Kakashi had been staring at Leng Tian at that time, even though Leng Tian looked like his teacher, he couldn't believe that the teacher had never thought about saving Obito in this way.


In a hidden training place, Kakashi was training with exhaustion on his face, and the Sharingan in his eyes was already in an extremely overdrawn state.

"Obito is waiting for me, I will definitely save you from Uchiha Madara..."

Speaking of this, Kakashi suddenly found that something seemed to enter his eyes, and then his eyes began to change.

After Leng Tian healed Matt Dai, he learned about Naruto's arrangement from Tsunade, and Leng Tian just nodded to Tsunade's arrangement.

"Alright, I don't want the plot to change too much, otherwise my arrangement won't come true..."

Thinking of something in Leng Tian's mind, a different smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

For his disciple, Tsunade didn't have the slightest precautions, and he didn't notice the difference in Leng Tian.

"By the way, you said that you want me to perform an operation with you. I don't know what the specific content is?"

Tsunade asked.

"The teacher will know soon..."

Leng Tian replied with a slight smile.

This is an abandoned secret base, and there is a person who has been standing here.

"Ningji has been waiting for a long time..."

Leng Tian and Tsunade appeared in front of Neji together.

Looking at Neji in front of him, Tsunade asked suspiciously: "You won't tell me in Lengtian that the operation to be performed is about Neji, right?"

"Yes, it belongs to Ning Ci. I want to use the star in my hand to break the caged bird on Ning Ci's forehead..."

Leng Tian said lightly.


Not only Neji, but even Tsunade was caught off guard.

"Ningci's caged bird, are you crazy in the cold weather, or do you not know what the caged bird on the forehead of the Hyuga clan means?"

Tsunade asked with a serious face.

"Of course I know, after all, I was one of the branch families back then..."

Leng Tian said lightly.

Ning Ci has been in a state of excitement and apprehension since just now. After hearing Leng Tian's words, he was very concerned about what Leng Tian said just now that the family used to be separated. Could it be that Senior Leng Tian...

As if knowing Ning Ci's guess, Leng Tian slowly took off the protective gear on his forehead, and an eye appeared in Leng Tian's eyes.

"This this……"

Ning Ci opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"What about your caged bird, why did it become like this?"

Tsunade asked even more surprised.

After all, Tsunade was the one who personally knew the curse seal of the bird in the cold sky cage back then.

As her own disciple, she was controlled by a curse seal. Even though Tsunade knew that this was the rule of the Hyuga clan, she didn't want her disciple to be controlled by others.

So Tsunade once thought of helping Leng Tian get rid of this curse.

But after researching, Tsunade gave up. It was connected to his own nerves at all. Once he tried to break it, he would first run and destroy his brain nerves together. That would not break the curse seal, but become a curse. Killed.

It's just that now Leng Tian stood in front of Tsunade again, but he no longer had the curse mark on his forehead, only one closed eye.

But Tsunade seemed to feel a terrible power from this closed eye.

"Huh, you actually used my yin seal in this eye?"

Tsunade said in surprise.

"Teacher is so powerful, I discovered it all at once, but I can only use this state to open this eye for a while, otherwise it will conflict with my other pair of eyes..."

When Leng Tian said this, his eyes suddenly changed again, they were such dark blue eyes, extremely dazzling.

Under such eyes, Tsunade and Neji felt an overwhelming aura.

It seems that under these eyes there is a power that can determine their life and death, with one glance...

"I am the one who actually performed the operation today. I want to change my body, but teacher, I know you can't see into my body, so I need Neji's help. Of course, I said that I want to transform Neji's body and relieve his pain." Of course the bird in the cage is not a joke..."

Having said this, Leng Tian pointed his finger on Ning Ci's forehead.

Under this point, the curse seal on Ning Ci's forehead seemed to be alive, constantly reorganizing, and Ning Ci suddenly felt a sharp pain, which was the same as being cast by the clan's curse seal.

Then Neji felt unbelievable that he seemed to see the constant reorganization of the forehead, and an intricate nerve line began to appear and connect under a pink chakra.

Tsunade's eyes widened behind Leng Tian, ​​as if he saw something incredible.

An eye slowly appeared on Neji's forehead, as if it had been created out of thin air, and then a powerful chakra power gathered on Neji's third eye.

When Ning Ci woke up again, Ning Ci suddenly found that the world in front of him had become different.

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