"This kid is too insidious. He is a complete despicable villain. I just defeated a bastard who used illusion in the forest. This guy actually took the opportunity to shoot a poisoned arrow behind me!"

"Hmph, you are not a good bird, you actually shot at a woman, and you are so shameless!"

The dangerous clown also roared in a low voice.


The others were startled by what a dangerous clown said. They looked around for a long time and shook their heads at the same time.

This is too unfeminine, you can't see it at all.

"Brother, how did you know he was a woman?"

A tester next to him carefully asked Jun Hinata.

"It goes without saying, it must have been during the fight, and I accidentally got the evidence!"

One of them said wantonly.

"Shut your mouth!"

The dangerous clown cursed when he heard this man's words.

"Hmph, although I don't hit women, I still don't feel burdened to beat women like you. Boy, no, look at your current situation when a woman is talking. You can't do anything because of acupuncture points!"

The man's face burst into anger when he heard the dangerous clown's words.

After finishing speaking, he squatted down and looked at the dangerous clown carefully.

"Qianqi, if all women look like you, I'd be ashamed to call myself a woman. No wonder people call you a dangerous clown. You really are a clown. Eh, what is this?"

The man noticed something horny on the face of the dangerous clown, and touched it involuntarily.

"Bastard, get the hell out of here, Jun Hinata quickly unlock the acupoints for me, and I'll give you the antidote!"

"Words count! Give me the antidote first!"

Hearing the words of the dangerous clown, Jun Hinata didn't believe it at all, but he still stopped the man's actions.

"Brother, although this guy looks very attractive, but she is a woman anyway, isn't it too much for you to touch her face like this!"

"Boy, who do you think you are? No one here came earlier than you. Do you know that your strength is at the bottom here?"

Although these people can't use some ninjutsu, what the shadow school values ​​is their physical fitness.

In other words, it is the skill and physical advantages of these people.

Don't blame these people for their arrogance. Take a look at the final test success here.

Except for Jun Hinata and the dangerous clown, which one is not unusually tall and mighty.

"Hehe, strength is not determined by size!"

"Really, don't think it's great that you can hit acupuncture points with one hand. No matter how powerful you are, you have to be able to hit me. Besides, in my opinion, when you are performing acupuncture points, I can hit you with just one fist." fly……"

Before the man could finish speaking, Jun Hinata suddenly punched him in the stomach with a fist.


This man even vomited out the dinner of the previous night, and collapsed all at once.

"how is this possible!"

Seeing Hinata Zhun defeating the person in front of him with a single punch, the other passers-by were very surprised.

"It's a strange power technique!"

Dangerous Clown and Anbu's examiner were surprised at the same time.

Dangerous Clown doesn't know why.

But the examiner of Anbu clearly felt that when Jun Hinata's fist hit the opponent just now, there was a burst of chakra.

This is clearly a strange power ninjutsu.

"I even mastered this kind of ninjutsu. It seems that the crystal ball was really wrong in this test!"

The dangerous clown also didn't expect Hinata to be able to master such a ninjutsu.

"Tch, I don't shoot, I only tap the acupuncture points because I don't want to use such a powerful ninjutsu to hurt people, but it doesn't mean I can tolerate a guy who is attracted to women, even if he is really ugly!"

The dangerous clown, who was still a little grateful, turned blue when he heard Jun Hinata's words.

"Hmph, you are all a bunch of vulgar people who only look at their faces!"

After the acupoints were unlocked, the dangerous clown had a bad expression on his face.

Throwing the antidote to Jun Hinata was about to leave, but before leaving, the dangerous clown stopped suddenly.

"People are not ugly!"

After speaking, the dangerous clown tore off the camouflage on his face, revealing his true colors.

When they saw the dangerous clown showing his true colors, everyone was stunned.

The dangerous clown in front of him has changed a lot, with clear and bright eyes, his torn clothes reveal some jade-like skin, and although his short hair is stained with dirt, it is even more lovely and moving.

Originally an action of flicking the hair, if it made people feel nothing at all before, then it is full of charm now.

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