"This is the power of the seventh sense. I believe that even if someone on the other side wants to attack you, maybe you can feel his way one step ahead!"

Minghu Orange was not so surprised by this.

"The seventh sense is also recorded in the notes of our ancestors. It is said that Mr. Leng Tian also wanted to teach the ancestors of Sazhi, but it is not so easy to achieve the seventh sense. Although the ancestors could not achieve it, they promoted some to the seventh This is what we have to do, and when someone from the Hyuga Clan really reaches the seventh sense, we will hand over this note and tell you that there is still a inheritance..."

"What, is there another inheritance?"

Hinata Jun asked in surprise.

The prospective father was also very surprised when he came back.

"Yes, it's just that we don't have a grasp of this inheritance. We only know that it is in the hands of the Qianshou Clan. It is rumored that it was left to the Qianshou Clan by Senior Leng Tian back then. I just don't know if the Qianshou Clan in Konoha still knows this secret. ..."

"People from the Thousand Hands Clan?"

Hearing Xiangcheng's words, Zhun and his father looked at each other and thought of one person, and that was Lizi.

Reiko didn't show her chakra at the beginning, but suddenly she had it one day, and it was very powerful.

"Could it be because Lizi got that inheritance?"

Hinata Jun asked.

"Well, it should be. They can appear ninjas in every generation of the Qianshou clan. I thought it was strange at the beginning. Even other famous families in the ninja world cannot guarantee it, but it is really strange that they can appear in this generation. It turns out that It was the ancestors who left a legacy on Qianshou's side..."

"Father, then..."

"Don't ask this first, I need to ask the old man, after all, this is something from the Qianshou family, we shouldn't make up our minds!"

Zhun nodded, it would be better to get this inheritance, and it would be a pity not to get it.

Suddenly, Zhun seemed to think of something and asked: "How many inheritances have our ancestors left behind? Is Minghu's acupuncture point also one of the inheritances?"

Xiangcheng nodded and said: "I also learned from my father recently that it is rumored that Senior Leng Tian has left nine inheritances in this world, and acupuncture is one of them. And a note about the seventh sense, Hinata and Senju each have a copy, there are rumors that there is one in Yingcun, and another is about the Uchiha clan, as for the others, we have no news..."

"Wow, there are so many left?"

It was the first time that Zhun and his father knew about this.

At the same time, Zhun complained in a low voice: "Why don't you leave more for your family..."

"Hehe, sure, senior Leng Tian gave the seventh sense to the Hyuga clan. This is his most powerful inheritance. You should have seen the power of the seventh sense..."

Yuu asked.

"No, it's just the feeling of time, the five senses, and some changes in the flowers and plants before..."

Hearing the right words, Yucheng shook her head helplessly.

"You really don't know your blessings in Baoshan, take it!"

Saying that, Yucheng gave Zhun a note.

"This is about the seventh sense, please take a good look..."

Chapter 60 The Mystery of the Seventh Sense

After getting Minghu Saori's notes, Jun Hinata began to look carefully.

In fact, Hinata Lengtian had already made it very clear about the seventh sense.

In fact, the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan is a manifestation of a pseudo-seventh sense.

In Saori's notes, she recorded the discussion between her and the teacher in detail.

"In fact, the time we know now is not real time."

Just the first sentence at the beginning made Jun Hinata very difficult to understand.

Time, the seventh sense is time, shouldn’t it refer to feeling? It’s like the five senses, smell, hearing, sight, touch, etc...

Jun Hinata continued to read.

"Time is not absolute, everyone has an unknown organ to sense the existence of time, but everyone's sense of time is different.

It's as if everyone is in two closed small secret rooms, one person has something to do, there is plenty of sunshine, wind...

And in a house there is nothing.

After three days, people in a house with nothing will feel that the time is very long.

He may feel that four or five days have passed, or even longer, and this perceived time is controlled by an unknown organ.

This organ is mainly stimulated by the first six senses, which is the seventh sense.

People who awaken the seventh sense can realize that one flower is a lifetime, trance-like yesterday.

This is to control the form of the seventh sense. In this regard, Uchiha's Kaleidoscope Sharingan technique is somewhat similar to Tsukuyomi.

It is precisely because people cannot perceive the seventh sense, so after being under the illusion, they cannot be unraveled.

The seventh sense is not actually in the body, but it still exists.

It does not exist in the body, because it cannot be felt by human perception.

It exists because as long as you comprehend the seventh sense, time and space will change in your eyes and enter your control.

There were very few conversations between Leng Tian and Saori, but the things introduced made Jun Hinata suddenly realize.

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