Unexpectedly, he and Tong would have a child.

"Hmph, the old thief will die!"

Although Miyuki doesn't have chakra, and doesn't know ninjutsu, but with the ninja tools of Saori Minghu back then, coupled with her proficiency in acupressure, she unexpectedly shrouded Minghu Kai and Jun Hinata in it for a while.

"This, this feeling, actually gave me a feeling of falling into Rouquan gossip..."

Jun Hinata never thought that someone could do this without rolling his eyes, without the secret technique of the Hinata clan, Soft Fist.

"You are really Ah Tong's child. Only her child can have such a talent. Back then, she also defeated me alone by relying on physical skills..."

"You have no right to mention my mother, die!"

Miyuki quickly danced the ninja gear in her hand.

It is like a picture of a beautiful woman, but in this dance, if you are not careful and get caught in it, you may die.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The hidden weapon on the ninja was opened.

Day after day of help, you have to use your eyes to avoid it. Even the continuous hidden weapons seem to cooperate with a kind of ninjutsu. They can actually predict the enemy's response. They shoot again after the ninjutsu is activated. Collision changes direction.

"Back to the days!"

Jun Hinata had to use super chakra-consuming ninjutsu, back to heaven!

"Dou Zhuan!"

At this time, Patriarch Minghu also made a sudden move, and a stream of Taiji diagram suddenly appeared in front of him, and all these hidden weapons were suddenly bounced back.

This made Hinata Jun open his mouth again in surprise.

This is the first time he has seen the same method as the Hyuga clan's Huitian.

"Hehe, you don't need to show such a surprised expression. This is the method of your Hyuga clan, but it is a kind of recovery improved by Senior Hyuga Lengtian, and it can also be used by us ordinary people..."

Ming Huhai's words shocked Jun Hinata again, and at this time Yang Yi also woke up...

Chapter 48 Another Hidden Secret

"Miyuki? What are you doing?"

Yang Yi asked in surprise.

Seeing Yoichi's surprised expression, Miyuki showed a complex look on her face.

"Yangyi, didn't you ask me what my full name is? I can tell you today that my name is Minghu Meixue..."

After finishing speaking, Miyuki rubbed her body again and faced Shangming Huhai and Hinata Jun.

Jun Hinata had to admit that even Minghu Miyuki was a master of taijutsu, and a terrific master at that.

But just relying on such skills is not enough when facing ninjas.

"Maybe you are very powerful, but it's a pity that you are facing the Hyuga clan with the most powerful physical skills."

"Soft Fist, Eight Diagrams 64 Palms!"

"In my soft fist, you can't resist at all..."

Hinata Jun has already made a soft fist posture. In fact, the reason why the soft fist is so powerful is because once the opponent steps into the field of gossip, all the reactions will be in these white eyes.

There is no escape from any slight movement, only the Chakra on the Eight Diagram Palm can seal the Chakra.

"Two palms, four palms, eight palms..."

Hinata Zhun's movements are getting faster and faster, and Minghu Miyuki is also proficient in acupuncture, but she has no involvement in the field of gossip at all.


When the last palm fell, Miyuki was thrown to the corner of the wall.

"You can no longer use any chakra..."

Hinata said calmly.

Just now he was merciful. After all, this is Ming Huhai's daughter. You can tell just by the attitude of the Patriarch. Otherwise, the Patriarch might stop the fight halfway through.

"Cough cough!"

Minghu Meixue suddenly coughed violently, as if her whole body was sealed.

"You seem to have made a mistake, that is, I don't have Chakra at all, so your so-called sealing Chakra is useless to you..."

Minghu Miyuki stood up stubbornly and said.

"Miyuki, stop standing up, how are you..."

Yang Yi finally came to his senses at this moment, and immediately supported her.

"Don't you blame me?"

Seeing Yang Yi, Miyuki did not stop her anger.

"I, how could I blame you, if you just tell me that you need the blueprint, I'll just give it to you, why do you have to..."

Yang Yi only has Miyuki in his eyes at this moment.

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