"Huang, don't you think that Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Art, which was as famous as Senior Hinata Lengtian back then, is a hidden weapon?"

Hearing Ming Huhai's words, before Huang had time to think about it, the point of the knife had come out from behind his body, and Ming Huhai's words came from behind him.

"The umbrella bone is just a spatial coordinate. It's your own judgment that made a mistake... This is the real technique of Flying Thunder God!"

Chapter 53 Four murders

"So what my sister said is true..."

Kato Ara couldn't believe it, there really is space ninjutsu in the world.

"Is this the space ninjutsu that surpasses the instant body technique?"

This is the first time Lian Hinata has seen this kind of ninjutsu. It has been submerged in the torrent of history, and no one can use it now.

But the next moment, Ming Huhai suddenly spat out a blood donation.

"Cough cough!"


As soon as Ming Huyang ran over, Miyuki also showed a hint of anxiety.

"No, it doesn't matter, it's because I used an ability that I shouldn't use. This kind of ninjutsu can only be used by members of our Minghu family. The specific reason is that only we have this physique, but it is obvious that our ancestors said that we are not capable of fully performing it. The qualifications of space ninjutsu can be said to be extremely dangerous to use once, Miyuki, unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not touch this seal..."

In the end, Ming Huhai still cares about Miyuki the most.

After all, the owner of the thousand-faced umbrella has become Miyuki's.

And Ming Huhai told Tong almost all the skills of using the Thousand Faces Umbrella, but he didn't have this space ninjutsu.

After all, he is really dangerous.

"Hey, Minghuhai, it turns out that you have to pay a very high price for using this thing. It doesn't matter if you say it, but you can't stand it being swallowed by it... Minghu Miyuki, no, Kato Miyuki, although I am very angry, but after all you It is the blood of my Kato family, kill Ming Huhai immediately, and then take his head back, I believe that the other three murderers will not trouble you, if you do this, what awaits you is endless pursuit..."

In the end, Kato Ara's voice became smaller and smaller.

"I have grown up long ago, and I am no longer your tool and puppet. As for the other three murderers, I am ready..."

Miyuki did not agree to Kato Ara's last order.

ten days later.

Shadow Village.

"This is about the last Hinata Jun's report..."

Hatake Shuoda said.

"Sure enough, these people have an arsenal for making weapons, and they are in the Land of Fire, but the guardians are the four fierce men who are famous in the Land of Fire. It is said that the strength of these four people is not inferior to that of a ninja. Hatake, who do you think is better to send to carry out the mission..."

Hearing Ying's words, Hatake stroked his beard and said, "If anyone is more suitable, I think we can let this year's graduates have a try..."

Hearing this, the guard next to Ying immediately changed color.

"You are messing around, Mr. Hatake. They are not even ninjas. Didn't you hear Mr. Ying just now? They have the strength of ninjas..."

"That's right, I heard that right, except for the torn-off Huangdao, according to my information, the other three are all ninjas from Yeluzi. If our students can't even defeat Ren Ze like this, how can they have the title of ninja?" ?”

When Hatake said this, his eyes became serious.

"Kage-sama, I suggest that the top two ninja class students, plus Jun Hinata, go have a try this time..."

Hatake said unmoved.

"Master Hatake, I agree with you about the people in the ninja class. After all, there are indeed a few surprising guys in this batch, but why do you want to join Jun Hinata? He is just an academy of the logistics class. It's just a regular class..."

"Oh? Sanshan, do you really think so, then this time it's up to you to protect them secretly, and at the same time take a close look at Jun Hinata who came from such an ordinary class as you said..."

Shadow said lightly.

Chapter 54 Back to Konoha

"Is this your village?"

Hinata Zhun looked at the helplessness on the face of the young lady beside him.

"What are you doing with me?"

This eldest lady is none other than Minghu Xiangcheng.

"Hmph! My father is injured, and we have an extra sister. What's more, she is actually with my elder brother. Forget it, I don't want to stay at home. It's your honor to come with you. Besides, you promised my father to protect me." of……"

Hearing Xiangcheng's words, Hinata Zhun just shook his head, but when he saw Maoli's father and daughter, he said angrily: "Then why did you follow me again? I remember that your salary, Mrs. Is it given to you?"

Seeing Hinata Zhun lose his temper, Mao Lilan said indifferently: "Don't be so stingy, besides, we can also protect Miss Yucheng..."

"Yes, haha, sure, I didn't expect you to be born in Konoha. Let me tell you, I have always yearned for Konoha. Legend has it that this place used to be one of the five great ninja villages..."

Hearing Hinata Mori's words, Hinata Jun showed a proud look.

Although the outside world no longer cares about a small village like Konoha, its history still makes the villagers proud.

Not only that, many people here are the original residents of Konoha back then.

"No, even so, what are you doing with me?"

Hinata Jun suddenly reacted and asked.

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