"You forgot, the little girl still owes you a salary, don't we have a chance to pay back the money if we follow you?"

Mori Kogoro gave a reason that Jun Hinata couldn't refuse.

It's just that Jun Hinata is very puzzled, does Kogoro Mori really have such a conscience, isn't it because he treats him as an ATM.

The food, drink and accommodation along the way are all at the daily standard.

"Daughter did a good job. This way we don't have to be afraid of those debt collectors. We have an expert from Shadow Village to protect us for free, as well as food and drink. It's been a long time since we lived like this..."

Mori Kogoro stretched his waist, showing a relaxed look.

"Dad, but do we really have to pay him back so much money?"

Merlin asked nervously.

After completing Yuuzu's mission, Jun Hinata has learned that depending on the level of the task, the rewards he gets are also different. The task like Yuugi itself is only a D-level, and the salary is only a few hundred thousand.

Of course, such a powerful swordsman appeared in the end, and the lowest level of the task was C level, even B level was fine, but even so, the maximum reward was tens of millions.

The reward of [-] million is the reward that can only be obtained for A-level tasks,

Because of this, Jun Hyuga no longer chased Mao Lilan for so much compensation, and only needed a token of [-].

But they couldn't get them out, and not only that, Mao Lilan's father and daughter also followed him shamelessly, saying that they wanted to pay Hinata Zhun part-time jobs to pay back the money.

At the beginning, Hinata Jun felt a touch of emotion in his heart, feeling that he had misunderstood Kogoro Mori and Ran Mori, and felt that they were all liars.

But when encountering debt collectors on the road and asking for the money owed to Maori's father and daughter, Hinata Jun realized that these two guys simply used themselves as their bodyguards.

Not only that, meals and accommodation are at your own expense.

"I have never seen such a rascal!"

Hearing Hinata Zhun's angry words, Mao Lilan turned cold and quit.

"Hinata, whoever you say is a scoundrel, I told you that you are the one who paid you, but you don't want it!"

Hearing Mao Lilan's words, Hinata Zhun rarely blushed, and turned his head to ignore her.

The reward that Mao Lilan said was herself.

Especially when he climbed into Hinata Zhun's bed that night, he was taken aback by Jun Hinata.

"My daughter is still amazing, but you should just talk about it, and you won't really plan to dedicate yourself..."

Seeing Zhun fleeing in embarrassment, Mori Kogoro raised his thumb, and then asked with an uncertain expression.

Because he saw something wrong with his daughter's expression.

"Hmph, what a coward..."

Hearing his daughter's words, Mori Kogoro's face became a little flustered.

"I won't lose my wife and lose my army this time, should I take my daughter and leave here earlier..."

Chapter 55 Inheriting the Seventh Sense

Jun Hinata has been back to the village for several days, but his father doesn't seem to reveal anything about his ancestors.

"Father, even if you don't like the matter of Su Lengtian's ancestors, it's good to talk about the Minghu family?"

Hearing his son's words, Hyuga Jun's father finally sighed and said, "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but that this secret will inevitably involve a secret of our Hyuga clan..."

Hearing what the old man said, Jun Hinata's eyes lit up and asked, "Could it be that our Hinata clan can really dress up?"

Looking at his over-excited son, as the Hokage of the previous generation, Jun Hinata's father had no choice but to nod.

"What is it, Dad, tell me quickly?"

Hinata Jun asked anxiously.

At the same time, it dawned on him that the ancestor Leng Tian was so powerful, how could he not leave a legacy.

"In fact, our ancestors taught a total of nine disciples back then. Of course, three of them were not counted among them, and Minghu Shazhi was one of them..."

Hearing his father's words, Jun Hinata nodded.

"No wonder they know our acupressure technique, but Dad and the others can acupoint acupuncture without rolling their eyes. Could it be that they have cracked our soft fist?"

Hearing his son's words, the father was so angry that he punched him with his fist.

"Do you think they have the ability?"

"Then how did they learn soft fist, especially the method of acupressure is not inferior to our Hyuga clan?"

"That's because our ancestor, Hinata Lengtian specially modified it for his disciples, and it is specially suitable for ninjas who have no white eyes to learn!"

Hearing his father's words, Jun Hinata stood up in shock.

"Then, doesn't that mean that our Soft Fist has been learned by outsiders, so is there no objection?"

Dad showed a disdainful expression.

"Against, what do you know, the child, the ancestor Leng Tian was already the number one person in the ninja world back then, you tell me that someone dares to object?"

After saying this, the old man continued: "It doesn't matter if you don't talk about those things, since the clan was almost destroyed back then, these things have no meaning to pursue. Let me just say that this senior Minghu Saori, her understanding of ninjutsu is not only In this way, many secret techniques have been developed, one of which is to leave a trace of inheritance from the ancestors of Hyuga Lengtian to our Hyuga clan..."

"Scary, father, you said that the most powerful ancestor Leng Tian in the history of the ninja world left us a legacy, where is it?"

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