Datong Mutao pose was a little surprised and asked: "What should we do, continue to resist?"

"It's just that the pawn below us doesn't know what the fate will be..."

Sheren frowned.

At this time, a powerful suction suddenly appeared in the formation that sealed the moon, frantically taking away the chakra energy from them.

"Taoshi, do you dare to bet with me?"

Sheren said suddenly.

"Go ahead!"

Tao Shi and Sheren have been fighting for two hundred years, and they didn't reconcile until the last hundred years. In fact, they discovered that their ability is not as good as that of Sheren.

"Let go of Chakra and let this large formation absorb it. I have an intuition that this is beneficial to us..."

"You mean the synchronization with that kid?"

Tao asked tentatively.

Otsutsuki Tonero's eyes have surpassed Momoji's eyes.

Although he doesn't have reincarnation eyes, under those reincarnation eyes, the big tube wooden peach pose always feels like sheren has the future in his hands.

"Even if we resist this large formation, it will hardly be of much use. Instead, let's see what the backhand left behind by Hyuga Lengtian is for!"

Sheren didn't say it clearly, but just looked at the sky lightly...

"Okay, I'll bet on it!"



Two powerful chakras, one red and one basket, were aroused from Datong Musheren and Datong Mutaoshi, and were sucked into the formation.

Slowly, an eye suddenly appeared on the surface of the moon. What kind of eye is that?

It looks like the eyes of Yin Yang and Tai Chi, the left side is the reincarnation eye, and the right side is actually the reincarnation eye.

One eye actually appeared in two different shapes.


At this moment, Jun Hinata at the bottom of the lake could see clearly.

At the same time, a burst of moonlight shone here and onto the lake.

The patriarch Hyuga and Minghu Yucheng on the top backed away in surprise.

Especially Hinata Jun's father, murmured: "It's started, the inheritance has begun, it depends on Hinata Jun's good fortune..."


At this moment, the entire bottom of the lake is surrounded by the moonlight.

Jun Hinata, who had difficulty breathing, suddenly found himself falling into a space.

No, he seemed to be looking at himself below from an angle from above.

It's like one's own eyes hanging high in the night sky.

"This, what's going on..."

If Jun Hinata can see his eyes at this moment, he will find that his eyes are spinning at a high speed, and it seems that a slight change has begun to take place, which is the sign of turning on Tenseiken.

What Hyuga Lengtian left to future generations is not only an inheritance of comprehending the seventh sense, but also an opportunity for Baiyan to evolve.

In a distant place, a mysterious person looked up at the sky.

"It's a disgusting feeling. It seems that there is a god who controls the earth looking down on the world. Who has such a powerful power..."

"Master Phantom, what did you call me for?"

At this time, a female voice came from his hand,

"Shadow is going to help me monitor a person, I want his information..."

Phantom threw out a piece of information, and the photo on it was Jun Hinata!

Chapter 59 Jiufen Inheritance

After Hinata Jun stepped out of the lake, Zhun's father felt that his son had changed a lot.

He couldn't say exactly how to say it, but he felt that his son had changed from head to toe.

Jun Hinata couldn't say what specific changes had occurred, but one thing was that the five senses were more acute than before.

Flowers and trees, at a glance, it seems that you can not only see them but also feel their vitality.

"It's a wonderful feeling. Is this the seventh sense that the ancestors said?"

Three days have passed since Jun Hyuga accepted the inheritance.

In the past three days, he found that he had changed a lot from the past, and he was discovering new things every day.

What I saw and touched before seems to have changed.

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