the entire ninja world does not really understand the special features of Chakra in Xing Ninja Village.

"This is definitely not the ninjutsu of Liu Dao. In other words, it is not the ninjutsu of the ninja sect at all. What is it?"

Leng Tian is sure that neither Ang nor the so-called Red Star has cultivated this kind of cultivation to the highest level, and I am afraid that only the third generation Xingying has discovered it.

"In the original book, it was because he couldn't bear the damage caused to his body by the ten-tailed chakra, but the third generation Hoshikage was more than a hundred years old at that time. Why did he prohibit cultivation at that time? It must be There is a special reason for him to do this. It is definitely not just Xing's practice that will bring harm to people. If it is just that simple, Hong Xing, Xingying of this generation will not let the people of the village practice again... "

After discovering here, Leng Tian has already ignored Naruto and others, and penetrated into Xingren Village by himself. Anyway, with his strength, the entire Xingren Village will not find his existence.

After Leng Tian entered Star Ninja Village, when Ang and Ningci fought to the most intense point, Ningci's Star Shift showed more powerful power, and bounced all of Ang's ninjutsu. In the end, Ang used Chakra power for too long , the burden on the body was too heavy, and finally surrendered, Neji gave up.

Thank you SpongeBob SquarePants for rewarding 399 book coins...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Naruto, Ning Ci and others finally came to Xingren Village, but Naruto found that the people here didn't seem to welcome them so much.

Especially with regard to the stars, they have not been allowed to see them until now.

Originally, I had to ask questions every day, but was stopped by Neji.

"Although our mission is to protect the star, this star is also the secret treasure of the star ninja village. Before we get the other party's consent, we must not act rashly..."

Neji asked Naruto and the others with a serious face.


Xiao Li is very serious about his luggage, and Tian Tian is the same, only Naruto's eyes are rolling, as if he didn't hear Neji's words at all.

"Naruto, did you hear what I said?"

Neji had always noticed Naruto's expression, worried that he would mess around again, so he warned him first.

"Okay, brother Ningci, don't worry, I won't approach the place where the stars are stored without the permission of Xing Ninja Village..."

Hearing Naruto's words, Neji nodded.

It's just that Naruto always looks curiously at the place where the stars are stored.

At this moment, a group of teenagers of different ages in Xing Ninja Village are sitting around Xing and starting to absorb Xing's chakra.

"it hurts!"

At this time, a teenager suddenly passed out.

Seeing this, Ang and one of the girls immediately asked with concern.

At this time, Xingying came, and after seeing Xing, there was a different look in his eyes.

This made Leng Tian, ​​who had been observing, frown.

Yes, besides the people of Xingren Village, there is also Leng Tian at this moment.

However, Leng Tian's strength can already deprive them of their perception even here, so that they cannot perceive themselves, and even vision cannot store themselves in their eyes.

"It's interesting. Originally, I wanted to take advantage of this time to collect magic weapons of the Six Paths. I didn't expect this star to bring me a big surprise..."

Thinking of this, Leng Tian opened his eyes and silently observed the other cultivating children.

"As expected, as expected, there is something wrong with the star. The three generations of Xingying are not forbidden to practice because of the cultivation of the star. The real reason is probably..."

Leng Tian felt that he could not find out the true face of Xing, but he still needed to prove it, otherwise Leng Tian would not dare to use this kind of power.

For the past few days, Naruto, Neji and others have been staying at the residence of Hoshino Village, but gradually Naruto and Neji began to have doubts.

After all, the attitude of Xing Ninja Village does not seem to want them to protect Xing at all, but to be wary of them.

"Strange, since you don't want us to come, why do you still have to go to Konoha?"

Naruto said strangely.

"I'm also very strange..."

Neji nodded, agreeing with Naruto's words.

"No, I can't just sit here, I'm going to ask..."

Naruto stood up and walked out.

"Naruto wait..."

Xiao Li still wanted to persuade him, but was stopped by Ning Ci.

This made Xiao Li very puzzled, even Tian Tian was the same, after all, Neji was most worried about Naruto's disobedience before.

"Don't you guys think this task is very strange? I think letting Naruto go out and make a mess might let me know the truth..."

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