Hearing Ning Ci's words, Xiao Li and Tiantian looked at each other and smiled.

"Yes, he is known as the most unexpected ninja!"

In Star Ninja Village, Naruto wanders here.

"Hey, it's strange that there are really very few people in this Star Ninja Village..."

"What are you doing here?"

Suddenly there was an Ang voice behind Naruto, which startled Naruto.

"You broke it!"

Naruto said in surprise.

"I asked what are you doing here?"

Ang asked with a look of vigilance.

Seeing the expression on Ang's face, Naruto said angrily: "We should ask you this, right? You issued a mission to Konoha and asked us to come to guard the star, but we have been here for so long. Time, you didn't let us see the stars at all, how to protect this, and who the enemy is, you don't tell us, what is this?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Ang's face changed, and finally he turned around after thinking about it and left. Naruto followed behind Ang.

Soon they came to a sunken place. Looking from a distance, they could see that everything in a radius of more than ten miles was destroyed.

"Could this be the year..."

Naruto asked speculatively.

"Yes, this is where the stars are, and we are all practicing here..."

Speaking of this, Ang pointed to a small old house. Although it was not very impressive inside, Naruto felt an uncomfortable feeling.

"Is it there?"

Naruto asked curiously.

"Yes, our star ninja village's cultivation is different from your other ninja villages. We just cultivate around the star and absorb its chakra. The star gives us different power, so every force wants to get this power , ten years ago..."

Having said this, Ang suddenly stopped talking.

Naruto didn't notice the difference, and wanted to go to see the mysterious star, but was blocked by Ang at this time.

"Without permission, people from Non-Star Ninja Village are not allowed to approach..."

"But if we don't go there, how can we protect it?"

Naruto said even more incomprehensibly that he had never encountered such a situation in his mission.

"We don't let you get close because we don't trust you, we are fully capable of protecting Xing..."

Hearing Ang's words, Naruto finally couldn't help but said: "Then why do you ask to save Konoha?"

"Actually, we didn't intend to..."

Ang just said halfway, suddenly Naruto pointed behind him and said: "That's..."

Ang immediately turned his head, and in his eyes a suspicious person had already jumped out of the window.


Ang stayed in place for a while.

"Hurry up and take a look inside, I'll chase him..."

At this time, Naruto, who had performed missions many times, had experience, and immediately said to Ang.

Hearing Naruto's words, Ang immediately ran, and Naruto also chased after the mysterious man.

Ang went inside and found that all his companions were injured.

"Ang, be careful, that person, that person knows our peacock secret technique..."

Hearing what his companion said, Ang immediately turned pale.

"Xing, where is Xing?"

Ang asked immediately.

"Snatched by that person..."

Hearing this, Ang immediately chased after him, and at the same time thought of Naruto worriedly.

But when he arrived, he found that not only Naruto, but also Neji Hinata, Tiantian, and Xiao Li were chasing after him at the same time.


Ang was taken aback, not understanding why Konoha came so quickly.

In fact, after Naruto's action, Ning Ci led Xiao Li and Tian Tian to follow quietly.

After discovering the enemy, Neji acted immediately.

But even this is a step too late, because the enemy can fly...

Naruto and Ningji looked at each other, looked at Ang, and asked with a serious face: "Is there something in the Star Ninja Village that you should explain to us, why the person who stole the star knows the secret technique unique to your Star Ninja Village?" , Peacock Secret Technique?"


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