"Hey, Master Xia, don't you want your child anymore?"

Red Star suddenly shouted.

Hearing Hong Xing's words and thinking of his son Ang, Xia Rixing finally stopped and said, "Give Ang to me!"

"Hand over the stars first..."

Red Star said equally forcefully.


Hongxing suddenly discovered Xia Rixing's weakness.

"As expected, Ang is Xia Ri's weakness!"

Thinking of this, Hong Xing suddenly took out the prepared signal flare and sent it out at once.

Xia Rixing looked at the signal flare sent by Hongxing in surprise.

"Hey, Master Xia Rixing, don't be afraid, I asked my subordinates to bring Ang..."

Hong Xing said with a sinister smile on his face.

In fact, after the appearance of this signal flare, the two subordinates of Red Star were already prepared.

"It's Master Xingying's signal!"

Red Star's two men acted immediately.

It was not only the people of Hoshino Village who noticed the red star signal, but also Naruto and Neji.

Just when they were also in doubt, two Red Star's subordinates suddenly appeared in front of them, and they knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Messengers of Konoha, the time has come to need your help, Star Shadow has discovered The person who stole the star before, but the other party is too powerful and needs your help..."

"Okay, we'll hurry there right away!"

Naruto and Neji looked at each other, nodded, and immediately dared to go to the scene of the incident.

Red Star's two subordinates showed a triumphant smile.

"If it weren't for the prestige of Master Xia Ri in the village, why should we use the power of these Konoha ninjas..."

said one of them.

"It's better not to say more, let's go and see Ang, after Xia Ri catches her, use her son to force her to hand over the star..."

"What do you think if she doesn't make friends?"

"Hey, don't you know about Master Hongxing's skills, especially I heard that he once chased Master Xia Ri back then, I believe Lord Hongxing will not let go of such a good opportunity this time..."

"That's it, thank you for your answer..."

Under the suspicious expressions of Hongxing's two subordinates, Naruto and Neji slowly revealed their figures.

"You, you?"

"It's strange, we've been here all this time, it was just my shadow clone technique just now..."

Naruto said with a mocking face.

At the same time, Ning Ci used a microphone next to his ear and said: "Did you hear that, Tian Tian and Xiao Li immediately found Ang..."

"Ningci, this time we are one step ahead of you, Tiantian has already found Ang!"

Xiao Li said with a proud face.

"Okay, take Ang, let's go to Red Star together, this matter is getting more and more interesting..."

Ning Ci glanced at the terrified two Red Star subordinates and said with disdain...

Chapter 21 Red Star's Madness

At this moment, Hong Xing still thought that his plan had succeeded, but when he saw Konoha's ninja coming with Ang, his face showed a look of horror.

"You, you..."

Hongxing felt in his heart that things seemed to be developing differently than he expected.

"Humph, hum, it's a pity, Hongxing, we already knew that you were the one who pretended to steal the star!"

Naruto said with his hands behind his back.

"Hmph, so what, you are hired by me, you have to serve me!"

Hong Xing waved his hand and said in a panic.

"Don't you know that part of our ninja rules have been changed since the fifth generation took office? You actually want to use the power of the stars to try to unify the ninja world. It's beyond your capabilities. We won't let you start a war again. !"

Naruto said with a straight face.

"Naruto is right. What's more, I have already observed with supercilious eyes. The ninjas cultivated by Xing have suffered varying degrees of damage in their bodies. It can be said that their lives are in danger if they continue to practice. In order to achieve your goal We will not accept this kind of task to bury almost the entire Star Ninja Village with us!"

Ning Ci also stood up and said.

If it is the original, according to Konoha's rules, hired ninjas are not allowed to rebel against their employers.

But since Orochimaru's Konoha collapse plan, Konoha once again fell into a short period of weakness.

This made many Konoha's allied villages see the opportunity and are eager to move.

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