She is simply a rare beauty.

"You men are indeed a group of low-level creatures!"

Seeing Hinata Jun's surprised look, the dangerous clown snorted and turned away, with a smug smile on his lips.

"Hey, brother, you are so lucky to touch such a beautiful woman, why don't you do something else on the way!"

One of them said to Jun Hinata with a look of envy and jealousy.

"Go away!"

Jun Hinata snorted, he didn't expect that the dangerous clown who bickered with him all the way and disliked each other turned out to be such a beautiful woman, especially since he carried her all the way.

"Although I knew that this girl was using the disguise technique, I didn't expect her to be so beautiful. However, this girl's physique is not good at all. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been unable to pass through the dangerous forest a few times before. It is obvious that she can pass this time. Relying on that person's ability, although a straight line is the shortest path, there is a shadow clone of a Jonin senior in the middle, who can defeat that person, it seems that this Hinata Jun is really not an ordinary person!"

In Ying's office, Hatake Shota handed over the ninja backup and logistics backup personnel for this admission.

"Well, this little guy is actually the last one to arrive?"

Shadow asked in surprise.

"My lord, I want to make a statement. He passed the most difficult straight line!"


Ying showed a trace of curiosity, which was great, but she knew that the shadow clone would never show mercy.

"Is the reason why the crystal ball went wrong still not found out?"

As a shadow of Kagemura, she was very puzzled that Hinata failed the test of the shadow school and had to enter the additional test.

"I'm not very clear, but according to the reaction of the technical department, it seems that everything in the crystal ball is normal, and the problem should be Hinata Zhun..."

Hatake Shoda said.

"Okay, I see, I will observe him carefully in the film school, hehe, interesting!"

Shadow looked out the window and said.

Chapter 20 Elimination System

"These seven are the only qualified people in the logistics department this time. You first need them to familiarize themselves with their identities, and let them start learning. We have more and more missions recently, and some missions still need these people!"

Hatake said hugely to a strong man.

Hearing Hatake's words, the brawny man showed a smile and said, "Haha, leave it to me, a gymnastics expert from the film school, my goal is to be like Maitdai and Maitkai, who can become a martial arts expert even if they are good at gymnastics Someone who can also be a first-class ninja!"

Hearing the strong man's words, Hatake Shoda said helplessly: "The only one who can't do martial arts is Senior Li, that Ah Hu, and that happened three hundred years ago, and it's almost impossible to do so now. Well, very few people can withstand the development of that kind of forbidden technique, so don’t be fooled, these people just need to support the ninjas of Shadow Village to become their assistants, but there is one person you have to pay attention to, he is Jun Hinata, but He has the strength of a ninja, but for some reason, I don’t know why he failed this test, sooner or later I will let him enter the elite class of the film school!”

Hearing Hatake's huge words, Ah Hu, a strong man, instantly turned livid.

"What do you mean, do you look down on us logistics people, or do you think that our partners will humiliate your ninja status, since you are so optimistic about this little guy, you can recruit him into the elite class alone, otherwise you will be in the elite class." I can only be in the logistics class here, I will not treat you specially!"


Hatake shook his head speechlessly, and said nothing more.

He knew that if he kept talking, it would only have the opposite effect.

"Anyway, this is what Ying told me. If you think it's okay, you can do it the other way around. Anyway, it won't affect me at all!"

After finishing speaking, Hatake Shoda disappeared in front of Ah Hu with a teleportation technique.

Even he has some headaches for Ah Hu, this guy is completely dead-headed.

And I don't know why I always feel uncomfortable with myself, you must know that the two of them are partners.

The film school gave Hinata permission for them to stay. These places are all on the mountains, and they need to climb up by themselves.

"This is to exercise your physical strength. Sometimes ninjas will use some special methods to hurry. If you don't have enough physical strength, you won't be able to catch up with your partner!"

At this time, a teacher said to Hinata Jun and the others.

"Partner? What do you mean?"

The dangerous clown said suddenly.

The teacher narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Since there are more and more tasks now, the ninja school has started to reform, that is, every ninja will give him a partner, that is, we logistics people!"

"Tch, it's fine to say it's a deputy or a sniper. What kind of partner, I've never heard that ninjas would value us. I came here for money. I heard that some simple tasks will be given to us by the ninja school! "

A muscular man whispered.

Hearing this man's words, the teacher nodded lightly.

"Yes, there are indeed some tasks that will be handed over to us because there is no need for ninjas to take action, but one thing I want to say is that even in our logistics, there are levels. Those who undertake tasks independently have two There are two situations, one is people who were abandoned by the film school, they are just peripheral hirers, and the other is very good people, comparable to ninjas!"

"People who are comparable to ninjas, can those of us who can't gather enough chakra also do it?"

The dangerous clown asked in surprise.

"Of course you can, and you can go beyond!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

Many people don't even know when this person appeared in front of them.

"So fast!"

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