Uchiha Itachi understands that the reason why Tsunade is so fanfare is to deter the other two ninja villages, and tell them that if they dare to attack Konoha, sand ninja, fog ninja, or any ninja village, they will face the other two villages. Crazy revenge.

Presumably Mr. Ohnogi would not make such a loss-making deal.


The three major ninja villages jointly issued a mission. This is the first time in history, and it can be said to be the most serious mission.

In Yannin Village outside the three major ninja villages, Onogi looked out of the window with a pensive expression.

Based on Jiraiya's information, Onogi already knew about the intention of knowing, but he still didn't believe in knowing the strength.

"Could it be that they really have the strength to surpass Shadow..."

"What do you think of the replacement of Kazekage in Sand Ninja Village..."

"It's hard to say, but it's true that the three major ninja villages are trying their best to find Akatsuki for revenge. Now I know that the members can be said to be bereaved dogs..."

One of the ninja replied.

"The lost dog, if that person knows that the leader is really Madara, I'm afraid it's not certain who is the lost dog!"

Onoki seems to recall what he said.

Somewhere in the Land of Fire, the Kai Group suddenly met a member, no, it should be said that they got some news from the underground world.

It is Deidara that will explode.

The difference this time is that Kai's class did not act suddenly, but quickly notified Konoha.

"Although he is not the person the Scarlet Sand Scorpion is looking for, he is also a member who knows. Capture him immediately. We must get some information from him..."

After Tsunade got the information, he immediately dispatched three jounin.

Didara has become famous since he captured Jinchuriki who came to Sand Ninja Village.

But what followed was information about him, a rebellious ninja from Yannin village, which in itself made Konoha's three major ninja villages very suspicious, whether Ohnoki planted an eyeliner in Akatsuki.

In fact, since the battle of Sand Ninja Village, Didara has been abandoned.

As if it was the same this time, Didara faced Kai and the three Konoha Jōnin, one of whom had a powerful ninja like Kakashi.

With such a lineup, even Didara showed a wry smile.

"Impossible, how could my whereabouts be exposed?"

Didara looked at Kai and the others in disbelief.

"Hmph, you actually want to destroy the Five Great Ninja Village with just a few people. Today we will take you back first..."

Kai stepped forward and used the eight-door dunjia.

This time he must help Lord Leng Tian, ​​especially Lord Leng Tian was unable to recover his strength so far to save his father.

That's right, Leng Tian is still unable to move in the most secret place of Konoha, his cells are constantly merging, and the blood in his body is constantly merging, relying on the power of the stars, Leng Tian is getting closer and closer to the appearance of Otsutsuki's ancestor.

It's just that for Leng Tian, ​​who has a thin blood, he must pay a price if he wants to go back to ancient times, and that is the continuous destruction and fusion of his body.

"This kind of situation hasn't happened at the beginning, but since the beginning of the Six Paths with Madara, this kind of situation has happened. We can't stop it, we can't stop it, and we don't even know what happened to Lord Lengtian's body. develop……"

For this reason, Tsunade wants to buy time for Leng Tian, ​​so he joins forces with the other three Ninja villages to start chasing these Akatsuki members, and each of them is an absolute strongman, with five Jōnin as a group Chase squad.

"That's right, Didara exploded and died in the end?"

Tsunade looked at Kakashi who was about to cry, and asked a little confused: "What's wrong with you, were you seriously injured in the battle at Didara?"

"Master Wu, let me get off his body as soon as possible. The consumption of my kaleidoscope Sharingan is not as great as the injury caused on Kai's back..."

Kakashi said with a speechless face.

"Okay, okay, anyway, there is another member who can be crossed out now..."

Thanks to Lonely and Cutting for the reward of 11202175 starting points, and thanks to the setting sun like blood and book friend [-] for the monthly pass. !

Chapter 32 The conspiracy against Orochimaru

In Akatsuki's hidden secret base, several Akatsuki members have questioning spots on their faces.

"Why don't you save Didara, he is an important member of us..."

Looking at Madara from an angle, he asked.

"Simple, he is a nail that Tuying put in our place. Although he has good strength, I must not let him know about the next thing..."

Madara said expressionlessly, at this moment only his image appeared in front of everyone.

His real body did not appear on the scene, and Madara's body has been controlling Nagato.

"As long as I can revive my body, I will be able to complete the blood of the Otsutsuki clan one step ahead of Leng Tian..."

Thinking of this, Madara said to Heijue through the video: "It's time to activate the spies around Orochimaru, I demand all the results of Orochimaru, and that Orochimaru has been perfunctory with me, hum, when I don't know he is here What kind of plan did you make, didn't you just want to let Sasuke in your hand succeed first..."

"Understood, I will notify that person..."

Akatsuki's internal plan for Orochimaru soon began.

Inside the base of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru stared at the field with a light face.

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