At this moment, the star, which had been stable until now, began to shake violently involuntarily, as if it wanted to rush into Leng Tian's body eagerly, but the next moment it quickly retracted, and trembled continuously...

"Hehe, hehe, it's interesting. I didn't expect you to have a little bit of consciousness..."

Holding the star in the cold sky, staring blankly at the star.

He had been observing the internal conditions of these ninjas who used the stars to cultivate, which was different from what Neji had observed.

In fact, Ningci also noticed that the people in Xingren Village all suffered secret injuries to varying degrees in their bodies, and these secret injuries were all caused by cultivation.

But Hongxing didn't explain it, and concealed the situation from the village.

But what Leng Tian discovered was different, because he saw more, that is, after practicing Xing, Xing's Chakra has been trying to change the human body structure of Xing Ninja Village.

If you say it hard, it is like the transformation of the Liudao and Otsutsuki clan.

It is precisely because the people in Xing Ninja Village are ordinary people, they cannot bear huge injuries, and there is no such limit of blood succession, so they can't complete it. They just use a small part of Xing's power.

"So that's how it is. This is your real face. However, the third generation of Xingying should not have such strength. It can be predicted so far. It should be that after discovering the Chakra who cultivates the star, he will be controlled by the consciousness of the star before ordering all the villagers. You are not allowed to cultivate, this is the terrifying secret discovered by the third generation of Xingying, but why do I always feel that something is wrong?"

Leng Tian murmured, and finally looked at the star in his hand, as if he wanted to suck it into his body...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just when Leng Tian was about to inhale Xing into his body, he stopped suddenly.

" actually has the ability to influence people's will, yes, yes..."

When Leng Tian got the star just now, he had already entered the realm of the seventh sense, so he could watch his actions with the eyes of a third person, and he could also know what he was thinking at the moment.

In the seventh sense, Leng Tian found that his will was being manipulated, and it was not his intention to inhale the stars into his body, but something guiding him was controlling his will.

In the original book, this star does not have this ability, but was shattered by Naruto's spiral pill.

"Is it because the more you feel the power of the star, the greater the influence of the star on the cultivator, but I have never practiced the star?"

When Leng Tian woke up, he was surprised to find that at some point, a huge chakra appeared in his body, and the outside of his body was surrounded by the star's chakra.

The star in front of me flickered even more.

"Hehe, hehe..."

Leng Tian finally couldn't help laughing, this is another powerful enemy he met after Uchiha Madara and Nawaki, or it's just a stone.

"No, no, this is not a stone, this is a demon core..."

In the canyon of poisonous mist in Xing Ninja Village, Xia Ri Xing finally came.

Standing opposite her was Red Star.

"Hehe, you're finally here. The three-generation old man thought he could fool us, but his last words revealed your secret. Even if I die, someone will come to stop you. I won't be their opponent. I didn't understand at first, but when you appear several times, if I don't know, I'm a fool!"

Red Star said with a gloomy face.


Xia Rixing was ashamed when he saw Hongxing's complacent look.

"Red Star, the adults of the third generation have clearly banned the cultivation of the power of stars in the village, but you opened it privately after the death of the third generation. I hoped to be able to persuade me with good words at first, but it wasn't until I found out the cause of the death of the third generation that you actually did it for your own sake. Li actually killed three generations, you are not human at all!"

Xia Rixing looked at Hongxing in front of him, and shouted angrily. You must know that Hongxing was raised by three generations.

"Haha, the three-generation old man is too old, no, he is going to completely destroy our village. The village has no ninjas and the power of the guardian star. Who would let the outside forces let go of such a good opportunity, and we obviously have With such a powerful force, why do we have to work so hard to practice those ninjutsu? Compared with ninjutsu, can we be as strong as the ninja villages of the other five major countries? As long as there are a hundred ninjas like you, no, even ten can make us We have developed into a village of six great ninjas, when more and more cultivators gain power from the stars, it is not a problem to even unify the ninja world..."

The more Hong Xing talked, the more excited he became, even a little crazy.

"You are crazy, have you forgotten that there were only a few people left when we practiced Xing, that is why my husband and I felt that Xing was stolen, but you released this monster again, I will not let you succeed of……"

When Xia Rixing said this, he immediately formed a seal, and a demon bear appeared behind him and rushed towards the red star.

"Hmph, compared to when I was practicing all the time, I won't be defeated by you anymore..."

Red Star was also forming seals, and a demon bear as powerful as Xia Ri Xing appeared behind him and rushed towards Xia Ri Xing.


The two chakra transformed monsters start fighting like tailed beasts.

Seeing that his ninjutsu could rival Xia Rixing, Hongxiang's face showed excitement.

"Perhaps even without the help of Konoha, I can defeat Master Xia Ri..."

But Red Star was only happy for a while, and then found something wrong, that is, Xia Rixing's magic bear became stronger again, and began to absorb his magic bear to grow bigger.

"how come……"

Hong Xing looked surprised.

"Red Xing, compared to the cultivation of Xing, you are still far behind..."

After Xia Rixing finished speaking, the Chakra behind her became even stronger. At the same time, she used the magic bear transformed by Chakra to bite Red Star's Chakra bit by bit, and swallowed it.

"go with!"

In the end, Xia Rixing's magic bear suddenly pounced on Red Star.

There was a look of horror on Hongxing's face.

He has been cultivating with the help of the star for such a long time, but he still can't be stronger than Xia Rixing.

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