Seeing that Hinata Zhun suddenly stopped talking, Mao Lilan thought he was out of words, and taught him a lesson: "Okay, I don't know what to say about you, but you actually want to use the name of Miss Minghu to deceive people. You won't be like me, will you?"

In the end, Mao Lilan said with bright eyes: "In this way, let's cooperate and apply for the recruitment of Shangminghu's family together, and then we will disappear after getting the bonus..."

"I'm really not here to apply for a bodyguard, I'm here to find Xiangcheng!"

Hearing Hinata Jun still speak so stubbornly.

Mao Lilan had no choice but to cover her forehead.

"Okay, I'm convinced, so don't act in front of me. Anyway, as long as you can pass the test, you will have a chance to see the orange you mentioned. Let's go to the test now, otherwise there will be no time. ..."

Mao Lilan urged Hinata Zhun to hurry into the venue.

The Minghu family is the largest family in the Lincheng metropolis, and their recruitment has already been crowded with people.

"Xiao Lan, Xiao Lan!"

Just after Mao Lilan led Hinata Zhun to the venue, he saw a man with a mustache running over anxiously.

"Why did you come so slowly, you won't be able to sign up later, hey, who is this person?"

Mao Lilan blinked at his father, and then said: "This is my father, Mori Kogoro, a very famous martial arts master. Let me introduce you, this is..."

Speaking of this, Mao Lilan realized that he hadn't introduced himself or known Jun Hinata's name yet.

"My name is Jun Hinata, and I'm a..."

Before Jun Hinata finished speaking, Mori Kogoro said very familiarly: "Haha, you must admire my martial arts apprentice. Very good, this time, sign up for the recruitment of the Minghu family with us!"

After finishing speaking, Kogoro Mori slapped his daughter in a direction that Hinata could not see.

Mao Lilan also looked at her father knowingly and smiled.

Chapter 35 Rules

The three of Hinata came to the competition field specially prepared by Minghu's house.

It is said to be a martial arts arena, but it should be said to be a luxurious five-star hotel.

"This Minghu family is amazing. A simple recruitment job directly built a hotel next to it. This specification is even more powerful than the daimyo."

Mori Kogoro couldn't stop enviously in his eyes.

"This also means that as long as we pass the test, we will get more rewards!"

Mao Lilan said happily.

"Yeah, yeah, haha..."

Mori Kogoro said with a serious face at this time: "Although the Minghu family's ostentation is very powerful, it just scares you young people, but in my eyes, it is still incomparable. Young people, you know that besides being a famous martial artist Outside of home, there is actually another identity!"

Hearing what this Kogoro said, Jun Hinata was really taken aback by his serious expression.

"Actually, I'm still a non-staff member of Shadow Village. Do you know Shadow Village? It's the most mysterious place in the world, and it's also the place where ninjas are concentrated. That's where I came from!"

"What, are you from Shadow Village?"

If Mori Kogoro said something else, maybe Hinata Jun would still believe it, but he said that he came from Kagemura, which made Hinata Jun confused.

"Uncle, I actually came from Shadow Village..."

According to the unique contact signal of Kagemura, Jun Hinata made a signal gesture while speaking.

But I didn't expect that Mori Kogoro didn't understand at all, and instead taught me: "Young man, I can understand that you want to pretend to be Kagemura at a young age, but you have to understand that Kagemura is the most mysterious and powerful force in the world. Even the four major nations are afraid of them, if the people of Shadow Village find out about your reckless impersonation, do you know what the result will be?"

Mori Kogoro stared at Jun Hinata with a serious face and asked.

"Yes, what is the result!"

"That's disappearing, haha, but don't worry, I won't be like those people. After all, I, Mori Kogoro, is a peace-loving person. I will let you go this time, but next time you still don't pretend to be Yingcun for the good!"

After speaking, Mori Kogoro patted Jun Hinata on the shoulder.

This made Hinata Jun couldn't help but smile, this guy was the fake one.

But Jun Hinata couldn't tell the truth, because he had already explained it just now, but Kogoro Mori didn't believe it.

Follow the address to the top floor of the hotel and knock on the room.

"Please come in!"

A flat voice came from inside.

Jun Hinata pushed the door open and entered for a moment, the inside was full of people, after seeing the three of Jun Hinata, other people in the room showed hostile eyes.

At this time, a beautiful woman with eyes came over and asked: "Hello, I am the housekeeper of Minghu's family, and I am also the registrant of this recruitment. Are you all here to apply for bodyguards?"

"of course!"

Mori Kogoro stood in front of Jun Hinata in an instant and made a chic look.

"Ha ha!"

Not only Jun Hinata, but also Mao Lilan felt a little ashamed.

"Then I don't know which company of yours recommended it. Is there any recommendation!"

The next question about the housekeeper caught Mori Kogoro by surprise.

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