In the arena at the moment, Sasuke is fighting a big fat man.

Compared with other people, Sasuke was stunned by this person's strength. It is very simple that he has the power of Tsunade and the recovery of the Senju Clan.

"Chongwu's strength is even stronger..."

Orochimaru said lightly while holding the wine glass.

"That is, since Master Orochimaru helped him improve his potential again last time, I believe that even Sasuke can't defeat him... Of course, unless Sasuke burst out with a force that he couldn't control..."

Pocket aside and said flatteringly.

"You said Xiao asked me to negotiate a cooperation plan at Tiandiqiao, what do you think they want?"

Orochimaru asked casually.

Hearing Dashewan's words, Dou was overjoyed at first, Dashewan seldom trusts people, let alone discusses with others.

"I don't know about this, but Akatsuki is now facing the encirclement and suppression of the three major ninja villages. I believe they want to gain allies..."


Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked it, showing a smile that no one knew and said: "An ally, does that one really need an ally? Who else in this world is worthy of it, unless the first generation is resurrected..."

Speaking of this, Orochimaru showed a fierce light.

"Hmph, definitely has bad intentions!"

Hearing Orochimaru's judgment, Dou asked cautiously: "Master Orochimaru, are you planning not to go?"

"Go, why not go, I have two trump cards now, I really want to see what Madara's cards are..."

Orochimaru said this, staring at the two people who were fighting fiercely off the court.

These two are his achievements, especially Sasuke, who has unique conditions.

Orochimaru admires him more than anyone else.

"Sometimes I can't help but want to swallow him and make him my new container, but what I want is a body I created, a body that is truly worthy of me, the blood of the thousand-handed clan Not worthy, the body of the Uchiha clan is not good, neither is the body of the Hyuga clan, only the Otsuki clan, I want the body of the Otsuki clan..."

Orochimaru's seriousness flashed a triumphant look.

Compared with Madara and Lengtian, Orochimaru is sure that he is not behind at all, and even ahead of these two.

Inside the Hokage office.

"Kakashi used the ability of Kaleidoscope Sharingan in the battle with Akatsuki, and now he can't act, but the latest mission needs their class, so I need you to take on the task of captain of Kakashi's first class... "

Tsunade said to the Anbe ninja in front of him with a serious face.

"It's my honor, but I don't know what identity Hokage-sama wants me to appear in?"

The Anbu ninja in front of him said slowly.

"Just use Yamato, from now on you are Captain Yamato..."

Tsunade looked at the ninja who had the blood of the Senshou clan in front of him, and said kindly.


Yamato took off his mask, revealing his true colors.

"Yamato, your task this time is very serious. Although I got information that Akatsuki will contact Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi also said in the information that Orochimaru will not cooperate with Akatsuki. There should be something that made Orochimaru's heart flutter when we met, so you must find out, and if you can bring Sasuke back, it would be the best..."

Regarding another child of his younger brother, Tsunade has always been worried about Orochimaru.

"Understood, Hokage-sama..."

"Don't be so serious, how can you say that you are also a member of the Senshou clan. Although it is because Danzo used a secret method to transplant the cells of the first generation of adults on you, but since you have it, I will treat you as a member of the clan..."

Tsunade waved his hand, signaling Yamato to relax.

Hearing Tsunade's words, although Yamato still had a serious face, his face showed gratitude.

For those of them who were studied by Root, the rest of Konoha looked intimidated, and even stayed away from them.

That is to say, after Tsunade came, he integrated them all into Anbu and covered their identities. Except for the high-level, no one knew their identities at all.

"Thank you Tsunade-sama, but I..."

When Yamato said this, there was a bit of bitterness in his mouth.

"It's because you can't bear the blood of the Qianshou clan, so every time you use the wooden escape, it will cost your life..."

Tsunade seemed to have understood what Yamato was thinking a long time ago, and said calmly.


Yamato looked at Tsunade in surprise, unexpectedly she also knew this secret.

"Yes, Hokage-sama, so in my limited time, I will definitely do my best for Konoha!"

Yamato said firmly.

"Tch, is it Danzo again, Yamato, I just said that since you have the blood of the Senshou clan in your body, I will treat you as my clansman. No one knows Senshou better than me. Don’t worry about the bloodline of the Hand Clan, as long as you don’t die too early, I will let you completely integrate with the bloodline of the Thousand Hand Clan, there will be absolutely no side effects..."

Tsunade still had a calm face, but Yamato couldn't believe what she said.

But when Yamato saw Tsunade's confident look, he had to believe it.

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