In fact, whether it was Bai Fang or Leng Tian, ​​they were able to enter the seventh sense. The most fundamental reason was that they discovered the essence of the sharingan sharingan of the Uchiha clan.

This is even better than Madara and Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Even if they have instructions on how to use the seventh sense, they are still only users, not really in control.

They don't understand what their Sharingan is.

Just think of it as a powerful ninjutsu.

On this point, after Leng Tian entered the seventh sense, he was not afraid of Yuedu at all.

Monthly reading is like the above example, allowing you to enter a time where you can't feel the so-called time.

But the cold weather has reached the seventh sense, and the time in the monthly reading is nothing more than standing outside and watching the scene inside the house for him.

So no matter what kind of illusion, Leng Tian can solve it in an instant.

After that, Leng Tian also told Saori the same, and even thought about letting Sasuke mother and son enter the essence at the same time.

After all, the Uchiha clan has the seventh sense to discover the body better than other people.

But later, Leng Tian discovered that it was not so easy, unless he had the same ability as him, inner vision.

Only the Uchiha clan can do it.

Similarly, if you have Baiyan and Sharingan, you can have the opportunity to enter this field.

The strength that can be displayed in this field is simply not what other five senses can do.

What is elevated is not strength, but life, energy, and spiritual level.

"I see……"

Jun Hinata finally understands what it means to have another self in his eyes...

Chapter 61 new tasks

"Lizi, why are you here!"

Just when Jun Hinata had been exploring the seventh sense of mastery, Reiko Senju arrived.

"The task Ying gave you..."

Lizi didn't talk nonsense, and directly threw Zhun a new task.

"No way, I was actually asked to destroy a den that manufactures electrical weapons..."

He never expected that his new mission would be to destroy the base of the four murderers.

"It's really difficult, so this time Shadow Village gave you two helpers..."

Speaking of this, Lizi pointed to herself with a smile on her face.

"Save you, forget it..."

Seeing Reiko's actions, Jun Hinata said very worriedly.

"Hmph, try saying it again..."

Reiko was very angry.

"Let you see my growing strength in the film school this year!"

Reiko quickly made seals, and a vine suddenly emerged from Hinata's feet.

It's just that Jun Hinata seems to have noticed it a long time ago, and the moment the tree and vine came out, he had already avoided it.


Reiko was taken aback, she didn't notice any sign of Jun Hinata using chakra just now.

"Could it be that you avoided it just now with physical skills?"

This surprised Reiko.

It is not uncommon to know that it is not uncommon to avoid her ninjutsu, but the first point is to use Chakra, so that you can react instantly when the tree vines attack.

However, Jun Hinata actually used Taijutsu. This is not something that can be done with a quick reaction, it should have been expected.

It's just that the timing was too accurate.

"It must be a coincidence!"

Reiko didn't believe that she could avoid her own ninjutsu without relying on ninjutsu.

No wonder Lizi didn't believe it.

In fact, in the ninja world, it is not uncommon to be able to avoid the opponent's ninjutsu.

Just have faster reflexes.

However, the speed and timing of ninjutsu are unpredictable, and only when ninjutsu appears can they react.

And use instant body technique or other ninjutsu to avoid or counteract.

There are also some ninjas who can observe the opponent's ninjutsu moves in advance based on experience, and take corresponding measures.

But these are experienced ninjas, Jun Hinata is not one of them.

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