When Ming Huhai said this, he didn't continue talking, and had already taken the lead in taking action.

Seeing Ming Huhai chasing after him, Hinata Jun also displayed his agility.

Chakra rushed to the bottom of the feet.

"Don't be with Chakra, there is a Chakra detector in Yang Yi's room, once Chakra is detected, he will call the police, maybe it will surprise her..."

"So complicated!"

Hearing Patriarch Minghu's words, Jun Hinata had no choice but to use Taijutsu.

just below.

With the strength of Ming Huhai and Rixian, they easily escaped the detection of the guards.


Ming Huhai opens Yang Yi's room.

"No, there is no figure of Young Master Yangyi here..."

Both Minghuhai and Hinata Jun were taken aback.

Suddenly they looked at each other, and whispered at the same time: "Underground!"

Soon Minghuhai and Hinata Jun searched in the room.

Sure enough, he found something unusual in one place, and Jun Hinata carefully opened it.

There were stairs.

"Next, hurry up!"

Arriving here, Minghuhai and Hinata Jun no longer hide.

Jun Hinata suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the scene that appeared in Hinata Zhun's eyes surprised him, and even made him think he was hallucinating.

"Unexpectedly, there is a room below that is exactly the same as Young Master Yangyi's room..."

Hearing Jun Hinata's words, Ming Huhai was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted: "I finally know why Yang Yi still doesn't understand how to leak his password to other people... Jun Hinata, have you already guessed something... ..."

"Yes, I heard Young Master Yang Yi say that he had some strange hallucinations in the room, and he wondered if someone used a similar scene to make Young Master Yang Yi mistakenly think that he came to his room, and then turned the fuse locker, so that his password will be leaked out without knowing it, and his handprint, as her identity, I believe it is easy to get, but I have never understood how she did not leave traces, and Why can she use acupuncture points..."

"I'll tell you about this later, let's meet this spy who has been hiding in our Minghu house now..."

Chapter 47 True Identity

"I didn't expect you to design a trap, welcome to come..."

Just after Minghuhai and Hyuga Jun broke in.

Miyuki stared at Minghuhai and Hinata Jun very calmly.

"I didn't expect you to notice it so quickly. If that's the case, let's get caught..."

Hinata Jun said.

"Hehe, with your skill, Hinata is just a ninja. Do you think you can stop me?"

Hearing Miyuki's words, Jun Hinata was shocked.

"Is the other party also a ninja?"

"Don't be nervous, she's not a ninja, if she is, she won't be able to escape our Minghu family's test, I only have one question now, where did you learn how to tap acupuncture points!"

Ming Huhai asked in a deep voice.

"Hehe, why do I tap acupuncture points, because my name is Minghu Meixue!"

Miyuki's expression was unusually angry at this moment.

As for the Patriarch of Minghu, Minghuhai's face changed drastically.

"You, you are Tong's child..."

Although Minghuhai had already guessed in his heart when he heard Hinata Zhun's narration, but when he really heard Minghu Miyuki's confession, his face changed drastically.

“You, how is your mother?””

"Haha, haha, you still have the face to ask my mother, when you sent people to hunt down my mother, you still have the face!"

Hearing Miyuki's words, Ming Huhai's face changed even more.

"Chasing and killing your mother and daughter, I, how could I, I obviously sent someone to take your mother and daughter over, and I already planned to elope with my mother, abandoning the identity of the Minghu family, but when the person I ordered Tell me you are not there at all, and I have been looking for you, how could I send someone to hunt you down?"

Ming Huhai asked in a panic at the moment.

At this moment, he didn't have any intention to ask about the blueprint or son. He only had eyes on Meixue, Tong's daughter back then, and her mother's whereabouts.

"Hehe, you are talking nonsense, and you still want me to believe you. My mother has already been killed by you. This time I am here to take revenge!"

As Miyuki said this, she suddenly took out an umbrella from somewhere.

"This, this is the ninja tool I gave to your mother back then. You are indeed Tong's child..."

There was sadness in Ming Huhai's eyes, and even a hint of surprise.

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