They were the first to discover Neji and Madara's puppets.

"Sage of the Six Paths was originally a master who created Ninjutsu. Almost all ninjutsu now comes from him, so I imitated his ability to create your Hyuga Clan. I really want to know that it is your Hyuga Clan. Awesome, the Shenluo Tianzheng created by me is even higher..."

"Yeah, you'll find out soon..."

Leng Tian controlled Ningci's body, and an invisible aura enveloped Payne's body. Ban Neng felt that an inexplicable aura locked on his puppet Payne in an instant.

Under this aura, it's like standing in the field of Baguazhang, like being seen through the whole body.

"So that's it, you've finally reached this point. Senior Hyuga Tennin has already achieved this. Combining the ability of Baiyan with the gossip field of the Hyuga family, any movement and attempt of the opponent in this field can be seen instantly. That's why there will be Baguazhang in the future...

But such an attack is useless to me, my body does not rely on the chakra veins, which is different from that of ordinary ninjas..."

Madara-controlled Payne realized something was wrong before he finished speaking.

Leng Tian suddenly hit Baguazhang in the distance, and a soft traction force disrupted the aura around Payne.

"Huh? Shenluo Tianzheng!"

Seeing that Leng Tian suddenly started to attack, Payne immediately used Shenluo Tianzheng, trying to bounce Neji who was close to him like before.

However, this time was different from the previous ones. Payne found that the surrounding aura had been changed, and the rebound he used was actually drawn to himself.


Payne was inadvertently rebounded by his own strength.

"Hmph, my Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is no longer in the moves, but in the field, in this gossip field, I can change the surrounding aura at any time, your Shenluo Tianzheng is useless at all, Madara, don't use this Children's ninjutsu, this kind of trick has long been useless to me..."

After finishing speaking, Payne, who was controlled by Madara, immediately felt a force suddenly send him to Neji.

At this moment, Neji's fingers glowed with bright chakra light.

"Soft Fist Bagua Fist!"

At this moment, what Ning Ci used was no longer Rou Quan Ba ​​Gua Zhang, but fist, a move that punches more than [-] punches in one second.

Payne's body was immediately sealed by the soft fist.


Madara wanted to use Shenluo Tianzheng to try to rebound these forces, but Payne, no, Madara who controlled Payne couldn't control the body like Leng Tian after all.

However, these Penns transformed by Madara are not like other ninjas, their source of chakra is concentrated in the lower abdomen.

Madara's Payne is the same as Nagato's puppet in the original book. The Chakra in his body comes from the black short sticks inserted into his body. Although the cold weather instantly blocked the Chakra of Payne in front of him, but Not as effective as other ninjas.

Of course, other people don't know this secret, and even Xie, Xiaonan and Yahiko already thought that when they defeated Pain, it was because of this reason that they were hit hard by them.

But Leng Tian has already understood that although Leng Tian is now controlling Ningci through the eyes of reincarnation, in the field of vision of Ningci's third eye, he can still clearly see that these short sticks have replaced the chakra of the ninja's body itself. Source, circulate Chakra in this ninja's body.

Madara thought that Leng Tian would still be fooled, and he even thought that Leng Tian would attack at close range, and then it would be time for him to counterattack, but Madara's face changed drastically the next moment.

Because Leng Tian just stood in the distance and lightly tapped his fingers, and then all the short chakra sticks in Payne's body were smashed to pieces.

The chakra in Payne's body is like water without a source without the short stick, and it is impossible to use chakra at all.

"This this……"

Madara couldn't understand why this happened, after all now he was only controlling the puppet remotely and couldn't figure out what was going on.

It's as if Madara began to control him to fight through the sight of the puppet, but he couldn't understand the true feelings of the puppet.

If it is possible, Madara will find that his puppet is full of cold chakra in his body at the moment.

"I said, in my domain, I am the law, and you have no room to fight back..."

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

Even under such circumstances, Madara did not panic. He already knew that he had lost this battle, but he needed to use this puppet to learn more about Leng Tian's ability, so he wanted to unravel the gossip field about Leng Tian. How much range.

So Payne started to distance himself, and when he wanted to fly into the air, Payne suddenly found a resistance.

Madara's samsara eyes moved strangely, a huge force looked up at the sky coldly through the eyes of Tiandao Payne, a very faint, but like a real wall of chakra blocked in the air, making him unable to fly out.

"Also, very good, but Leng Tian already knows the scope of your gossip field, next time you won't defeat me so easily..."

After Madara said this, Tiandao Payne suddenly opened his mouth, and hundreds of detonating symbols appeared from his body.


Leng Tian left instantly with a blank face, and then urged the Chakra on his body with all his strength.


A huge detonating talisman array as powerful as a mushroom cloud exploded in the gossip field created by Leng Tian.

But Leng Tian also exhausted all the chakra in Ning Ci's body. Fortunately, Tian Tian and Xiao Li had been watching the battle, and stepped forward to help Ning Ci who had fallen into a coma.

The battle here is over, but not on Kakashi's side. At this moment, there are two Payne standing in front of the stone wall where Gaara is being held.

One of them has long hair, which is almost the same as that of the beast in the original book.

Behind Beast Do, Hungry Ghost looked greedily at Kakashi's class in front of him.

"Asshole, it's you people who took Gaara away, let Gaara out quickly!"

Naruto stood in front and said angrily.

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