"With color..."

Since his birth, Ning Ci's world has only been black and white. In his eyes, he never imagined that the world's eyes are so gorgeous.

Suddenly all the surrounding scenes were thrown into his mind, and all the [-]-degree scenes appeared in his mind, as if they existed in the first place.

This made Ningci touch the eye on his forehead unconsciously, the scene he saw just now was on this eye.

Not only that, Ning Ci also discovered that this white eye has a stronger ability, and the ability to see through the secret room, allowing him to see directly outside.

"This this……"

Ning Ci looked at Leng Tian in front of him in surprise, not knowing what Leng Tian had done to him just now.

"Don't be surprised, this is the true face of the Hyuga Clan's curse seal, but almost no one has achieved it. This is an opportunity for our ancestors of the Hyuga Clan to break through and become the Otsutsuki Clan..."

When Leng Tian said this, seeing Ning Ci's blank face, he shook his head and stopped talking.

In fact, this state of Ningci is not the state of the Otsutsuki clan, but Leng Tian used the power of the stars to help Ningci release the caged bird.

"Forget it, it can be regarded as a wish fulfilled by me to help the day difference..."

When Leng Tian said this, he seemed to recall that afternoon, when he was cultivating on the site of the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Mori came to provoke him, and at this moment a crisp voice sounded behind him.


Leng Tian seemed to travel through time, and on Neci's body, he saw the diurnal difference of that year.

"Why wasn't I by your side at that time, otherwise I would never let this tragedy happen again in front of me..."

"Leng Tian, ​​I heard that you defeated Hinata Mori with one move in the ninja school assessment today. What's going on?"

The clear and excited voice was like yesterday, when I just wanted to become a jonin as soon as possible and get rid of the threat of the clan.

As luck would have it, I finally succeeded, but I have no friends to share this joy with.

"Cold weather, sooner or later and one day I will separate the family and the main family to abandon the concept, so that the Hyuga clan will never be separated again..."

Like yesterday, Leng Tian recalled the original agreement again.

"Nichizai, you still failed, but I promise, I will make your wish come true. There is no distinction between the Hinata family and the main family, and it will start with Neji..."

Looking at Ning Ci, Leng Tian seemed to see the day difference, showing a slight smile.


Hokage's office, Konoha's elders have been sitting in Hokage's office without saying a word.

Finally, Haru couldn't sit still anymore, staring at Shizune who was standing in the middle and asked: "Say, what did Tsunade do? It's been a whole month. We didn't even know that Hokage disappeared for a month. It's all because of you." This little girl is giving us orders, is Tsunade looking down on us too much?"

Xiaochun and the others had expressions of anger on their faces.

At this moment, a small voice came from outside the door.

"Haha, the gambling debt I owed will be paid back to you, wait a while..."

The familiar voice and familiar style made Xiaochun and the others feel blue veins popping up on their foreheads.

This is the Hokage chosen by the third generation.

It was so out of tune.

It's a pity that Konoha has started to wither since the destruction of Orochimaru.

"It would be great if there was one person from Sandai or Danzo..."

Xiaochun coughed twice when he heard the words of other high-level officials.

"Master Wudai, come in..."

After the other high-level people had left, Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief. Facing the high-level questioning just now, even Tsunade was a little overwhelmed.

Especially Xiaochun and others, they are the first generation of disciples, their status is no lower than hers.

"Master Tsunade, where have you been? Didn't you mean to leave with Lord Leng Tian for a while? Why didn't you come back? I have no choice but to change into your appearance..."

Shizune said anxiously.

"Haha, thank you, Xiao Jingyin, I know you must have been under a lot of pressure..."

Tsunade said with some embarrassment.

Who knows what she has seen in the past month or so, Tsunade was completely stunned, because it is too difficult to complete the operation in cold weather.

Leng Tian found out that the reason why his reincarnation eyes and reincarnation eyes could not be merged was because there was a wall under the boundary of blood succession in his body that could not connect them.

It's as if the three eyes cannot be connected together.

Leng Tian originally hoped to upgrade the Samsara Eye to the Six Paths Samsara Eye, hoping that it would be compatible with the same level as the Tensei Eye.

But when he got the star, he had a new idea.

That's why instead of reshaping the body, create a neural network connecting the three eyes.

But before that, Leng Tian was not sure, so he tested Ning Ci first.

After all, even if it is unsuccessful, he can still stop it with his ability, without hurting Neji.

And if it succeeds, it will not only help Ning Ci break the curse mark on his forehead, but also increase his chances of success.

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