Madara's shadow appeared behind Payne's eyes. The next moment Payne clasped his hands, an invisible wave appeared, and Ningci's body seemed to suddenly become magnetic, and Payne's hand was able to absorb With the magnet, Ning Ci's suspended body has no way to use it, and it draws an arc, flying towards Payne without hindrance.

At this moment, Ning Ci's hand also drew a circle, which changed the gravity of the opponent towards him.

This results in the middle still being squeezed together.

"You, you're not Hinata Neji..."

Suddenly one of Payne asked.

"Huh, isn't it Nagato, right? Uchiha Madara who has been controlling!"

Hearing this, the ruthless Payne in front of him finally stopped saying nothing, but said coldly: "I didn't expect it to be that you are really cold..."

Chapter 29 Madara's Six Ways

Both of them are first-class masters, and they even discovered the secret of the blood of the Otsutsuki clan through the research of Oshemaru.

"Hehe, I've been speculating for a long time whether Hinata Lengtian has acquired the eyes of reincarnation. It seems that you have discovered the secret of the eyes of reincarnation. I believe you are controlling this child through the eyes of reincarnation now, right?"

Madara said leisurely through the puppet.

"Hmph, you underestimate Lord Leng Tian, ​​he is much stronger than you..."

At this moment Ning Ci said suddenly.

This surprised Madara, because through the eyes of reincarnation to control the person in front of him, the person being manipulated cannot have his own consciousness.

But now Neji can actually do it, how can this not surprise Madara.

"It seems that you are already ahead of me in the eyes of reincarnation..."

Madara said in genuine surprise.

"Don't praise your reincarnation eye too much. I have a Tenseigan that even the Otsutsuki clan has not been promoted to. Now I can fight you through this child. It is not the same as your control of puppets..."

He heard Leng Tian's voice spit out from Neji's mouth again.

Madara said in surprise: "It turns out that your eyes really evolved from white eyes. What Senior Hinata Tennin said back then is actually true..."

Madara's last words surprised Leng Tian.

"You actually met Senior Tianren..."

"Haha, not only have I seen it, but I have also challenged Hinata Tennin with Hashirama. We were able to break through the Kage-level strength and control the Chakra of the body to a higher level. Thanks to Senior Tennin, we can look inside. Once the chakra in the body, it will take a higher level of practice in the future..."

Madara's words not only surprised Jai who was recovering from the cold weather, but even Neji was very excited.

I didn't expect the senior Tianren of the family to be so powerful.

"However, we didn't expect Senior Tennin to say that what he had been pursuing was the evolution of Baiyan. At the beginning, I thought Senior Tennin had seen the evolution of the reincarnation eyes of my Uchiha clan, and wanted to study Baiyan. It seems that Tennin Senior has been hiding something from us..."

Madara stared at Leng Tian with an interested expression.

Like Leng Tian, ​​before realizing his plan, he was pursuing the bloodline to return to ancient times.

It's just that the blood of the Otsutsuki clan in their bodies is too scarce, but they have seen hope from the research of Orochimaru.

Whether it's Madara or Lengtian, they are starting to evolve in the direction of Otsuki Kaguya a little bit through the network of blood continuations, no, it should be said that they are advancing in spirit.

When Leng Tian was fighting Madara, Akai was also fighting Kisame.

As Konoha's taijutsu master, the other party is also Mist Ninja's taijutsu master, and the two almost meet each other.

Akai finally used the eight-door dungeon again. Unlike Xiao Li's, Akai's eight-door dungeon opened faster and displayed more powerful power.

Especially for the release of muscle power, I am more familiar with it.

Kisame used the big sword in his hand to barely block Akai's power.

"Tch, another fool with a simple mind and well-developed limbs!"

Ghost shark said disdainfully.

The reason why Kisame said this is because he met one of them when he was fighting Iwa Shinobi's Jinzhuriki.

It's just that Akai's performance soon exceeded Guixie's expectations, especially after Akai used the stronger eight-door Dunjia secret skill.

In addition, this is the territory of sand ninja, so it is difficult for Kisame to use Izusui Dun to control himself in a favorable environment.

"Damn bastard!"

Kisame was knocked into the air again, but with his big sword, he also absorbed some of the chakra from Akai.

"Won't his Chakra be weak?"

Akai once received guidance from Leng Tian, ​​although it was when he was very young, but it helped Akai's understanding of power to a higher level.

Just like what Leng Tian once said, the end of softness is strength, and the end of strength is also softness. Only the combination of rigidity and softness can perfectly display the true power of Bamen Dunjia.

"Senior Leng Tian, ​​I finally understand today..."

Because Matt Dai lost the opportunity to use the Eight Doors Dunjia, Leng Tian was in charge of teaching Akai for some time, and Leng Tian taught Akai some principles of Tai Chi, that is, he hoped to advance after using the Eight Doors Disintegration Technique. When the Bamen Dunjia is used, it can have the strength to shrink and protect the body.

Leng Tian doesn't want to see Akai encounter the same thing as his father again.

With the help of Leng Tian and Akai, Naruto and his party will have less resistance to find Gaara, but they don't have much time, otherwise, after Akatsuki pulls out Shukaku from Gaara's body , Gaara is dangerous.

The confrontation between Leng Tian and Madara gave Kakashi and others clues to Gaara's whereabouts.

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