"Will you be able to eat if you are brave enough to see justice, and you must take revenge if you save someone, but that's the rule of our Shadow Village!"

Jun Hinata said seriously.

He had heard from his classmates that ninjas were paid for their shots, and if there was no reward, it would be embarrassing.

Especially the first mission.

"Then how much do you want, good man."

When Mao Lilan said that she was a good person, she asked with a heavier tone.

Hinata Jun waved his hand, pretended not to care, and said lightly: "It's only [-] million!"

From the ninja school, I heard that the minimum salary of a ninja starts at [-] million. Although Jun Hinata has not graduated, he has already regarded ninja as his own standard.

When Mao Lilan heard Jun Hinata's words, he was stunned first, and after confirming that Jun Hinata was joking, his eyes almost burst into flames.

If he didn't really know that these people were indeed looking for trouble for him, Mao Lilan would have almost thought that the oboe arranged by Zhun Hinata.

"Brother, you are really honest. You actually gave me such a favorable price, but I really can't afford it. How about I use my body to pay for it?"

Mao Lilan said while showing his body.

Jun Hinata hadn't looked carefully before, but after this observation, he realized that the girl in front of him was no worse than the beauties he had seen before.

In particular, Mao Lilan is taller, with a bumpy figure, a section of smooth jade legs exposed under a dress, and a slender waist, which is so soft and weak that it can be blown away by a gust of wind, which makes people very excited.

Coupled with Mao Lilan's words just now, it makes people feel a strong desire.

But Jun Hinata shook his head and said, "No, no, it's shameful that I didn't get paid for my first mission!"

Mao Lilan was stunned, only to feel dizzy in her head. Could it be that this is the legendary top product or has a brain disease?

Even the passengers in the carriage thought it was unbelievable that such a scene where a hero saves a beauty and a beautiful woman promises her body is rare. Although what the hero did after saving the beauty is disgraceful, but such a beautiful woman is thrown into her arms for free Don't bother, is there something unspeakable about this person?

Even Mao Lilan thought so, the anesthesia ring she was holding in her hand could no longer be used.

"Where are you going to take me to get the money, beauty?"

After getting out of the car, Jun Hinata asked after Mao Lilan.


Mao Lilan looked at Hinata Zhun angrily and said, "As long as you follow me, you can get it, but first we need to see if you have the ability!"

Just now Mao Liran tried to take the opportunity to use an anesthetic hidden weapon to make Hinata Jun unconscious, but Hinata Jun had already seen through it, and no matter how Mao Lilan escaped, Hinata Jun could always keep up with her.

Finally, Mao Lilan looked at the recruitment of Minghu's family and showed a wicked smile.

"I will use this fool to sign up for the Minghu family's recruitment. When I get the money, I will keep him here. How dare I blackmail Miss Ben. I haven't been blackmailed before!"

Mao Lilan thought angrily while staring at Zhun behind her.

Chapter 34 I am a VIP

"Then, here it is. As long as you successfully apply for the job with me, we will each get half of the reward at that time, which can be regarded as your reward!"

Merlin said with a smile.

Seeing Hinata Zhun's stunned look, Mao Lilan hurriedly said: "Don't say I won't give you a chance, the information about the Minghu family's recruitment of bodyguards has not been spread on the market, and I will take you because of your life-saving grace." Come!"

After finishing speaking, Mao Lilan blinked at Jun Hinata, as if it was a great benefit.

"This, this is Minghu's house, it's really big!"

Jun Hinata did not expect that Mao Lilan would lead him to the destination of the mission.

"Great, thank you!"

Jun Hinata said to Mao Lilan.

"Thank you, hey, you went wrong, that's the main entrance, and the recruitment information is on the other side..."

Seeing Hinata Jun walking towards the main entrance, Mao Lilan hurriedly stopped and said.

"That's right. I'm just going through the main entrance. I'm a distinguished guest invited by their Minghu family!"

Jun Hinata said it as a matter of course.

"My God, return the VIP, who do you think you are, the people from the Minghu family are one of the top chaebols in the Land of Fire, and the people they associate with are either high-level officials in the Land of Fire, or some powerful chaebols, just return the VIP like this, they are VIPs Dogs are about the same!"

After speaking, Mao Lilan hurriedly said to the guards of the Minghu family who had been staring at them: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this kid went the wrong way..."

"Well, go where you should go!"

The two guards also heard Hinata Zhun's words just now.

"I was really invited by Minghu's family. I want to meet your eldest lady, Minghu Xiangcheng. I am her..."

Before he finished speaking, Mao Lilan covered his mouth and dragged Hinata Zhun away.

"Boy, are you making trouble for me sincerely? You can call Miss Minghu's name whatever you want, or I will be implicated by you this time, and I won't even have the chance to take the test!"

Mao Lilan taught with a serious face.

"I didn't lie, let Xiangcheng come out to see me and I'll know..."

Hisang Jun was about to say that he came from Ninja Village, but he suddenly remembered that when he set off, Mr. Hatake Shuoda told himself very seriously that he was not allowed to reveal Kagemura's name casually.

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